Environments: patch

Requires authorization

Updates a GTM Environment. This method supports patch semantics. Try it now.


HTTP request

PATCH https://www.googleapis.com/tagmanager/v1/accounts/accountId/containers/containerId/environments/environmentId


Parameter name Value Description
Path parameters
accountId string The GTM Account ID.
containerId string The GTM Container ID.
environmentId string The GTM Environment ID.
Optional query parameters
fingerprint string When provided, this fingerprint must match the fingerprint of the environment in storage.


This request requires authorization with the following scope (read more about authentication and authorization).


Request body

In the request body, supply the relevant portions of an Environments resource, according to the rules of patch semantics.


If successful, this method returns an Environments resource in the response body.

Try it!

Use the APIs Explorer below to call this method on live data and see the response.