Looker Studio Community Component (dscc) library reference

Overview of the API

dscc (Looker Studio Community Component) is a library to help with building community components for Looker Studio. The source code can be found on GitHub.

dscc exposes three functions: getWidth(), getHeight(), and subscribeToData().


Name Parameters Return Type Description
getWidth() None number Returns the width of the iframe, in pixels

Using getWidth()

// to get the width of the iframe
var width = dscc.getWidth();


Name Parameters Return Type Description
getHeight() None int Returns the height of the iframe, in pixels

Using getHeight()

// to get the height of the iframe
var height = dscc.getHeight();


The sendInteraction() function sends a message to Looker Studio with the data for a filter.


Name Type Description
actionID string The string that corresponds to the actionId in the config
interaction enum(InteractionType) Tells Looker Studio about the interaction
data object(InteractionData) Provides the required data for an interaction


Currently, the only valid InteractionType is FILTER.

Name Type Description
dscc.InteractionType.FILTER Enum Describes the FILTER interaction

Using sendInteraction

// the actionID can either be hardcoded or parsed from the returned data
var actionId = "interactionConfigId";

// dscc provides enums for the interaction types
var FILTER = dscc.InteractionType.FILTER;

var fieldID = "qt_m9dtntutsb";
var dataValue = "Asia";

// sendInteraction expects data that tells you the concepts and the values of
// those concepts to use in constructing a filter.
var interactionData = {
  "concepts": [fieldId],
  "values": [[dataValue]]

dscc.sendInteraction(actionId, FILTER, interactionData);


var interactionData = {
  "concepts": array(fieldId),
  "values": array(array(dataValue))
Field Type Description
concepts Array Array of fieldIds
values Array<Array> Nested array of data values. Each subarray should be the length of the concepts array. Each value in the subarray corresponds to a dimension value.

Sample interactionData:

var interactionData = {
  "concepts": ["dim1Id", "dim2Id"],
  "values": [
    ["dim1Val1", "dim2Val1"],
    ["dim1Val2", "dim2Val2"]

Using dscc.sendInteraction with the above interactionData is equivalent to the following SQL statement:

  (dim1 == dim1Val1 AND dim2 == dim2Val1)
  (dim1 == dim1Val2 AND dim2 == dim2Val2);


The clearInteraction() function sends an message to Looker Studio to clear a filter previously set by this visualization.


Name Type Description
actionID string The string that corresponds to the actionId in the config
interaction enum(InteractionType) Tells Looker Studio about the interaction

Using clearInteraction()

// the actionID can either be hardcoded or parsed from the returned data
var actionId = "interactionConfigId";

// dscc provides enums for the interaction types
var FILTER = dscc.InteractionType.FILTER;

dscc.clearInteraction(actionId, FILTER);

subscribeToData(callback, options)

The subscribeToData() function subscribes to messages from Looker Studio.


Name Type Description
callback(data) function A function that takes the data returned by subscribeToData.
options object Defines the desired data return format

The options object looks like:

  transform: dscc.tableTransform | dscc.objectTransform

Return value:

Type Description
function Unsubscribes callback from further messages from Looker Studio

Using subscribeToData()

// define and use a callback
var unsubscribe = dscc.subscribeToData(function(data){
  // console.log the returned data
}, {transform: dscc.tableTransform});

// to unsubscribe



This is the object passed to the callback registered with dscc.subscribeToData. These following are the fields that are shared between dscc.objectFormat and dscc.tableFormat.

  fields: object(fieldsByConfigId),
  style: object(styleById),
  interactions: object(interactionsById),
  theme: object(themeStyle),
  tables: object(tablesById),
  dateRanges: object(dateRangesById)
Field Type Description
fields object(fieldsByConfigId) An object that contains fields indexed by their configId
style object(styleById) An object that contains style objects indexed by their configId
interactions object(interactionsById) An object that contains interaction objects
theme themeStyle A themeStyle object that contains theme styling information for the report
tables object(tablesById) An object that contains tableObjects
dateRanges object(dateRangesById) An object that contains dateRanges


   configId: array(field)

The fieldsByConfigId object contains arrays of field objects indexed by the "id" defined in the visualization config. There is one entry in this object for each dataField defined in the config.

