youtube  v3
Google.Apis.YouTube.v3.Data Namespace Reference


class  AccessPolicy
 Rights management policy for YouTube resources. More...
class  Activity
 An activity resource contains information about an action that a particular channel, or user, has taken on YouTube.The actions reported in activity feeds include rating a video, sharing a video, marking a video as a favorite, commenting on a video, uploading a video, and so forth. Each activity resource identifies the type of action, the channel associated with the action, and the resource(s) associated with the action, such as the video that was rated or uploaded. More...
class  ActivityContentDetails
 Details about the content of an activity: the video that was shared, the channel that was subscribed to, etc. More...
class  ActivityContentDetailsBulletin
 Details about a channel bulletin post. More...
class  ActivityContentDetailsChannelItem
 Details about a resource which was added to a channel. More...
class  ActivityContentDetailsComment
 Information about a resource that received a comment. More...
class  ActivityContentDetailsFavorite
 Information about a video that was marked as a favorite video. More...
class  ActivityContentDetailsLike
 Information about a resource that received a positive (like) rating. More...
class  ActivityContentDetailsPlaylistItem
 Information about a new playlist item. More...
class  ActivityContentDetailsPromotedItem
 Details about a resource which is being promoted. More...
class  ActivityContentDetailsRecommendation
 Information that identifies the recommended resource. More...
class  ActivityContentDetailsSocial
 Details about a social network post. More...
class  ActivityContentDetailsSubscription
 Information about a channel that a user subscribed to. More...
class  ActivityContentDetailsUpload
 Information about the uploaded video. More...
class  ActivityListResponse
class  ActivitySnippet
 Basic details about an activity, including title, description, thumbnails, activity type and group. More...
class  Caption
 A caption resource represents a YouTube caption track. A caption track is associated with exactly one YouTube video. More...
class  CaptionListResponse
class  CaptionSnippet
 Basic details about a caption track, such as its language and name. More...
class  CdnSettings
 Brief description of the live stream cdn settings. More...
class  Channel
 A channel resource contains information about a YouTube channel. More...
class  ChannelAuditDetails
 The auditDetails object encapsulates channel data that is relevant for YouTube Partners during the audit process. More...
class  ChannelBannerResource
 A channel banner returned as the response to a channel_banner.insert call. More...
class  ChannelBrandingSettings
 Branding properties of a YouTube channel. More...
class  ChannelContentDetails
 Details about the content of a channel. More...
class  ChannelContentOwnerDetails
 The contentOwnerDetails object encapsulates channel data that is relevant for YouTube Partners linked with the channel. More...
class  ChannelConversionPing
 Pings that the app shall fire (authenticated by biscotti cookie). Each ping has a context, in which the app must fire the ping, and a url identifying the ping. More...
class  ChannelConversionPings
 The conversionPings object encapsulates information about conversion pings that need to be respected by the channel. More...
class  ChannelListResponse
class  ChannelLocalization
 Channel localization setting More...
class  ChannelProfileDetails
class  ChannelSection
class  ChannelSectionContentDetails
 Details about a channelsection, including playlists and channels. More...
class  ChannelSectionListResponse
class  ChannelSectionLocalization
 ChannelSection localization setting More...
class  ChannelSectionSnippet
 Basic details about a channel section, including title, style and position. More...
class  ChannelSectionTargeting
 ChannelSection targeting setting. More...
class  ChannelSettings
 Branding properties for the channel view. More...
class  ChannelSnippet
 Basic details about a channel, including title, description and thumbnails. More...
class  ChannelStatistics
 Statistics about a channel: number of subscribers, number of videos in the channel, etc. More...
class  ChannelStatus
 JSON template for the status part of a channel. More...
class  ChannelTopicDetails
 Freebase topic information related to the channel. More...
class  Comment
 A comment represents a single YouTube comment. More...
class  CommentListResponse
class  CommentSnippet
 Basic details about a comment, such as its author and text. More...
class  CommentThread
 A comment thread represents information that applies to a top level comment and all its replies. It can also include the top level comment itself and some of the replies. More...
class  CommentThreadListResponse
class  CommentThreadReplies
 Comments written in (direct or indirect) reply to the top level comment. More...
class  CommentThreadSnippet
 Basic details about a comment thread. More...
class  ContentRating
 Ratings schemes. The country-specific ratings are mostly for movies and shows. NEXT_ID: 72 More...
class  GeoPoint
 Geographical coordinates of a point, in WGS84. More...
class  GuideCategory
 A guideCategory resource identifies a category that YouTube algorithmically assigns based on a channel's content or other indicators, such as the channel's popularity. The list is similar to video categories, with the difference being that a video's uploader can assign a video category but only YouTube can assign a channel category. More...
