C++ Reference: class KnapsackSolverForCuts

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   ----- KnapsackSolverForCuts -----
KnapsackSolverForCuts is the one-dimensional knapsack solver class. In the current implementation, the next item to assign is given by the primary propagator. Using SetPrimaryPropagator allows changing the default (propagator of the first dimension).

Return type: bool

Arguments: int item_id

Returns true if the item 'item_id' is packed in the optimal knapsack.


Return type: void

Arguments: int item_id, bool is_item_in, double* lower_bound, double* upper_bound

Gets the lower and the upper bound when the item is in or out of the knapsack. To ensure objects are correctly initialized, this method should not be called before Init().


Return type: const std::string&


Return type: int


Return type: double

Get the best upper bound found so far.


Return type: void

Arguments: const std::vector<double>& profits, const std::vector<double>& weights, const double capacity

Initializes the solver and enters the problem to be solved.


Return type: explicit

Arguments: std::string solver_name


Arguments: const KnapsackSolverForCuts&) = delete; KnapsackSolverForCuts& operator=(const KnapsackSolverForCuts&) = delete; // Initializes the solver and enters the problem to be solved. void Init(const std::vector<double>& profits, const std::vector<double>& weights, const double capacity


Return type: void

Arguments: const int64_t node_limit

Stops the knapsack solver after processing 'node_limit' nodes.


Return type: void

Arguments: const double solution_lower_bound_threshold

The solver stops if a solution with profit better than 'solution_lower_bound_threshold' is found.


Return type: void

Arguments: const double solution_upper_bound_threshold

The solver stops if the upper bound on profit drops below 'solution_upper_bound_threshold'.


Return type: double

Arguments: TimeLimit* time_limit, bool* is_solution_optimal

Solves the problem and returns the profit of the best solution found.