June, 2023

Build workflows across Google Workspace to connect user experiences across apps

Today, developers and app creators of any skill level can leverage a rich set of APIs, SDKs, and no-code/low-code tools to create apps and integrate workflows directly into Google Workspace. Leading software companies like Atlassian, Asana, LumApps, and Miro are building integrations with Google Workspace apps to create more seamless experiences for our shared users. We’ve taken huge strides in making Google Workspace the most open and extensible platform, and we’re excited to unlock its potential further with new tools for developers and business users alike.

Developer News

Announcing the 2023 Recommended for Google Workspace apps

Introducing our 2023 Recommended for Google Workspace apps. Here are the 16 apps we recommend to help you get more done with Google Workspace. 

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AppSheet databases are now GA

An AppSheet database is a first-party, built-in data source for organizing and managing data powering AppSheet apps. An AppSheet database provides an easy and efficient way to build data models for any AppSheet app without needing to use an external data source solution such as cloud-based spreadsheets or databases.

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Smart chips for third-party services

We are excited to announce the general availability of third-party smart chips! 

Smart chips allow users to add, view, and engage with critical information from third party apps, right into the flow of their work without switching tabs or context. 

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Extend Google Workspace using apps, APIs, and workflows

In case you missed this Next’23 session covering the Google Workspace platform. In this session, you’ll learn about our vision for AI, including how it will shape productivity and collaboration.  You'll also get the latest updates on extensibility and workflow tools the Google Workspace platform brings to your organization.

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Community Spotlight

Adding users to Google Chat spaces on demand with Google Apps Script

by @pfelipm 

In this first, introductory post, we’ll tackle a very straightforward albeit rather common use case that in my opinion makes a lot of sense in the context of the onboarding process of teachers in schools, or team members in any other business areas, of course.

Automate sending emails from Google

Sheets using Google Apps Script

by @aryanirani123

In this blog we will be taking a look at how to automate the bulk emailing process using Google Apps Script. My university wanted to make announcements regarding college events, marks, student attendance and more. So I developed a Google Apps Script to automate this process where on the click of a button all the emails are sent to the students without any manual effort.

Solutions Spotlight

File Management: Upload files to Google Drive from Google Forms

A setup function creates a folder to store all uploaded files and a trigger that fires each time someone submits the form. When a user fills out the form, they choose files to upload and a subfolder to store the files in. Once the user submits the form, the script routes the files to the corresponding subfolder. If the folder doesn't exist yet, the script creates it.

Intro to Workflows in AppSheet

While Actions and Workflows control the overall behavior of an application, Workflows are crucial to executing automatic updates, whether it be to refresh data or schedule run times. In this episode of Building with AppSheet, we’ll demo and show you the specifics of Workflows in AppSheet. Watch to learn how you can use AppSheet Workflows in your application!