Field Type Description
configId Array<field> An array of field(s) associated with the dataField


  id: fieldId,
  name: string,
  description: string,
  type: fieldType,
  concept: enum(conceptType)

The field object provides information about the field that the user selects in the property panel.

Field Type Description
id string The Looker Studio generated ID for the field
name string The human-readable field name
description string The description of the field
type enum(fieldType) The semanticType of the field
concept enum(conceptType) The conceptType of the field


   configId: styleValue

The styleById object provides style information indexed by the "id" defined in the visualization config.

Field Type Description
configId styleValue An object that contains the style value and the config-defined default style value


  value: string | object | bool | number,
  defaultValue: string | object | bool | number

The styleValue object provides both the user-selected style value and the default value defined in the config. The type of value and defaultValue depend on the style element.

Field Type Description
value string OR object OR bool OR number The value of the style element returned from user selection in the property panel
defaultValue string OR object OR bool OR number The default value of the style element defined in the visualization config




interactionsById object provides interaction data indexed by the interactionId visualization config.

Index Type Description
configId interaction An object that contains data associated with an interaction


  value: object(interactionValue),
  supportedActions: array(InteractionType)

The interactionField object contains the array of supportedActions defined in the config, as well as the user-selected values for the interaction.

Field Type Description
value string OR object OR bool OR number The value of the style element returned from user selection in the property panel
supportedActions Array<InteractionType> The actions supported by this interaction, as defined in the config


The interactionValue object provides user-selected values for the interaction type. If the data key exists, the InteractionData object reflects the current state of the filter. If the data key does not exist, the visualization is not currently configured as a filter.

  type: enum(InteractionType)
  data: object(interactionData) | None
Field Type Description
type enum(InteractionType) The user-selected InteractionType
data object(InteractionData) The data associated with the current state of the filter. This key does not exist if the filter is currently cleared.


  fillColor: {
    color: string,
    opacity: number
  fontColor: {
    color: string,
    opacity: number
  accentFillColor: {
    color: string,
    opacity: number
  accentFontColor: {
    color: string,
    opacity: number
  fontFamily: string,
  accentFontFamily: string,
  increaseColor: {
    color: string,
    opacity: number
  decreaseColor: {
    color: string,
    opacity: number
  gridColor: {
    color: string,
    opacity: number
  seriesColor: [
      color: string,
      opacity: number

The themeStyle object passes report theme information to the visualization.

Field Type Description
fillColor object An object of the format {color: string, opacity: number}
fontColor object An object of the format {color: string, opacity: number}
accentFillColor object An object of the format {color: string, opacity: number}
accentFontColor object An object of the format {color: string, opacity: number}
fontFamily string A string describing the font family
accentFontFamily string A string describing the accent font family
increaseColor object An object of the format {color: string, opacity: number}
decreaseColor object An object of the format {color: string, opacity: number}
gridColor object An object of the format {color: string, opacity: number}
seriesColor Array<object> An array of objects of the format{color: string, opacity: number}


  "DEFAULT": object(tableObject),
  "COMPARISON": object(tableObject) | undefined

The tableObject provides heading and data information for each row. "DEFAULT" always will return data, and "COMPARISON" will only be populated if the user configures the data with comparison rows.

The format of the tableObject is the only difference between dscc.tableFormat and dscc.objectFormat.

Field Type Description
"DEFAULT" object(tableObject) OR Array<objectRow> The tableObject associated with the data a user adds to a visualization
"COMPARISON" object(tableObject) OR Array<objectRow> The tableObject associated with the date comparison data, if applicable


  "DEFAULT": object(dateRange),
  "COMPARISON": object(dateRange)

The dateRangesById object provides information about default and comparison date ranges. If there are no date ranges, the object will be empty. DEFAULT and COMPARISON will only be populated if the respective date ranges are configured by the user. The data in the date ranges are related to the default and comparison data as defined in tablesById.

