Optimizing your Workflow for a Cross-Device World

If we have to develop for Desktop, Mobile, Tablet, wearables and other form factors, how can you optimize your workflow to make your life less stressful? There's a solid multi-device approach for quick iteration with LiveReload, Grunt, Yeoman, and the newly-unveiled Mini Mobile Device Lab. Lastly, if you don't have the physical hardware you want to test, some providers make it available through the cloud.

Slides: Optimizing your Workflow for a Cross-device world

Key points

  • The number of devices that we are going to have to cater for is only going to increase
  • Getting your workflow with the right with Grunt and Yeoman
  • Simplify cross browser and cross device testing with Mini Mobile Device Lab
  • Be smart with your emulation choice using Chrome DevTools Emulation, Stock Emulators, Cloud Based Emulators like Saucelabs, Browserstack and Device Anywhere and third party emulator Genymotion
  • Mobile testing means more than just testing on your wifi connection, use a proxy to simulate slower network speeds