Promoting GCI

Please help raise awareness of GCI to 13-17 year olds across the world. If you know people that are teachers or anyone involved in other communities that may reach pre-university students please spread the word about the program. Below is a sample short snippet you can send to folks (you can add additional details as you see fit).

Sample email snippet:

I wanted to contact you personally to tell you about the start of Google Code-in, a global, online contest introducing 13-17 year old pre-university students to open source software development. The contest starts on Monday, December 2nd. Prizes include certificates, t-shirts, and jackets. Two grand prize winners from each organization will win a trip to Google headquarters in California, USA next summer for themselves and a parent or legal guardian.

Over the past 9 years 11,000+ students from 108 countries have completed over 55,000 open source tasks in the contest. We expect this year to be the largest contest yet and would appreciate your help to spread the word to local students.

You can learn more about the details of the contest and the open source organizations students can work with by visiting the contest site and reviewing the Contest Rules, timeline and FAQs. Additional flyers and slide decks are available.

Thanks in advance for your help. If you have any questions about the GCI contest please contact me or the GCI program administrators at gci-