在 Google Workspace 中取得團隊成員的詳細資料

時間長度:45 分鐘
專案類型:Google Workspace 外掛程式


  • 瞭解解決方案的功能。
  • 瞭解 Apps Script 服務在解決方案中的功能。
  • 設定環境。
  • 設定指令碼。
  • 執行指令碼。


使用 Google Workspace 時,顯示您在機構中協作人員的資訊,例如電子郵件、電話號碼和部門。您可以在回覆 Gmail 郵件、編輯 Google 雲端硬碟檔案或查看 Google 日曆活動時查看這項資訊。

Teams 清單 Google Workspace 外掛程式的螢幕截圖


這個指令碼會取得有效郵件、檔案或活動的電子郵件地址。 視情境而定,這可能包括 Gmail 郵件收件者、雲端硬碟檔案編輯器和日曆活動參與者。這個指令碼只會顯示貴機構的電子郵件地址資訊。

Apps Script 服務


  • Admin SDK Directory 進階服務:搜尋使用 Directory API 的使用者。
  • 基本服務:使用工作階段類別來篩選電子郵件地址,不要在搜尋結果中顯示目前使用者。
  • 快取服務 - 從 Directory API 查詢單一使用者時,先搜尋快取。
  • 日曆服務 - 如果結構定義為日曆活動,會從進行中事件取得電子郵件地址。
  • 卡片服務:建立外掛程式的使用者介面。
  • 雲端硬碟服務 - 如果結構定義為雲端硬碟檔案,如果使用者有權在使用中檔案中查看協作者的電子郵件地址,將會收到協作者的電子郵件地址。
  • Gmail 服務 - 如果結構定義為 Gmail 郵件,則會在有效 Gmail 郵件的「收件者」、「副本」和「寄件者」欄位中取得電子郵件地址。



在 Google Cloud 控制台中開啟 Cloud 專案

如果尚未開啟,請開啟要用於本範例的 Cloud 專案:

  1. 前往 Google Cloud 控制台的「選取專案」頁面。

    選取 Cloud 專案

  2. 選取要使用的 Google Cloud 專案。或是按一下「建立專案」,然後按照畫面上的指示操作。建立 Google Cloud 專案後,可能需要開啟專案的計費功能

啟用 Admin SDK API

本快速入門導覽課程使用 Admin SDK API Directory 進階服務,該服務用於存取 Admin SDK API。

使用 Google API 前,請先在 Google Cloud 專案中啟用這些 API。您可以在單一 Google Cloud 專案中啟用一或多個 API。

    在 Cloud 專案中啟用 Admin SDK API。

    啟用 API

如要使用 Google Workspace 外掛程式,則須設定同意畫面。設定外掛程式的 OAuth 同意畫面會定義 Google 向使用者顯示的內容。

  1. 在 Google Cloud 控制台中,依序點選「選單」圖示 >「API 和服務」>「OAuth 同意畫面」

    前往 OAuth 同意畫面

  2. 在「使用者類型」部分,選取「內部」,然後按一下「建立」
  3. 填寫應用程式註冊表單,然後按一下「儲存並繼續」
  4. 目前,您可以略過新增範圍,然後按一下「儲存並繼續」。日後建立用於 Google Workspace 機構外部的應用程式時,必須將「使用者類型」變更為「外部」,然後新增應用程式所需的授權範圍。

  5. 查看您的應用程式註冊摘要。如要變更,請按一下「編輯」。如果應用程式註冊正確無誤,請按一下「Back to Dashboard」(返回資訊主頁)


建立 Apps Script 專案

  1. 按一下下列按鈕,開啟「團隊清單」Apps Script 專案。

  2. 按一下「Overview」

  3. 在總覽頁面上,按一下「建立副本」圖示 用於建立副本的圖示

複製 Cloud 專案編號

  1. 在 Google Cloud 控制台中,依序點選「選單」圖示 >「IAM 與管理」>「設定」

    前往「IAM 與管理員設定」

  2. 複製「Project number」欄位中的值。

設定 Apps Script 專案的 Cloud 專案

  1. 在複製的 Apps Script 專案中,按一下「Project Settings」圖示 專案設定圖示
  2. 按一下「Google Cloud Platform (GCP) 專案」下方的「變更專案」
  3. 在「GCP 專案編號」中貼上 Google Cloud 專案編號。
  4. 按一下「設定專案」


