Get Started

Generate a nonce

A "nonce" is a single encrypted string generated by PAL using the NonceLoader. The PAL SDK requires each new stream request to be accompanied by a newly generated nonce. However, nonces may be reused for multiple ad requests within the same stream. To see a sample app that uses PAL to generate a nonce, download the HTML5 example from GitHub.

To generate a nonce using the PAL SDK, create an HTML file and add the following:


  <div id="placeholder-video"></div>
  <button id="generate-nonce">Generate Nonce</button>
  <script src="//"></script>
  <script src="pal.js"></script>

Then, create a JavaScript file and add the following:


let videoElement;
let nonceLoader;
let managerPromise;
let nonceManager;
let storageConsent = true;
let playbackStarted = false;

 * A placeholder for the publisher's own method of obtaining user
 * consent, either by integrating with a CMP or based on other
 * methods the publisher chooses to handle storage consent.
 * @return {boolean} Whether storage consent has been given.
function getConsentToStorage() {
  return storageConsent;

 * Initializes the PAL loader.
function init() {
  const videoElement = document.getElementById('placeholder-video');
  videoElement.addEventListener('mousedown', (e) => void onVideoTouch(e));
  videoElement.addEventListener('touchstart', (e) => void onVideoTouch(e));
  videoElement.addEventListener('play', () => {
    if (!playbackStarted) {
      playbackStarted = true;
  videoElement.addEventListener('ended', () => void sendPlaybackEnd());
  videoElement.addEventListener('error', () => {
    console.log("Video error: " + videoElement.error.message);

      .addEventListener('click', generateNonce);

  // The default value for `allowStorage` is false, but can be
  // changed once the appropriate consent has been gathered.
  const consentSettings = new goog.pal.ConsentSettings();
  consentSettings.allowStorage = getConsentToStorage();

  nonceLoader = new goog.pal.NonceLoader(consentSettings);

 * Generates a nonce with sample arguments and logs it to the console.
function generateNonce() {
  const request = new goog.pal.NonceRequest();
  request.adWillAutoPlay = true;
  request.adWillPlayMuted = true;
  request.continuousPlayback = false;
  request.descriptionUrl = '';
  request.iconsSupported = true;
  request.playerType = 'Sample Player Type';
  request.playerVersion = '1.0';
  request.ppid = 'Sample PPID';
  request.sessionId = 'Sample SID';
  // Player support for VPAID 2.0, OMID 1.0, and SIMID 1.1
  request.supportedApiFrameworks = '2,7,9';
  request.url = '';
  request.videoHeight = 480;
  request.videoWidth = 640;

  managerPromise = nonceLoader.loadNonceManager(request);
      .then((manager) => {
        nonceManager = manager;
        console.log('Nonce generated: ' + manager.getNonce());
      .catch((error) => {
        console.log('Error generating nonce: ' + error);


Attach your nonce to the ad request

To use the generated nonce, append your ad tag with a givn parameter and the nonce value, before making your ad requests.


   * The ad tag for your ad request, for example:
   * For more sample ad tags, see
  const DEFAULT_AD_TAG = "Your ad tag";


  managerPromise = nonceLoader.loadNonceManager(request);
      .then((manager) => {
        nonceManager = manager;
        console.log('Nonce generated: ' + manager.getNonce());
        // Append the nonce to the ad tag URL.
        makeAdRequest(DEFAULT_AD_TAG + "&givn=" + nonceString);

Track playback events

Lastly, you need to implement various event handlers for your player. For testing purposes, you can attach these to button click events, but in a real implementation, these would be triggered by the appropriate player events:


 * Informs PAL that an ad click has occurred. How this function is
 * called will vary depending on your ad implementation.
function sendAdClick() {

 * Handles the user touching on the video element, passing it to PAL.
 * @param {!TouchEvent|!MouseEvent} touchEvent
function onVideoTouch(touchEvent) {

/** Informs PAL that playback has started. */
function sendPlaybackStart() {

/** Informs PAL that playback has ended. */
function sendPlaybackEnd() {

In your implementation, sendPlaybackStart should be called once your video playback session begins. sendPlaybackEnd should be called once your video playback session comes to an end. sendAdClick should be called each time the viewer clicks an ad. sendAdTouch should be called on every touch interaction with the player.

(Optional) Send Google Ad Manager signals through third-party ad servers

Configure the third-party ad server's request for Ad Manager.

Configure your third-party ad server to include the nonce in the server's request to Ad Manager. Here's an example of an ad tag configured inside of the third-party ad server:


For more details, see the Google Ad Manager Server-side implementation guide.

Ad Manager looks for givn= to identify the nonce value. The third-party ad server needs to support some macro of its own, such as %%custom_key_for_google_nonce%%, and replace it with the nonce query parameter you provided in the previous step. More information on how to accomplish this should be available in the third-party ad server's documentation.

That's it! You should now have the nonce parameter propagated from the PAL SDK, through your intermediary servers, and then to Google Ad Manager. This enables better monetization through Google Ad Manager.