
デバイス間で接続が確立されると、Payload オブジェクトを送受信してデータを交換できます。Payload は、単純なテキスト メッセージなどの単純なバイト配列、写真や動画などのファイル、デバイスのマイクからの音声ストリームなどのストリームを表します。

ペイロードは、sendPayload() メソッドを使用して送信されます。PayloadCallback の実装で受信し、接続を管理するで説明したように acceptConnection() に渡します。



バイト ペイロードは最もシンプルなペイロード タイプです。これらは、最大サイズの Connections.MAX_BYTES_DATA_SIZE までのメッセージやメタデータなどの単純なデータを送信する場合に適しています。BYTES ペイロードを送信する例を次に示します。

Payload bytesPayload = Payload.fromBytes(new byte[] {0xa, 0xb, 0xc, 0xd});
Nearby.getConnectionsClient(context).sendPayload(toEndpointId, bytesPayload);

acceptConnection() に渡した PayloadCallbackonPayloadReceived() メソッドを実装して、BYTES ペイロードを受信します。

static class ReceiveBytesPayloadListener extends PayloadCallback {

  public void onPayloadReceived(String endpointId, Payload payload) {
    // This always gets the full data of the payload. Is null if it's not a BYTES payload.
    if (payload.getType() == Payload.Type.BYTES) {
      byte[] receivedBytes = payload.asBytes();

  public void onPayloadTransferUpdate(String endpointId, PayloadTransferUpdate update) {
    // Bytes payloads are sent as a single chunk, so you'll receive a SUCCESS update immediately
    // after the call to onPayloadReceived().

FILE ペイロードや STREAM ペイロードとは異なり、BYTES ペイロードは単一のチャンクとして送信されるため、SUCCESS の更新を待つ必要はありません(ただし、onPayloadReceived() を呼び出した直後も配信されます)。代わりに、payload.asBytes() を安全に呼び出し、onPayloadReceived() が呼び出されるとすぐに完全なデータを取得できます。


ファイル ペイロードは、写真や動画ファイルなど、ローカル デバイスに保存されているファイルから作成されます。FILE ペイロードを送信する単純な例を次に示します。

File fileToSend = new File(context.getFilesDir(), "hello.txt");
try {
  Payload filePayload = Payload.fromFile(fileToSend);
  Nearby.getConnectionsClient(context).sendPayload(toEndpointId, filePayload);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
  Log.e("MyApp", "File not found", e);

ContentResolver などから利用できる FILES ペイロードがある場合は、ParcelFileDescriptor を使用して作成する方が効率的です。これにより、ファイルのバイトコピーを最小限に抑えることができます。

ParcelFileDescriptor pfd = getContentResolver().openFileDescriptor(uri, "r");
filePayload = Payload.fromFile(pfd);

受信したファイルは、受信者のデバイスのダウンロード フォルダ(DIRECTORY_DOWNLOADS)に汎用的な名前で保存され、拡張子は付きません。転送が完了したら(PayloadTransferUpdate.Status.SUCCESS を使用して onPayloadTransferUpdate() の呼び出しが示されます)、アプリが Q 以外のデバイスをターゲットにしている場合、次のように File オブジェクトを取得できます。

File payloadFile = filePayload.asFile().asJavaFile();

// Rename the file.
payloadFile.renameTo(new File(payloadFile.getParentFile(), filename));

アプリが Q デバイスを対象としている場合は、マニフェストの application 要素に android:requestLegacyExternalStorage="true" を追加して、引き続き前のコードを使用できます。 それ以外の場合、Q+ では Scoped Storage ルールに従い、サービスから渡された URI を使用して受信ファイルにアクセスする必要があります。

// Because of https://developer.android.com/preview/privacy/scoped-storage, we are not
// allowed to access filepaths from another process directly. Instead, we must open the
// uri using our ContentResolver.
Uri uri = filePayload.asFile().asUri();
try {
  // Copy the file to a new location.
  InputStream in = context.getContentResolver().openInputStream(uri);
  copyStream(in, new FileOutputStream(new File(context.getCacheDir(), filename)));
} catch (IOException e) {
  // Log the error.
} finally {
  // Delete the original file.
  context.getContentResolver().delete(uri, null, null);

