

Google Mobile Ads 外掛程式提供 Android 和 iOS 上的 API,可讓您將聯播網額外項目傳遞至中介服務轉接程式。如要這麼做,您需要在 Android 上實作 MediationNetworkExtrasProvider 並在 iOS 上實作 FLTMediationNetworkExtrasProvider,然後以該外掛程式註冊額外供應商實作項目。之後,外掛程式就會在 Android 或 iOS 上建立廣告請求時,使用該外掛程式傳遞聯播網額外項目。

在 Android 上註冊 MediationNetworkExtrasProvider

建立 MediationNetworkExtrasProvider 的實作:

class MyMediationNetworkExtrasProvider implements MediationNetworkExtrasProvider {

  public Map<Class<? extends MediationExtrasReceiver>, Bundle> getMediationExtras(
      String adUnitId, @Nullable String identifier) {
    // This example passes extras to the AppLovin adapter.
    // This method is called with the ad unit of the associated ad request, and
    // an optional string parameter which comes from the dart ad request object.
    Bundle appLovinBundle = new AppLovinExtras.Builder().setMuteAudio(true).build();
    Map<Class<? extends MediationExtrasReceiver>, Bundle> extras = new HashMap<>();
    extras.put(ApplovinAdapter.class, appLovinBundle);
    // Note: You can pass extras to multiple adapters by adding more entries.
    return extras;

然後向 GoogleMobileAdsPlugin 註冊:

// Register a MediationNetworkExtrasProvider with the plugin.
public class MainActivity extends FlutterActivity {

  public void configureFlutterEngine(@NonNull FlutterEngine flutterEngine) {

    // Register your MediationNetworkExtrasProvider to provide network extras to ad requests.
        flutterEngine, new MyMediationNetworkExtrasProvider());

您可以查看不同網路支援哪些額外功能,以及如何在特定網路的 Android 參考資料中建構這些額外功能。

在 iOS 上註冊 FLTMediationNetworkExtrasProvider

建立 FLTMediationNetworkExtrasProvider 的實作:

@implementation MyFLTMediationNetworkExtrasProvider

- (NSArray<id<GADAdNetworkExtras>> *_Nullable)getMediationExtras:(NSString *_Nonnull)adUnitId
                                           (NSString *_Nullable)mediationExtrasIdentifier {
  // This example passes extras to the AppLovin adapter.
  // This method is called with the ad unit of the associated ad request, and
  // an optional string parameter which comes from the dart ad request object.
  GADMAdapterAppLovinExtras *appLovinExtras = [[GADMAdapterAppLovinExtras alloc] init];
  appLovinExtras.muteAudio = NO;
  // Note: You can pass extras to multiple adapters by adding more entries.

  return @[ appLovinExtras ];

並向 FLTGoogleMobileAdsPlugin 註冊:

@implementation AppDelegate

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application
    didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
  [GeneratedPluginRegistrant registerWithRegistry:self];

  // Register your network extras provider if you want to provide
  // network extras to specific ad requests.
  MyFLTMediationNetworkExtrasProvider *networkExtrasProvider =
      [[MyFLTMediationNetworkExtrasProvider alloc] init];
  [FLTGoogleMobileAdsPlugin registerMediationNetworkExtrasProvider:networkExtrasProvider
  return [super application:application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:launchOptions];


您可以查看不同網路支援哪些額外功能,以及如何在特定網路的 iOS 參考資料中建構這些額外功能。