C++ Reference: class SwapIndexPairOperator

Note: This documentation is automatically generated.

Operator which iterates through each alternative of a set of pairs. If a pair has n and m alternatives, n.m alternatives will be explored. Possible neighbors for the path 1 -> A -> a -> 2 (where (1, 2) are first and last nodes of a path and A has B, C as alternatives and a has b as alternative): 1 -> A -> [b] -> 2 1 -> [B] -> a -> 2 1 -> [B] -> [b] -> 2 1 -> [C] -> a -> 2 1 -> [C] -> [b] -> 2

Return type: std::string


Return type: bool

Arguments: Assignment* delta, Assignment* deltadelta


Return type: void


Arguments: const std::vector<IntVar*>& vars, const std::vector<IntVar*>& path_vars, std::function<int(int64_t)> start_empty_path_class, const RoutingIndexPairs& index_pairs
