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Google.Apis.Docs.v1.Data.InlineObjectElement Class Reference

A ParagraphElement that contains an InlineObject. More...

Inheritance diagram for Google.Apis.Docs.v1.Data.InlineObjectElement:


virtual string InlineObjectId [get, set]
 The ID of the InlineObject this element contains. More...
virtual System.Collections.Generic.IList< string > SuggestedDeletionIds [get, set]
 The suggested deletion IDs. If empty, then there are no suggested deletions of this content. More...
virtual System.Collections.Generic.IList< string > SuggestedInsertionIds [get, set]
 The suggested insertion IDs. An InlineObjectElement may have multiple insertion IDs if it is a nested suggested change. If empty, then this is not a suggested insertion. More...
virtual System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary< string, SuggestedTextStyleSuggestedTextStyleChanges [get, set]
 The suggested text style changes to this InlineObject, keyed by suggestion ID. More...
virtual TextStyle TextStyle [get, set]
 The text style of this InlineObjectElement. More...
virtual string ETag [get, set]
 The ETag of the item. More...
- Properties inherited from Google::Apis::Requests::IDirectResponseSchema
string ETag

Detailed Description

A ParagraphElement that contains an InlineObject.

Property Documentation

◆ ETag

virtual string Google.Apis.Docs.v1.Data.InlineObjectElement.ETag

The ETag of the item.

◆ InlineObjectId

virtual string Google.Apis.Docs.v1.Data.InlineObjectElement.InlineObjectId

The ID of the InlineObject this element contains.

◆ SuggestedDeletionIds

virtual System.Collections.Generic.IList<string> Google.Apis.Docs.v1.Data.InlineObjectElement.SuggestedDeletionIds

The suggested deletion IDs. If empty, then there are no suggested deletions of this content.

◆ SuggestedInsertionIds

virtual System.Collections.Generic.IList<string> Google.Apis.Docs.v1.Data.InlineObjectElement.SuggestedInsertionIds

The suggested insertion IDs. An InlineObjectElement may have multiple insertion IDs if it is a nested suggested change. If empty, then this is not a suggested insertion.

◆ SuggestedTextStyleChanges

virtual System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string,SuggestedTextStyle> Google.Apis.Docs.v1.Data.InlineObjectElement.SuggestedTextStyleChanges

The suggested text style changes to this InlineObject, keyed by suggestion ID.

◆ TextStyle

virtual TextStyle Google.Apis.Docs.v1.Data.InlineObjectElement.TextStyle

The text style of this InlineObjectElement.

Similar to text content, like text runs and footnote references, the text style of an inline object element can affect content layout as well as the styling of text inserted adjacent to it.

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