Reklam Verme ve Keşfetme

Bağlantı Yöneticisi'ni ayarlama

Bağlantı yöneticisi, tüm bağlantı etkinliklerini yönetir ve cihazlar arasında veri aktarmak için kullanılan arayüzdür. Bu hem reklam hem de keşif için gerekli bir konudur.

Öncelikle, uygulamanızı benzersiz bir şekilde tanımlamak için bir hizmet kimliği seçilmelidir. En iyi uygulama olarak uygulamanızın paket adını kullanın (örneğin,

Ardından, kullanım alanınız için bir strateji seçin. Seçtiğiniz strateji, uygulamanızın bağlantı topolojisini belirler (.cluster, .star .pointToPoint).

Bağlantı yöneticisini başlatın ve yetki verme yöntemlerini uygulayın:


import NearbyConnections

class Example {
  let connectionManager: ConnectionManager

  init() {
    connectionManager = ConnectionManager(serviceID: "", strategy: .cluster)
    connectionManager.delegate = self

extension Example: ConnectionManagerDelegate {
  func connectionManager(
    _ connectionManager: ConnectionManager, didReceive verificationCode: String,
    from endpointID: EndpointID, verificationHandler: @escaping (Bool) -> Void) {
    // Optionally show the user the verification code. Your app should call this handler
    // with a value of `true` if the nearby endpoint should be trusted, or `false`
    // otherwise.

  func connectionManager(
    _ connectionManager: ConnectionManager, didReceive data: Data,
    withID payloadID: PayloadID, from endpointID: EndpointID) {
    // A simple byte payload has been received. This will always include the full data.

  func connectionManager(
    _ connectionManager: ConnectionManager, didReceive stream: InputStream,
    withID payloadID: PayloadID, from endpointID: EndpointID,
    cancellationToken token: CancellationToken) {
    // We have received a readable stream.

  func connectionManager(
    _ connectionManager: ConnectionManager,
    didStartReceivingResourceWithID payloadID: PayloadID,
    from endpointID: EndpointID, at localURL: URL,
    withName name: String, cancellationToken token: CancellationToken) {
    // We have started receiving a file. We will receive a separate transfer update
    // event when complete.

  func connectionManager(
    _ connectionManager: ConnectionManager,
    didReceiveTransferUpdate update: TransferUpdate,
    from endpointID: EndpointID, forPayload payloadID: PayloadID) {
    // A success, failure, cancelation or progress update.

  func connectionManager(
    _ connectionManager: ConnectionManager, didChangeTo state: ConnectionState,
    for endpointID: EndpointID) {
    switch state {
    case .connecting:
      // A connection to the remote endpoint is currently being established.
    case .connected:
      // We're connected! Can now start sending and receiving data.
    case .disconnected:
      // We've been disconnected from this endpoint. No more data can be sent or received.
    case .rejected:
      // The connection was rejected by one or both sides.

Reklam Yayınlamaya Başlayın

Reklam vermeye başlamak için reklamvereni başlatın, yetki verme yöntemlerini uygulayın ve startAdvertising(using:) yöntemini çağırın.


import NearbyConnections

class Example {
  let connectionManager: ConnectionManager
  let advertiser: Advertiser

  init() {
    connectionManager = ConnectionManager(serviceID: "", strategy: .cluster)
    connectionManager.delegate = self

    advertiser = Advertiser(connectionManager: connectionManager)
    advertiser.delegate = self

    // The endpoint info can be used to provide arbitrary information to the
    // discovering device (e.g. device name or type).
    advertiser.startAdvertising(using: "My Device".data(using: .utf8)!)

extension Example: AdvertiserDelegate {
  func advertiser(
    _ advertiser: Advertiser, didReceiveConnectionRequestFrom endpointID: EndpointID,
    with context: Data, connectionRequestHandler: @escaping (Bool) -> Void) {
    // Accept or reject any incoming connection requests. The connection will still need to
    // be verified in the connection manager delegate.

Keşfi Başlat

Keşfetmeye başlamak için keşif aracını başlatın, yetki verme yöntemlerini uygulayın ve startDiscovery() yöntemini çağırın.


import NearbyConnections

class Example {
  let connectionManager: ConnectionManager
  let discoverer: Discoverer

  init() {
    connectionManager = ConnectionManager(serviceID: "", strategy: .cluster)
    connectionManager.delegate = self

    discoverer = Discoverer(connectionManager: connectionManager)
    discoverer.delegate = self


extension Example: DiscovererDelegate {
  func discoverer(
    _ discoverer: Discoverer, didFind endpointID: EndpointID, with context: Data) {
    // An endpoint was found.

  func discoverer(_ discoverer: Discoverer, didLose endpointID: EndpointID) {
    // A previously discovered endpoint has gone away.