次の複雑な例では、ACTION_OPEN_DOCUMENT インテントによって、ユーザーにファイルの選択を求めるプロンプトが表示され、ファイルが ParcelFileDescriptor を使用して効率的にペイロードとして送信されます。ファイル名も BYTES ペイロードとして送信されます。

private static final int READ_REQUEST_CODE = 42;
private static final String ENDPOINT_ID_EXTRA = "com.foo.myapp.EndpointId";

 * Fires an intent to spin up the file chooser UI and select an image for sending to endpointId.
private void showImageChooser(String endpointId) {
  Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_OPEN_DOCUMENT);
  intent.putExtra(ENDPOINT_ID_EXTRA, endpointId);
  startActivityForResult(intent, READ_REQUEST_CODE);

public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent resultData) {
  super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, resultData);
  if (requestCode == READ_REQUEST_CODE
      && resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK
      && resultData != null) {
    String endpointId = resultData.getStringExtra(ENDPOINT_ID_EXTRA);

    // The URI of the file selected by the user.
    Uri uri = resultData.getData();

    Payload filePayload;
    try {
      // Open the ParcelFileDescriptor for this URI with read access.
      ParcelFileDescriptor pfd = getContentResolver().openFileDescriptor(uri, "r");
      filePayload = Payload.fromFile(pfd);
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
      Log.e("MyApp", "File not found", e);

    // Construct a simple message mapping the ID of the file payload to the desired filename.
    String filenameMessage = filePayload.getId() + ":" + uri.getLastPathSegment();

    // Send the filename message as a bytes payload.
    Payload filenameBytesPayload =
    Nearby.getConnectionsClient(context).sendPayload(endpointId, filenameBytesPayload);

    // Finally, send the file payload.
    Nearby.getConnectionsClient(context).sendPayload(endpointId, filePayload);


static class ReceiveFilePayloadCallback extends PayloadCallback {
  private final Context context;
  private final SimpleArrayMap<Long, Payload> incomingFilePayloads = new SimpleArrayMap<>();
  private final SimpleArrayMap<Long, Payload> completedFilePayloads = new SimpleArrayMap<>();
  private final SimpleArrayMap<Long, String> filePayloadFilenames = new SimpleArrayMap<>();

  public ReceiveFilePayloadCallback(Context context) {
    this.context = context;

  public void onPayloadReceived(String endpointId, Payload payload) {
    if (payload.getType() == Payload.Type.BYTES) {
      String payloadFilenameMessage = new String(payload.asBytes(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
      long payloadId = addPayloadFilename(payloadFilenameMessage);
    } else if (payload.getType() == Payload.Type.FILE) {
      // Add this to our tracking map, so that we can retrieve the payload later.
      incomingFilePayloads.put(payload.getId(), payload);

   * Extracts the payloadId and filename from the message and stores it in the
   * filePayloadFilenames map. The format is payloadId:filename.
  private long addPayloadFilename(String payloadFilenameMessage) {
    String[] parts = payloadFilenameMessage.split(":");
    long payloadId = Long.parseLong(parts[0]);
    String filename = parts[1];
    filePayloadFilenames.put(payloadId, filename);
    return payloadId;

  private void processFilePayload(long payloadId) {
    // BYTES and FILE could be received in any order, so we call when either the BYTES or the FILE
    // payload is completely received. The file payload is considered complete only when both have
    // been received.
    Payload filePayload = completedFilePayloads.get(payloadId);
    String filename = filePayloadFilenames.get(payloadId);
    if (filePayload != null && filename != null) {

      // Get the received file (which will be in the Downloads folder)
      // Because of https://developer.android.com/preview/privacy/scoped-storage, we are not
      // allowed to access filepaths from another process directly. Instead, we must open the
      // uri using our ContentResolver.
      Uri uri = filePayload.asFile().asUri();
      try {
        // Copy the file to a new location.
        InputStream in = context.getContentResolver().openInputStream(uri);
        copyStream(in, new FileOutputStream(new File(context.getCacheDir(), filename)));
      } catch (IOException e) {
        // Log the error.
      } finally {
        // Delete the original file.
        context.getContentResolver().delete(uri, null, null);

