
If you can't find the information you need in the documentation or you have a specific problem that needs solving, this page will help you find the best place to get your questions answered.

Ask a question

The best place to ask Looker Studio development related questions is Stack Overflow. Make sure to use the looker-studio tag.

Report bugs & make feature requests

You can report bugs and request features using the Looker Studio Community Visualizations Issue Tracker. The issue tracker also lets you track the progress of bugs or features that are currently being worked on.

Subscribe to developer email list

Sign up for the Looker Studio Developer mailing list to get updates and announcements for Looker Studio developer features.

Join the community

Join the Looker Studio Developers forum to engage with other Looker Studio Developers, show off your work, and share best practices.

Other feedback

If you have other feedback regarding Looker Studio Community Visualizations, you can reach out to us at: Note that although feedback is monitored we cannot guarantee any response to your feedback.

Resources for non-developers

If you need general, non-developer related help, try these resources: