Class Google_Service_Vault_MattersHoldsAccounts_Resource
The "accounts" collection of methods. Typical usage is:
$vaultService = new Google_Service_Vault(...); $accounts = $vaultService->accounts;
- Google_Service_Resource
Located at Vault.php
create( string $matterId, string $holdId,
Adds a HeldAccount to a hold. Accounts can only be added to a hold that has no held_org_unit set. Attempting to add an account to an OU-based hold will result in an error. (accounts.create) |
delete( string $matterId, string $holdId, string $accountId, array $optParams = array() )
Removes a HeldAccount from a hold. If this request leaves the hold with no held accounts, the hold will not apply to any accounts. (accounts.delete) |
listMattersHoldsAccounts( string $matterId, string $holdId, array $optParams = array() )
Lists HeldAccounts for a hold. This will only list individually specified held accounts. If the hold is on an OU, then use Admin SDK to enumerate its members. (accounts.listMattersHoldsAccounts) |