  1. 在複製的 Apps Script 專案中,按一下「Editor」圖示
  2. 開啟 Code.gs 檔案,然後按一下「Run」。出現提示時,請授權指令碼。
  3. 依序點選「部署」>「測試部署作業」
  4. 依序點選「安裝」>「完成」


  1. 開啟 Gmail 郵件、日曆活動或雲端硬碟檔案。
  2. 在右側欄中,開啟團隊清單外掛程式
  3. 如果系統出現提示,請授權安裝外掛程式。
  4. 這個外掛程式會顯示團隊成員的相關資訊,或表示訊息、事件或檔案沒有任何團隊成員。
  5. 如要尋找團隊成員,請按一下「Search for people」,然後輸入名稱或電子郵件地址。按一下「搜尋」


如要查看這個解決方案的 Apps Script 程式碼,請點選下方的「查看原始碼」



// Copyright 2022 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

// Sample Google Workspace Add-on that displays profile information about people
// the user is collaborating with. Collaborators are based on the context --
// recipients of a gmail message, Drive file ACLs, or event attendees.
// Profile information is from the Directory API in the Admin SDK. As a result,
// the add-on only shows information for email addresses in the same domain
// as as the current user. Different  strategies can be used for other use cases,
// such as integration with a CRM where the focus may be on external email
// addresses/customers.

// See https://github.com/contributorpw/lodashgs
var _ = LodashGS.load();

* Renders the home page for the add-on. Used in all host apps when
* no context selected.
* @param {Object} event - current add-on event
* @return {Card[]} Card(s) to display
function onHomePage(event) {
  var card = buildSearchCard_();
  return [card];

* Renders the contextual interface for a Gmail message.
* @param {Object} event - current add-on event
* @return {Card[]} Card(s) to display
function onGmailMessageSelected(event) {
  var emails = extractEmailsFromMessage_(event);
  var people = fetchPeople_(emails);
  if (people.length == 0) {
    var card = buildSearchCard_("No team members found for current message.");
    return [card];
  var card = buildTeamListCard_(people)
  return [card];

* Renders the contextual interface for a calendar event.
* @param {Object} event - current add-on event
* @return {Card[]} Card(s) to display
function onCalendarEventOpen(event) {
  var emails = extractEmailsFromCalendarEvent_(event);
  var people = fetchPeople_(emails);
  if (people.length == 0) {
    var card = buildSearchCard_("No team members found for current event.");
    return [card];
  var card = buildTeamListCard_(people)
  return [card];

* Renders the contextual interface for a selected Drive file.
* @param {Object} event - current add-on event
* @return {Card[]} Card(s) to display
function onDriveItemsSelected(event) {
  // For demo, only allow single select on files.
  if (event.drive.selectedItems.length != 1) {
    var message = "To view team members collaborating on a file, select one file only.";
    var card = buildSearchCard_(message);
    return [card];

  var selectedItem = event.drive.selectedItems[0];
  if (!selectedItem.addonHasFileScopePermission) {
    // Need file access to read ACL, ask user to authorize.
    var authorizeFilesAction = CardService.newAction()
    .setParameters({id: selectedItem.id});
    var authorizationMessage = CardService.newTextParagraph()
    .setText("To view the people on your team the file is shared with, click *Authorize* to grant access.");
    var authorizeButton = CardService.newTextButton()
    var card = CardService.newCardBuilder()
    return [card];

  // Have access, extract ACLs to find co-workers
  var emails = extractEmailsFromDrivePermissions_(event);
  var people = fetchPeople_(emails);
  if (people.length == 0) {
    var card = buildSearchCard_("No team members found for current file.");
    return [card];
  var card = buildTeamListCard_(people)
  return [card];

* Handles the click for requesting drive file access.
* @param {Object} event - current add-on event
* @return {ActionResponse} Request to authorize access to a drive item
function onAuthorizeDriveFiles(event) {
  var id = event.parameters.id;
  return CardService.newDriveItemsSelectedActionResponseBuilder()

* Handles the user search request.
* @param {Object} event - current add-on event
* @return {Card[]} Card(s) to display
function onSearch(event) {
  if (!event.formInputs || !event.formInputs.query) {
    var notification = CardService.newNotification()
    .setText("Enter a query before searching.");
    return CardService.newActionResponseBuilder()

  var query =  event.formInputs.query[0];
  var people = queryPeople_(query);

  if (!people || people.length == 0) {
    var notification = CardService.newNotification().setText("No people found.");
    return CardService.newActionResponseBuilder()

  var card = buildTeamListCard_(people);
  var navigation = CardService.newNavigation().pushCard(card);
  return CardService.newActionResponseBuilder()