Field Type Description
"DEFAULT" object(dateRange) The dateRange associated with the default date range, if applicable.
"COMPARISON" object(dateRange) The dateRange associated with a comparison date range, if applicable.


  start: string,
  end: string

The dateRange object provides information about the start and end dates of a default or comparison date range.

Field Type Description
start string Start date of date range in YYYYMMDD format.
end string End date of date range in YYYYMMDD format.

tableFormat reference


  headers: array(object),
  rows: array(array)
Field Type Description
headers Array An array of fields objects. These field objects additionally have a configId property that corresponds to the IDs from the config.
rows Array<Array> An array of arrays: each array is a row of data

Sample tableFormat data

This is sample data returned by using dscc.subscribeToData() with the option dscc.tableFormat.

  "tables": {
    "DEFAULT": {
      "headers": [{
        "id": "qt_ky8sltutsb",
        "name": "dimension",
        "type": "TEXT",
        "concept": "DIMENSION",
        "configId": "configId1"
      }, {
        "id": "qt_b5bvmtutsb",
        "name": "second dim",
        "type": "TEXT",
        "concept": "DIMENSION"
        "configId": "configId1"
      }, {
        "id": "qt_m9dtntutsb",
        "name": "metric",
        "type": "NUMBER",
        "concept": "METRIC",
        "configId": "configId2"
      "rows": [
        ["Week 4", "lm", 55]
      "headers": [{
        "id": "qt_ky8sltutsb",
        "name": "dimension",
        "type": "TEXT",
        "concept": "DIMENSION",
        "configId": "configId1"
      }, {
        "id": "qt_b5bvmtutsb",
        "name": "second dim",
        "type": "TEXT",
        "concept": "DIMENSION"
        "configId": "configId1"
      }, {
        "id": "qt_m9dtntutsb",
        "name": "metric",
        "type": "NUMBER",
        "concept": "METRIC",
        "configId": "configId2"
      "rows": [
        ["Week 5", "no", 123]
  "fields": {
    "configId1": [
        "id": "qt_ky8sltutsb",
        "name": "week",
        "type": "TEXT",
        "concept": "DIMENSION"
        "id": "qt_b5bvmtutsb",
        "name": "textId",
        "type": "TEXT",
        "concept": "DIMENSION"
    "configId2": [
        "id": "qt_m9dtntutsb",
        "name": "orders",
        "type": "NUMBER",
        "concept": "METRIC"
  "style": {
    "nodeColor": {
      "value": {
        "color": "#000000"
  "theme": {},
  "dateRanges": {
    "DEFAULT": {
      "start": "20210501",
      "end": "20210531"
      "start": "20200501",
      "end": "20200531"
  "interactions": {
    "onClick": {
      "value": {
        "type": "FILTER",
        "data": {
          "concepts": [
          "values": [
      "supportedActions": [

objectFormat reference


  configId1: array(string | bool | number),
  configId2: array(string | bool | number)
Field Type Description
configId array array of values associated with a particular config ID

Sample objectFormat data

This is sample data returned by using dscc.subscribeToData() with the option dscc.objectFormat.

  "tables": {
        "configId1": ["Week 5", "cd"],
        "configId2": [123]
    "DEFAULT": [
        "configId1": ["Week 1", "ab"],
        "configId2": [24]
  "fields": {
    "configId1": [
        "id": "qt_h6oibrb6wb",
        "name": "time of day",
        "type": "TEXT",
        "concept": "DIMENSION"
        "id": "qt_i6oibrb6wb",
        "name": "day",
        "type": "TEXT",
        "concept": "DIMENSION"
    "configId2": [
        "id": "qt_m9dtntutsb",
        "name": "metric",
        "type": "NUMBER",
        "concept": "METRIC"
  "style": {
    "nodeColor": {
      "value": {
        "color": "#000000"
  "theme": {},
  "dateRanges": {
    "DEFAULT": {
      "start": "20210501",
      "end": "20210531"
      "start": "20200501",
      "end": "20200531"
  "interactions": {
    "onClick": {
      "value": {
        "type": "FILTER",
        "data": {
          "concepts": [
          "values": [
      "supportedActions": [