The AdMob API allows publishers to programmatically get information about their AdMob account.


To call this service, we recommend that you use the Google-provided client libraries. If your application needs to use your own libraries to call this service, use the following information when you make the API requests.

Discovery document

A Discovery Document is a machine-readable specification for describing and consuming REST APIs. It is used to build client libraries, IDE plugins, and other tools that interact with Google APIs. One service may provide multiple discovery documents. This service provides the following discovery documents:

Service endpoint

A service endpoint is a base URL that specifies the network address of an API service. One service might have multiple service endpoints. This service has the following service endpoint and all URIs below are relative to this service endpoint:


REST Resource: v1beta.accounts

get GET /v1beta/{name=accounts/*}
Gets information about the specified AdMob publisher account.
list GET /v1beta/accounts
Lists the AdMob publisher account that was most recently signed in to from the AdMob UI.

REST Resource: v1beta.accounts.adSources

list GET /v1beta/{parent=accounts/*}/adSources
List the ad sources.

REST Resource: v1beta.accounts.adSources.adapters

list GET /v1beta/{parent=accounts/*/adSources/*}/adapters
List the adapters of the ad source.

REST Resource: v1beta.accounts.adUnitMappings

batchCreate POST /v1beta/{parent=accounts/*}/adUnitMappings:batchCreate
Batch create the ad unit mappings under the specific AdMob account.

REST Resource: v1beta.accounts.adUnits

create POST /v1beta/{parent=accounts/*}/adUnits
Creates an ad unit under the specified AdMob account.
list GET /v1beta/{parent=accounts/*}/adUnits
List the ad units under the specified AdMob account.

REST Resource: v1beta.accounts.adUnits.adUnitMappings

create POST /v1beta/{parent=accounts/*/adUnits/*}/adUnitMappings
Create an ad unit mapping under the specific AdMob account and ad unit.
list GET /v1beta/{parent=accounts/*/adUnits/*}/adUnitMappings
List ad unit mappings under the specified AdMob account and ad unit.

REST Resource: v1beta.accounts.apps

create POST /v1beta/{parent=accounts/*}/apps
Creates an app under the specified AdMob account.
list GET /v1beta/{parent=accounts/*}/apps
List the apps under the specified AdMob account.

REST Resource: v1beta.accounts.campaignReport

generate POST /v1beta/{parent=accounts/*}/campaignReport:generate
Generates Campaign Report based on provided specifications.

REST Resource: v1beta.accounts.mediationGroups

create POST /v1beta/{parent=accounts/*}/mediationGroups
Create a mediation group under the specific AdMob account.
list GET /v1beta/{parent=accounts/*}/mediationGroups
List mediation groups under the specified AdMob account.
patch PATCH /v1beta/{*/mediationGroups/*}
Update the specified mediation group under the specified AdMob account.

REST Resource: v1beta.accounts.mediationGroups.mediationAbExperiments

create POST /v1beta/{parent=accounts/*/mediationGroups/*}/mediationAbExperiments
Create an A/B testing experiment for a specified AdMob account and a mediation group.
stop POST /v1beta/{name=accounts/*/mediationGroups/*/mediationAbExperiments}:stop
Stop the mediation A/B experiment and choose a variant.

REST Resource: v1beta.accounts.mediationReport

generate POST /v1beta/{parent=accounts/*}/mediationReport:generate
Generates an AdMob Mediation report based on the provided report specification.

REST Resource: v1beta.accounts.networkReport

generate POST /v1beta/{parent=accounts/*}/networkReport:generate
Generates an AdMob Network report based on the provided report specification.

REST Resource: v1.accounts

get GET /v1/{name=accounts/*}
Gets information about the specified AdMob publisher account.
list GET /v1/accounts
Lists the AdMob publisher account that was most recently signed in to from the AdMob UI.

REST Resource: v1.accounts.adUnits

list GET /v1/{parent=accounts/*}/adUnits
List the ad units under the specified AdMob account.

REST Resource: v1.accounts.apps

list GET /v1/{parent=accounts/*}/apps
List the apps under the specified AdMob account.

REST Resource: v1.accounts.mediationReport

generate POST /v1/{parent=accounts/*}/mediationReport:generate
Generates an AdMob Mediation report based on the provided report specification.

REST Resource: v1.accounts.networkReport

generate POST /v1/{parent=accounts/*}/networkReport:generate
Generates an AdMob Network report based on the provided report specification.