  // add removed tag back to fix b/183037922
  private void processFilePayload2(long payloadId) {
    // BYTES and FILE could be received in any order, so we call when either the BYTES or the FILE
    // payload is completely received. The file payload is considered complete only when both have
    // been received.
    Payload filePayload = completedFilePayloads.get(payloadId);
    String filename = filePayloadFilenames.get(payloadId);
    if (filePayload != null && filename != null) {

      // Get the received file (which will be in the Downloads folder)
        // Because of https://developer.android.com/preview/privacy/scoped-storage, we are not
        // allowed to access filepaths from another process directly. Instead, we must open the
        // uri using our ContentResolver.
        Uri uri = filePayload.asFile().asUri();
        try {
          // Copy the file to a new location.
          InputStream in = context.getContentResolver().openInputStream(uri);
          copyStream(in, new FileOutputStream(new File(context.getCacheDir(), filename)));
        } catch (IOException e) {
          // Log the error.
        } finally {
          // Delete the original file.
          context.getContentResolver().delete(uri, null, null);
      } else {
        File payloadFile = filePayload.asFile().asJavaFile();

        // Rename the file.
        payloadFile.renameTo(new File(payloadFile.getParentFile(), filename));

  public void onPayloadTransferUpdate(String endpointId, PayloadTransferUpdate update) {
    if (update.getStatus() == PayloadTransferUpdate.Status.SUCCESS) {
      long payloadId = update.getPayloadId();
      Payload payload = incomingFilePayloads.remove(payloadId);
      completedFilePayloads.put(payloadId, payload);
      if (payload.getType() == Payload.Type.FILE) {

  /** Copies a stream from one location to another. */
  private static void copyStream(InputStream in, OutputStream out) throws IOException {
    try {
      byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
      int read;
      while ((read = in.read(buffer)) != -1) {
        out.write(buffer, 0, read);
    } finally {


ストリーム ペイロードは、オーディオ ストリームなど、生成される大量のデータをその場で送信する場合に適しています。Payload.fromStream() を呼び出して InputStream または ParcelFileDescriptor を渡し、STREAM ペイロードを作成します。例:

URL url = new URL("https://developers.google.com/nearby/connections/android/exchange-data");
Payload streamPayload = Payload.fromStream(url.openStream());
Nearby.getConnectionsClient(context).sendPayload(toEndpointId, streamPayload);

受信者で、正常な onPayloadTransferUpdate コールバックで payload.asStream().asInputStream() または payload.asStream().asParcelFileDescriptor() を呼び出します。

static class ReceiveStreamPayloadCallback extends PayloadCallback {
  private final SimpleArrayMap<Long, Thread> backgroundThreads = new SimpleArrayMap<>();

  private static final long READ_STREAM_IN_BG_TIMEOUT = 5000;

  public void onPayloadTransferUpdate(String endpointId, PayloadTransferUpdate update) {
    if (backgroundThreads.containsKey(update.getPayloadId())
        && update.getStatus() != PayloadTransferUpdate.Status.IN_PROGRESS) {

  public void onPayloadReceived(String endpointId, Payload payload) {
    if (payload.getType() == Payload.Type.STREAM) {
      // Read the available bytes in a while loop to free the stream pipe in time. Otherwise, the
      // bytes will block the pipe and slow down the throughput.
      Thread backgroundThread =
          new Thread() {
            public void run() {
              InputStream inputStream = payload.asStream().asInputStream();
              long lastRead = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
              while (!Thread.interrupted()) {
                if ((SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - lastRead) >= READ_STREAM_IN_BG_TIMEOUT) {
                  Log.e("MyApp", "Read data from stream but timed out.");

                try {
                  int availableBytes = inputStream.available();
                  if (availableBytes > 0) {
                    byte[] bytes = new byte[availableBytes];
                    if (inputStream.read(bytes) == availableBytes) {
                      lastRead = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
                      // Do something with is here...
                  } else {
                    // Sleep or just continue.
                } catch (IOException e) {
                  Log.e("MyApp", "Failed to read bytes from InputStream.", e);
                } // try-catch
              } // while
      backgroundThreads.put(payload.getId(), backgroundThread);


