Integration steps

This page covers the steps required to build your integration with Ordering End-to-End.

  1. Account setup

    1. In the Actions Center complete the Onboarding Tasks as described in Account setup.
    2. Grant editor access to on your Ordering End-to-End GCP project. This lets Google access your GCP project for technical support.
    3. If you have received a formal contractual approval from Ordering End-to-End team to proceed with your integration submit an onboarding request, else express your interest by submitting the Ordering End-to-End interest form.
  2. Feed implementation

    1. Create your Restaurant, Service, and Menu feeds. For more details, see Create a data feed.
    2. Test your feeds using Quick Testing. See Test your data feed for a detailed guide.
    3. Generate feed files programmatically for batch ingestion.
    4. Host your sandbox and production feeds as described in Batch ingestion.
    5. Build real-time updates. For more details, see Real-time updates.
  3. Design your fulfillment endpoint implementation. For more details, see Fulfillment API.
  4. Implement Checkout Action

    1. Build your Checkout Action for the ideal, default use case (also called the happy path). For more details, see Fulfillment API and Set up Checkout.
    2. Test your Checkout Action using Quick Testing. Follow instructions listed in Test manually with the quick testing tool.
    3. Build edge case handling into your Checkout Action.
    4. Test your Checkout Action using the automated testing tool. Follow instructions listed in Test with the automated testing tool.
  5. Implement Submit Order Action

    1. Build your Submit Order Action. For more details, see Fulfillment API and Set up Submit order.
    2. Test your Submit Order Action using Quick Testing. Follow instructions listed in Test manually with the quick testing tool.
    3. Build edge case handling in your Submit Order Action.
    4. Test your Submit Order Action using the automated testing tool. Follow instructions listed in Test with the automated testing tool.
  6. Online payment

    1. Validate your Tokenization Parameters using JSFiddle. For more details, see Test your Google Pay payment gateway.
    2. Implement the tokenization parameters in your Checkout response. For more details, see Set up Google Pay.
    3. Implement the charge API of your payment processor in the Submit Order Action. Check with your payment service provider for more details.
    4. Test your tokenization parameters using Quick Testing. For more details see Test online payment.
  7. Build async order updates as described in Async order update.
  8. Testing

    1. Perform your own User Acceptance Test (UAT) with end-to-end testing. For more details, see Quick Testing.
    2. Run the automated testing tool to test edge cases. For more details, see Automated integration test.
  9. Launch preparation

    1. Contact your Google Consultant and wait for further instructions. For more details, see Prepare for launch and Launch readiness checklist.