class  GuideCategoryListResponse
class  GuideCategorySnippet
 Basic details about a guide category. More...
class  I18nLanguage
 An i18nLanguage resource identifies a UI language currently supported by YouTube. More...
class  I18nLanguageListResponse
class  I18nLanguageSnippet
 Basic details about an i18n language, such as language code and human-readable name. More...
class  I18nRegion
 A i18nRegion resource identifies a region where YouTube is available. More...
class  I18nRegionListResponse
class  I18nRegionSnippet
 Basic details about an i18n region, such as region code and human-readable name. More...
class  ImageSettings
 Branding properties for images associated with the channel. More...
class  IngestionInfo
 Describes information necessary for ingesting an RTMP or an HTTP stream. More...
class  InvideoBranding
class  InvideoPosition
 Describes the spatial position of a visual widget inside a video. It is a union of various position types, out of which only will be set one. More...
class  InvideoPromotion
 Describes an invideo promotion campaign consisting of multiple promoted items. A campaign belongs to a single channel_id. More...
class  InvideoTiming
 Describes a temporal position of a visual widget inside a video. More...
class  LanguageTag
class  LevelDetails
class  LiveBroadcast
 A liveBroadcast resource represents an event that will be streamed, via live video, on YouTube. More...
class  LiveBroadcastContentDetails
 Detailed settings of a broadcast. More...
class  LiveBroadcastListResponse
class  LiveBroadcastSnippet
class  LiveBroadcastStatistics
 Statistics about the live broadcast. These represent a snapshot of the values at the time of the request. Statistics are only returned for live broadcasts. More...
class  LiveBroadcastStatus
class  LiveChatBan
 A liveChatBan resource represents a ban for a YouTube live chat. More...
class  LiveChatBanSnippet
class  LiveChatFanFundingEventDetails
class  LiveChatMessage
 A liveChatMessage resource represents a chat message in a YouTube Live Chat. More...
class  LiveChatMessageAuthorDetails
class  LiveChatMessageDeletedDetails
class  LiveChatMessageListResponse
class  LiveChatMessageRetractedDetails
class  LiveChatMessageSnippet
class  LiveChatModerator
 A liveChatModerator resource represents a moderator for a YouTube live chat. A chat moderator has the ability to ban/unban users from a chat, remove message, etc. More...
class  LiveChatModeratorListResponse
class  LiveChatModeratorSnippet
class  LiveChatPollClosedDetails
class  LiveChatPollEditedDetails
class  LiveChatPollItem
class  LiveChatPollOpenedDetails
class  LiveChatPollVotedDetails
class  LiveChatSuperChatDetails
class  LiveChatSuperStickerDetails
class  LiveChatTextMessageDetails
class  LiveChatUserBannedMessageDetails
class  LiveStream
 A live stream describes a live ingestion point. More...
class  LiveStreamConfigurationIssue
class  LiveStreamContentDetails
 Detailed settings of a stream. More...
class  LiveStreamHealthStatus
class  LiveStreamListResponse
class  LiveStreamSnippet
class  LiveStreamStatus
 Brief description of the live stream status. More...
class  LocalizedProperty
class  LocalizedString
class  Member
 A member resource represents a member for a YouTube channel. A member provides recurring monetary support to a creator and receives special benefits. More...
class  MemberListResponse
class  MembershipsDetails
class  MembershipsDuration
class  MembershipsDurationAtLevel
class  MembershipsLevel
 A membershipsLevel resource represents an offer made by YouTube creators for their fans. Users can become members of the channel by joining one of the available levels. They will provide recurring monetary support and receives special benefits. More...
class  MembershipsLevelListResponse
class  MembershipsLevelSnippet
class  MemberSnippet
class  MonitorStreamInfo
 Settings and Info of the monitor stream More...
class  Nonprofit
 Nonprofit information. More...
class  NonprofitId
class  PageInfo
 Paging details for lists of resources, including total number of items available and number of resources returned in a single page. More...
class  Playlist
 A playlist resource represents a YouTube playlist. A playlist is a collection of videos that can be viewed sequentially and shared with other users. A playlist can contain up to 200 videos, and YouTube does not limit the number of playlists that each user creates. By default, playlists are publicly visible to other users, but playlists can be public or private. More...
class  PlaylistContentDetails
class  PlaylistItem
 A playlistItem resource identifies another resource, such as a video, that is included in a playlist. In addition, the playlistItem resource contains details about the included resource that pertain specifically to how that resource is used in that playlist. More...
class  PlaylistItemContentDetails
class  PlaylistItemListResponse
class  PlaylistItemSnippet
 Basic details about a playlist, including title, description and thumbnails. More...
class  PlaylistItemStatus
 Information about the playlist item's privacy status. More...