同じタイプのペイロードは、送信された順序で届くことが保証されますが、異なるタイプのペイロード間で順序が保持される保証はありません。たとえば、送信者が FILE ペイロード、続いて BYTE ペイロードを送信する場合、レシーバーは最初に BYTE ペイロード、次に FILE ペイロードを取得できます。


onPayloadTransferUpdate() メソッドは、受信ペイロードと送信ペイロードの両方の進捗状況を更新します。どちらの場合も、進行状況バーなど、転送の進行状況をユーザーに表示できます。受信ペイロードの場合、最新情報は新しいデータが受信されたタイミングも示します。


class ReceiveWithProgressCallback extends PayloadCallback {
  private final SimpleArrayMap<Long, NotificationCompat.Builder> incomingPayloads =
      new SimpleArrayMap<>();
  private final SimpleArrayMap<Long, NotificationCompat.Builder> outgoingPayloads =
      new SimpleArrayMap<>();

  NotificationManager notificationManager =
      (NotificationManager) context.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);

  private void sendPayload(String endpointId, Payload payload) {
    if (payload.getType() == Payload.Type.BYTES) {
      // No need to track progress for bytes.

    // Build and start showing the notification.
    NotificationCompat.Builder notification = buildNotification(payload, /*isIncoming=*/ false);
    notificationManager.notify((int) payload.getId(), notification.build());

    // Add it to the tracking list so we can update it.
    outgoingPayloads.put(payload.getId(), notification);

  private NotificationCompat.Builder buildNotification(Payload payload, boolean isIncoming) {
    NotificationCompat.Builder notification =
        new NotificationCompat.Builder(context)
            .setContentTitle(isIncoming ? "Receiving..." : "Sending...");
    boolean indeterminate = false;
    if (payload.getType() == Payload.Type.STREAM) {
      // We can only show indeterminate progress for stream payloads.
      indeterminate = true;
    notification.setProgress(100, 0, indeterminate);
    return notification;

  public void onPayloadReceived(String endpointId, Payload payload) {
    if (payload.getType() == Payload.Type.BYTES) {
      // No need to track progress for bytes.

    // Build and start showing the notification.
    NotificationCompat.Builder notification = buildNotification(payload, true /*isIncoming*/);
    notificationManager.notify((int) payload.getId(), notification.build());

    // Add it to the tracking list so we can update it.
    incomingPayloads.put(payload.getId(), notification);

  public void onPayloadTransferUpdate(String endpointId, PayloadTransferUpdate update) {
    long payloadId = update.getPayloadId();
    NotificationCompat.Builder notification = null;
    if (incomingPayloads.containsKey(payloadId)) {
      notification = incomingPayloads.get(payloadId);
      if (update.getStatus() != PayloadTransferUpdate.Status.IN_PROGRESS) {
        // This is the last update, so we no longer need to keep track of this notification.
    } else if (outgoingPayloads.containsKey(payloadId)) {
      notification = outgoingPayloads.get(payloadId);
      if (update.getStatus() != PayloadTransferUpdate.Status.IN_PROGRESS) {
        // This is the last update, so we no longer need to keep track of this notification.

    if (notification == null) {

    switch (update.getStatus()) {
      case PayloadTransferUpdate.Status.IN_PROGRESS:
        long size = update.getTotalBytes();
        if (size == -1) {
          // This is a stream payload, so we don't need to update anything at this point.
        int percentTransferred =
            (int) (100.0 * (update.getBytesTransferred() / (double) update.getTotalBytes()));
        notification.setProgress(100, percentTransferred, /* indeterminate= */ false);
      case PayloadTransferUpdate.Status.SUCCESS:
        // SUCCESS always means that we transferred 100%.
            .setProgress(100, 100, /* indeterminate= */ false)
            .setContentText("Transfer complete!");
      case PayloadTransferUpdate.Status.FAILURE:
      case PayloadTransferUpdate.Status.CANCELED:
        notification.setProgress(0, 0, false).setContentText("Transfer failed");
        // Unknown status.

    notificationManager.notify((int) payloadId, notification.build());