Opaque (i.e., encrypted) payment card sent via client-side push provisioning. It is deliberately named to be similar to the Opaque Payment Card that is already passed through client-side push provisioning to Token Service Providers for the purpose of tokenization.
Here's an example of a clear text JSON request:
"protocolHeader": {
"version": 1
"validationContext": {
"serverSessionId": "GoogleSession123"
"paymentCard": {
"accountNumber": "4321123412341234",
"expiryMonth": "12",
"expiryYear": "29"
The underlying JSON representation of the
is encrypted and signed in accordance with the OpenPGP specification defined in RFC 4880, and then a non-URL-safe Base64 encoding is applied to the encrypted bytes, in accordance with RFC 4648, section 4, with the encoded output being represented as a byte array.
Below is sample Java server code for generating a Google OPC, starting from a
that contains the underlying JSON representation. Here, the java.util.Base64 class is used to accomplish the Base64 encoding.
String googleOpcJson =
+ " \"protocolHeader\": {"
+ " \"version\": 1"
+ " },"
+ " \"validationContext\": {"
+ " \"serverSessionId\": \"GoogleSession123\""
+ " },"
+ " \"paymentCard\": {"
+ " \"accountNumber\": \"4321123412341234\","
+ " \"expiryMonth\": \"12\","
+ " \"expiryYear\": \"29\""
+ " }"
+ "}";
byte[] googleOpcSignedAndEncryptedBytes =
googleOpcJson, issuerPrivateSigningKey,
// This Base64 encoded byte array is the final representation of the
// Google OPC that should be
// returned to the Android or Web client.
byte[] googleOpcBase64Bytes = Base64.
JSON representation |
{ "protocolHeader": { object ( |
Fields | |
protocol |
REQUIRED: A header for this message. |
validation |
REQUIRED: Context for the push that can be verified. |
payment |
REQUIRED: Payment card details. |
Header object that includes protocol layer fields.
JSON representation |
{ "version": string } |
Fields | |
version |
REQUIRED: The version of the JSON API spec used to construct this Google Opaque Payment Card object. The current version will be provided by Google and will change at Google's discretion, but generally only for major (i.e., breaking) changes. |
Fields that allow Google to validate the push is valid in the given context, for example the expected destination. This information will be compared to other unsigned information for consistency.
JSON representation |
{ // Union field |
Fields | |
Union field intended_destination . REQUIRED: The intended "destination" of the push, for validation purposes. Only one destination should be supplied. intended_destination can be only one of the following: |
server |
A push provisioning session ID in the form of a UUID generated by a Google server. The destination user is implied by the session. |
Description of a payment card account (i.e., credit card, debit card, charge card).
JSON representation |
{ "accountNumber": string, "expiryMonth": string, "expiryYear": string } |
Fields | |
account |
REQUIRED: The account number itself (i.e., the FPAN). |
expiry |
REQUIRED: Expiration month, formatted |
expiry |
REQUIRED: Expiration year, formatted |