Partner Connections Manager Error Reference

During or after account linking, PCM may return an error. The errors documented here are listed in order of precedence.

In this document, PARTNER refers to the name of the Device Access project.

During account linking

These errors occur during the account linking process.

Something went wrong


Please contact the developer of this app if the issue persists.

This error occurs when the Project ID specified in the PCM URL is not found or invalid. Make sure to use the correct Project ID for your project.

This error may surface different messages:


Please contact PARTNER if the issue persists.

This version of the error occurs for a few different reasons:

  • The Device Access project has been deactivated.
  • The OAuth 2.0 Client ID used in PCM does not match the one configured for the Device Access project.

To enable PARTNER, make sure you've migrated your Nest Account to Google.

This version of the error occurs when the user attempting account linking does not have a Nest account, or has not migrated that Nest account to a Google account. It may also occur if migration has been completed, but the Google account has no structures.

A "Migrate to Google" URL is provided with this version of the error.
This version of the error occurs if the user attempts to link an account that does not meet the age requirements for managing their own Google account. These types of accounts cannot be used for Device Access.

See Age requirements on Google Accounts for more information.

No access to partner


Information could not be retrieved. Please contact PARTNER to verify that your account has been properly set up. You may need to add the developer email address as a home member in the Google Home app settings.

This version of the error applies to the Device Access Sandbox and occurs when the Google account used with PCM is not an authorized account on the structure being linked. Make sure the Google account is a member of the home listed in the Google Home app.

See Share a home and devices in the Google Home app for instructions on how to manage home members.
This error occurs when the user attempting account linking has a Google account, but the manager of the home has a Nest account. The manager of the home must migrate that Nest account to a Google account to allow account linking.

Something went wrong, please try again in few minutes.

This error encompasses all other internal errors. Wait a few minutes before attempting account linking again.

Logged in account

These errors occur when viewing PCM for a Google account that is logged in and may have already been linked to a Device Access project.

No partner connections found

This error occurs when the user has not connected any partners for Device Access.

No home found


You need to have a home to view partner connections.

This error occurs when the user has removed all structures from their home in the Google Home app.

Can't find devices in home


Make sure that you have at least one device in your home.

This error occurs when the user has removed all devices supported with Device Access from their home in the Google Home app.