
Reporting lets you retrieve information about your linked accounts' ad performance and lead information.

Account Reports

Account Reports show the performance and metrics associated with the linked Local Services accounts of a Manager account. You can view this data over a specified time period. The data might be up to 30 minutes out of date.

To acquire the report, send an HTTP GET request to with the following configurable URL parameters:

URL parameters


Contains one or more ID values, one of which must be the ID of the Manager account for the query. query can accept multiple semicolon-separated values:

  • Required: manager_customer_id:<manager_cid>
  • Optional: customer_id:<linked_cid>

Example: query=manager_customer_id:123;customer_id:456


The day of the month that the reporting period starts on. Can take values between 1 and 31 inclusive. Defaults to 1.



The starting month for the reporting period. Can take values between 1 and 12 inclusive. Defaults to the current month.



The year when the reporting period starts, in YYYY format. Defaults to the current year.


The day of the month when the reporting period ends. Can take values between 1 and 31 inclusive. Defaults to the current day.



The month when the reporting period ends. Can take values between 1 and 12 inclusive. Defaults to the current month.



The year when the reporting period ends, in YYYY format. Defaults to the current year.



A positive integer that indicates the number of entries to return. Defaults to 1000, and the maximum is 10000.



A string. Enter the next_page_token from the previous response in this field.

The fields in the previous table are used to construct a SearchAccountReportsRequest. For each customer ID in the request, a corresponding AccountReports is included in SearchAccountReportsResponse. Each Account Report maps one-to-one with a linked customer account that displays Local Services ads.

The following table shows the fields in AccountReports:

accountId Linked customer ID with a Local Services Account.
businessName Business name of the customer.
averageWeeklyBudget Current average weekly budget of the customer.
averageFiveStarRating Average five-star rating, which is computed from all of the available reviews of the customer.
totalReview Total number of reviews available for the customer.
impressionsLastTwoDays Total number of impressions the account has had in the last two days.
phoneLeadResponsiveness Phone lead responsiveness of the account for the previous 90 days. To compute this, the total number of connected calls from charged phone leads is divided by the total number of calls received.
currentPeriodChargedLeads Number of charged leads in the specified date range period.
previousPeriodChargedLeads Number of charged leads in the previous period. For example, if the date range is set to be January 21 to January 30, then the previous period would be January 11 to January 20.
currentPeriodTotalCost Sum of the cost from charged leads in the specified date range period.
previousPeriodTotalCost Sum of the cost from charged leads in the previous period. For example, if the date range is set to be January 21 to January 30, then the previous period would be January 11 to January 20.
currencyCode Currency code of the customer account.
currentPeriodPhoneCalls Number of phone calls in the specified date range period, both connected and unconnected.
previousPeriodPhoneCalls Number of phone calls in the previous period, both connected and unconnected.
currentPeriodConnectedPhoneCalls Number of connected phone calls in the specified date range period with a duration over 30 seconds.
previousPeriodConnectedPhoneCalls Number of connected phone calls in the previous period with a duration over 30 seconds.


HTTP Request URL{manager_customer_id}

Complete HTTP request sample

GET /v1/accountReports:search?query=manager_customer_id:{manager_customer_id} HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: curl
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer [Enter OAuth 2.0 access token here]

Detailed Lead Reports

Detailed Lead Reports show an in-depth view of leads associated with the linked Local Services accounts of a Manager account. You can view this data over a specified time period. For a given time range, the report includes leads created or leads that have had their dispute status updated. The data might be up to 30 minutes out of date.

To acquire the report, send an HTTP GET request to with the following configurable URL parameters:

URL parameters


Contains one or more ID values, one of which must be the ID of the Manager account for the query. query can accept multiple semicolon-separated values:

  • Required: manager_customer_id:<manager_cid>
  • Optional: customer_id:<linked_cid>

Example: query=manager_customer_id:123;customer_id:456


The day of the month that the reporting period starts on. Can take values between 1 and 31 inclusive. Defaults to 1.



The starting month for the reporting period. Can take values between 1 and 12 inclusive. Defaults to the current month.



The year when the reporting period starts, in YYYY format. Defaults to the current year.


The day of the month when the reporting period ends. Can take values between 1 and 31 inclusive. Defaults to the current day.



The month when the reporting period ends. Can take values between 1 and 12 inclusive. Defaults to the current month.



The year when the reporting period ends, in YYYY format. Defaults to the current year.



A positive integer that indicates the number of entries to return. Defaults to 1000, and the maximum is 10000.



A string. Enter the next_page_token from the previous response in this field.

The previous fields are used to construct a SearchDetailedLeadReportsRequest. For each customer ID in the request, a corresponding DetailedLeadReports is included in SearchDetailedLeadReportsResponse. Each Detailed Lead Report maps one-to-one with a specific lead that's associated with a linked customer account that displays Local Services ads.

The following table shows the fields in DetailedLeadReports:

leadId Unique identifier of a lead.
accountId Identifies the account that received the lead.
businessName Business name associated with the account.

Timestamp of when the lead was created. Includes the date in M/D/YYYY format and the time in HH:MM:SS format.

Example: 11/1/2019 12:13:20

leadType Type of lead: MESSAGE or PHONE_CALL.

Service category associated with the lead.

Example: housecleaner


Locations of the associated account's home city.

Example: San Francisco, California, United States

messageLead Information that's associated with only message leads: customerName, jobType, postalCode, and consumerPhoneNumber.
phoneLead Information that's associated with only phone leads: chargedCallTimestamp, chargedConnectedCallDurationSeconds, and consumerPhoneNumber.
bookingLead Information that's associated with only booking leads: customerName, consumerPhoneNumber, jobType, consumerEmail, and bookingAppointmentTimestamp.
chargeStatus Whether the lead has been charged. Can be true or false.
currencyCode Currency code of the account that the lead was created for.
disputeStatus Dispute status of the lead.

Information that's specific to third-party aggregator partners. This field is populated only for API clients that are associated with third-party aggregator partners.

timezone Timezone of the account associated with the lead. Given in the IANA Time Zone Database format.


HTTP Request URL{manager_customer_id}

Complete HTTP request sample

GET /v1/detailedReports:search?query=manager_customer_id:{manager_customer_id} HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: curl
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer [Enter OAuth 2.0 access token here]