Assign access by role

You can assign users different levels of access to Ads Data Hub based on their role in your agency.

There are three different roles available in Ads Data Hub:

  • Analyst: This role is ideal for users who need to analyze the configured data. Analysts are able to create, edit, manage, and run reports. Analysts can also view report results from all users on the account.
  • Link manager: This role is ideal for users who need to configure data for an account. Link managers are able to link and unlink data in your account.
  • Superuser: This role gives full control over the account. Superusers can add and remove users, manage security, and do everything else that analysts and relationship managers can.

Edit access is summarized in the following table:

Role Report management Data management User management Security management
Analyst Yes No No No
Link manager No Yes No No
Superuser Yes Yes Yes Yes

Add and remove users (superusers only)

Add users

  1. Navigate to the Settings tab in Ads Data Hub.
  2. Open the Users menu.
  3. Click the + Add button, then enter the email address of the user you want to add and select the role to assign.
  4. To add multiple users to the same role, separate the email addresses with commas.

It may take up to a minute for the new user's access to take effect.

Remove users

  1. Navigate to the Settings tab in Ads Data Hub.
  2. Open the Users menu.
  3. To remove users, click Show more next to the user you want to remove and then click Delete.
  4. Click Submit to confirm the removal.

To change a user's role, remove them and then add them again with the new role.