* Handles the drill down to view detailed information about a person.
* @param {Object} event - current add-on event
* @return {Card[]} Card(s) to display
function onShowPersonDetails(event) {
  var person = fetchPerson_(event.parameters.email);
  var card = buildPersonDetailsCard_(person);
  return [card]

* Builds a card for displaying detailed information about a team member. Currently only shows
* a small subset of available information for demo purposes.
* @param {Object} person - User object from the Directory API
* @return {Card} Card to display
function buildPersonDetailsCard_(person) {
  var photoUrl = person.thumbnailPhotoUrl ?
      person.thumbnailPhotoUrl : "https://ssl.gstatic.com/s2/profiles/images/silhouette200.png";
  var cardHeader = CardService.newCardHeader()
  if (person.organizations && person.organizations.length) {
  var section = CardService.newCardSection();
  if (person.emails) {
    person.emails.forEach(function(email) {
  if (person.phones) {
    person.phones.forEach(function(phone) {
  if (person.organizations) {
    person.organizations.forEach(function(org) {

  if (person.locations) {
    person.locations.forEach(function(location) {
      var formattedLocation =
        Utilities.formatString("%s<br>%s", location.area, location.buildingId);

  return CardService.newCardBuilder()

* Builds a card for displaying a list of people
* @param {Object[]} people - Array of users from the Directory API
* @return {Card} Card to display
function buildTeamListCard_(people) {
  var resultsSection = CardService.newCardSection();
  people.forEach(function(person) {
    var photoUrl = person.thumbnailPhotoUrl ?
        person.thumbnailPhotoUrl : "https://ssl.gstatic.com/s2/profiles/images/silhouette200.png";
    var title = person.organizations ? person.organizations[0].title : null;
    var clickAction = CardService.newAction()
    .setParameters({email: person.primaryEmail});
    var personSummaryWidget = CardService.newKeyValue()
    if (person.organizations && person.organizations.length) {
  return CardService.newCardBuilder()

* Builds the search interface for looking up people.
* @param {string} opt_error - Optional message to include (typically when
*    contextual search failed.)
* @return {Card} Card to display
function buildSearchCard_(opt_error) {
  var banner = CardService.newImage()

  var searchField = CardService.newTextInput()
  .setHint("Name or email address")
  .setTitle("Search for people");

  var onSubmitAction = CardService.newAction()

  var submitButton = CardService.newTextButton()

  var section = CardService.newCardSection()

  if (opt_error) {
    var message = CardService.newTextParagraph()
    .setText("Note: " + opt_error);

  return CardService.newCardBuilder()

* Extracts email addresses from the selected Gmail message. Grabs all emails
* from the to/cc/from headers.
* @param {Object} event - current add-on event
* @return {string[]} Array of email addresses.
function extractEmailsFromMessage_(event) {
  // Fetch currently selected message
  var accessToken = event.messageMetadata.accessToken;
  var messageId = event.messageMetadata.messageId;
  var message = GmailApp.getMessageById(messageId);

  if (!message) {
    return [];

  // Parse/emit any email addresses in the to/cc/from headers
  var splitEmailsRegexp = /\b[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@(?:[A-Z0-9-]+\.)+[A-Z]{2,6}\b/gi;
  var emails = _.union(

  // Remove any +suffixes in the user name portion to get the canonical email
  var normalizeRegexp = /(.*)\+.*@(.*)/;
  emails = emails.map(function(email) {
    return email.replace(normalizeRegexp, "$1@$2");

  return filterAndSortEmails_(emails);

* Extracts email addresses from the selected Drive item. Grabs all emails
* from the file ACLs (if user has permission to view them.)
* @param {Object} event - current add-on event
* @return {string[]} Array of email addresses.
function extractEmailsFromDrivePermissions_(event) {

  // Make sure just 1 file selected.
  if (event.drive.selectedItems.length != 1) {
    return [];

  var itemId = event.drive.selectedItems[0].id;
  var emails = [];

  var item = Drive.Files.get(itemId, {fields: "owners, sharingUser"});
  if (item.sharingUser) {
  if (item.owners) {
    item.owners.forEach(function(owner) {
  try {
    var permissions = Drive.Permissions.list(itemId, {fields: '*'});
    if (permissions) {
      permissions.permissions.forEach(function(permission) {
        if (permission.type != 'domain') {
  } catch (e) {
    // Ignore inability to fetch permissions, may not have access

  return filterAndSortEmails_(emails)