class  PlaylistListResponse
class  PlaylistLocalization
 Playlist localization setting More...
class  PlaylistPlayer
class  PlaylistSnippet
 Basic details about a playlist, including title, description and thumbnails. More...
class  PlaylistStatus
class  PromotedItem
 Describes a single promoted item. More...
class  PromotedItemId
 Describes a single promoted item id. It is a union of various possible types. More...
class  PropertyValue
 A pair Property / Value. More...
class  ResourceId
 A resource id is a generic reference that points to another YouTube resource. More...
class  SearchListResponse
class  SearchResult
 A search result contains information about a YouTube video, channel, or playlist that matches the search parameters specified in an API request. While a search result points to a uniquely identifiable resource, like a video, it does not have its own persistent data. More...
class  SearchResultSnippet
 Basic details about a search result, including title, description and thumbnails of the item referenced by the search result. More...
class  Sponsor
 A sponsor resource represents a sponsor for a YouTube channel. A sponsor provides recurring monetary support to a creator and receives special benefits. More...
class  SponsorListResponse
class  SponsorSnippet
class  Subscription
 A subscription resource contains information about a YouTube user subscription. A subscription notifies a user when new videos are added to a channel or when another user takes one of several actions on YouTube, such as uploading a video, rating a video, or commenting on a video. More...
class  SubscriptionContentDetails
 Details about the content to witch a subscription refers. More...
class  SubscriptionListResponse
class  SubscriptionSnippet
 Basic details about a subscription, including title, description and thumbnails of the subscribed item. More...
class  SubscriptionSubscriberSnippet
 Basic details about a subscription's subscriber including title, description, channel ID and thumbnails. More...
class  SuperChatEvent
 A superChatEvent resource represents a Super Chat purchase on a YouTube channel. More...
class  SuperChatEventListResponse
class  SuperChatEventSnippet
class  SuperStickerMetadata
class  Thumbnail
 A thumbnail is an image representing a YouTube resource. More...
class  ThumbnailDetails
 Internal representation of thumbnails for a YouTube resource. More...
class  ThumbnailSetResponse
class  TokenPagination
 Stub token pagination template to suppress results. More...
class  Video
 A video resource represents a YouTube video. More...
class  VideoAbuseReport
class  VideoAbuseReportReason
 A videoAbuseReportReason resource identifies a reason that a video could be reported as abusive. Video abuse report reasons are used with video.ReportAbuse. More...
class  VideoAbuseReportReasonListResponse
class  VideoAbuseReportReasonSnippet
 Basic details about a video category, such as its localized title. More...
class  VideoAbuseReportSecondaryReason
class  VideoAgeGating
class  VideoCategory
 A videoCategory resource identifies a category that has been or could be associated with uploaded videos. More...
class  VideoCategoryListResponse
class  VideoCategorySnippet
 Basic details about a video category, such as its localized title. More...
class  VideoContentDetails
 Details about the content of a YouTube Video. More...
class  VideoContentDetailsRegionRestriction
 DEPRECATED Region restriction of the video. More...
class  VideoFileDetails
 Describes original video file properties, including technical details about audio and video streams, but also metadata information like content length, digitization time, or geotagging information. More...
class  VideoFileDetailsAudioStream
 Information about an audio stream. More...
class  VideoFileDetailsVideoStream
 Information about a video stream. More...
class  VideoGetRatingResponse
class  VideoListResponse
class  VideoLiveStreamingDetails
 Details about the live streaming metadata. More...
class  VideoLocalization
 Localized versions of certain video properties (e.g. title). More...
class  VideoMonetizationDetails
 Details about monetization of a YouTube Video. More...
class  VideoPlayer
 Player to be used for a video playback. More...
class  VideoProcessingDetails
 Describes processing status and progress and availability of some other Video resource parts. More...
class  VideoProcessingDetailsProcessingProgress
 Video processing progress and completion time estimate. More...
class  VideoProjectDetails
 Project specific details about the content of a YouTube Video. More...
class  VideoRating
class  VideoRecordingDetails
 Recording information associated with the video. More...
class  VideoSnippet
 Basic details about a video, including title, description, uploader, thumbnails and category. More...
class  VideoStatistics
 Statistics about the video, such as the number of times the video was viewed or liked. More...
class  VideoStatus
 Basic details about a video category, such as its localized title. More...
class  VideoSuggestions
 Specifies suggestions on how to improve video content, including encoding hints, tag suggestions, and editor suggestions. More...
class  VideoSuggestionsTagSuggestion
 A single tag suggestion with it's relevance information. More...
class  VideoTopicDetails
 Freebase topic information related to the video. More...
class  WatchSettings
 Branding properties for the watch. All deprecated. More...