* Extracts email addresses from the selected calendar event (attendees.)
* @param {Object} event - current add-on event
* @return {string[]} Array of email addresses.
function extractEmailsFromCalendarEvent_(event) {
  if (!event.calendar || !event.calendar.attendees) {
    return [];

  var emails = event.calendar.attendees.map(function(attendee) {
    return attendee.email;
  return filterAndSortEmails_(emails);

 * Filter email addresses to include only those in the same
 * domain and excluding the current user.
 * @param {string[]} emails - Array of email addresses
 * @return {string[]}
function filterAndSortEmails_(emails) {
  if (!emails) {
    return [];

  var userEmail = Session.getActiveUser().getEmail();
  var domain = userEmail.slice(userEmail.indexOf('@') + 1);

  emails = emails.filter(function(email) {
    return _.endsWith(email, domain) && email != userEmail;
  emails = _.uniq(emails);
  return emails.sort();

 * Look up one or more people from the Directory API. May omit items
 * if email addresses aren't valid domain users.
 * @param {string[]} emails - Array of email addresses to fetch
 * @return {Object[]} Array of user objects.
function fetchPeople_(emails) {
  if (!emails || emails.length == 0) {
    return [];

  return emails.map(fetchPerson_).filter(function(item) {
    return item != null && item.primaryEmail;

 * Look up a single person from the Directory API.
 * @param {string} email - Email addresses to fetch
 * @return {Object} User object or null if not a valid user
function fetchPerson_(email) {
  if (!email) {
    return null;

  // Check cache first
  var person = CacheService.getUserCache().get(email);
  if (person && person.primaryEmail) {
    return JSON.parse(person);

  try {
    person = AdminDirectory.Users.get(
        email, { projection: 'full', viewType: 'domain_public'});
    CacheService.getUserCache().put(email, JSON.stringify(person));
    return person;
  } catch (e) {
    // Ignore error, may not be valid domain user anymore.
  return null;

 * Search for people from the Directory API by name or email address.
 * @param {string} query - Name or email address to search for.
 * @return {Object[]} Array of user objects.
function queryPeople_(query) {
  try {
    var options = {
      query: query,
      maxResults: 10,
      customer: 'my_customer',
      projection: 'full',
      viewType: 'domain_public'
    var results = AdminDirectory.Users.list(options);
    var cacheValues = results.users.reduce(function(map, person) {
      map[person.primaryEmail] = JSON.stringify(person);
      return map;
    }, {});
    return results.users;
  } catch (e) {
    // Ignore error
  return [];


  "timeZone": "America/Denver",
  "dependencies": {
    "enabledAdvancedServices": [{
      "userSymbol": "Drive",
      "serviceId": "drive",
      "version": "v3"
    }, {
      "userSymbol": "AdminDirectory",
      "serviceId": "admin",
      "version": "directory_v1"
    "libraries": [{
      "userSymbol": "LodashGS",
      "libraryId": "1SQ0PlSMwndIuOAgtVJdjxsuXueECtY9OGejVDS37ckSVbMll73EXf2PW",
      "version": "5"
  "exceptionLogging": "STACKDRIVER",
  "oauthScopes": [
  "urlFetchWhitelist": [],
  "runtimeVersion": "V8",
  "addOns": {
    "common": {
      "name": "Team List",
      "logoUrl": "https://www.gstatic.com/images/icons/material/system/1x/people_black_24dp.png",
      "layoutProperties": {
        "primaryColor": "#4285f4",
        "secondaryColor": "#ea4335"
      "homepageTrigger": {
        "runFunction": "onHomePage",
        "enabled": true
      "universalActions": [{
        "label": "Feedback",
        "openLink": "https://github.com/googleworkspace/add-ons-samples/issues"
      "openLinkUrlPrefixes": [
    "gmail": {
      "contextualTriggers": [{
        "unconditional": {
        "onTriggerFunction": "onGmailMessageSelected"
    "drive": {
      "homepageTrigger": {
        "runFunction": "onHomePage",
        "enabled": true
      "onItemsSelectedTrigger": {
        "runFunction": "onDriveItemsSelected"
    "calendar": {
      "homepageTrigger": {
        "runFunction": "onHomePage",
        "enabled": true
      "eventOpenTrigger": {
        "runFunction": "onCalendarEventOpen"
      "currentEventAccess": "READ"


這個範例由 Google 開發人員專家協助維護。
