Google APIs - Global domain errors

This document identifies some of the error codes and messages that Google APIs return. Specifically, the errors listed here are in the global, or default, domain for Google APIs. Many APIs also define their own domains, which identify API-specific errors that are not in the global domain. For those errors, the value of the domain property in the JSON response will be an API-specific value, such as youtube.parameter.

This page lists errors by their HTTP status codes as defined in RFC 7231.

The sample JSON response below demonstrates how a global error is communicated:

 "error": {
  "errors": [
    "domain": "global",
    "reason": "invalidParameter",
    "message": "Invalid string value: 'asdf'. Allowed values: [mostpopular]",
    "locationType": "parameter",
    "location": "chart"
  "code": 400,
  "message": "Invalid string value: 'asdf'. Allowed values: [mostpopular]"


  2. SEE_OTHER (303)
  3. NOT_MODIFIED (304)
  5. BAD_REQUEST (400)
  8. FORBIDDEN (403)
  9. NOT_FOUND (404)
  11. CONFLICT (409)
  12. GONE (410)


Error code Description
movedPermanently This request and future requests for the same operation have to be sent to the URL specified in the Location header of this response instead of to the URL to which this request was sent.


Error code Description
seeOther Your request was processed successfully. To obtain your response, send a GET request to the URL specified in the Location header.
mediaDownloadRedirect Your request was processed successfully. To obtain your response, send a GET request to the URL specified in the Location header.


Error code Description
notModified The condition set for an If-None-Match header was not met. This response indicates that the requested document has not been modified and that a cached response should be retrieved. Check the value of the If-None-Match HTTP request header.


Error code Description
temporaryRedirect To have your request processed, resend it to the URL specified in the Location header of this response.


Error code Description
badRequest The API request is invalid or improperly formed. Consequently, the API server could not understand the request.
badBinaryDomainRequest The binary domain request is invalid.
badContent The content type of the request data or the content type of a part of a multipart request is not supported.
badLockedDomainRequest The locked domain request is invalid.
corsRequestWithXOrigin The CORS request contains an XD3 X-Origin header, which is indicative of a bad CORS request.
endpointConstraintMismatch The request failed because it did not match the specified API. Check the value of the URL path to make sure it is correct.
invalid The request failed because it contained an invalid value. The value could be a parameter value, a header value, or a property value.
invalidAltValue The alt parameter value specifies an unknown output format.
invalidHeader The request failed because it contained an invalid header.
invalidParameter The request failed because it contained an invalid parameter or parameter value. Review the API documentation to determine which parameters are valid for your request.
invalidQuery The request is invalid. Check the API documentation to determine what parameters are supported for the request and to see if the request contains an invalid combination of parameters or an invalid parameter value. Check the value of the q request parameter.
keyExpired The API key provided in the request expired, which means the API server is unable to check the quota limit for the application making the request. Check the Google Developers Console for more information or to obtain a new key.
keyInvalid The API key provided in the request is invalid, which means the API server is unable to check the quota limit for the application making the request. Use the Google Developers Console to find your API key or to obtain one.
lockedDomainCreationFailure The OAuth token was received in the query string, which this API forbids for response formats other than JSON or XML. If possible, try sending the OAuth token in the Authorization header instead.
notDownload Only media downloads requests can be sent to /download/* URL paths. Resend the request to the same path, but without the /download prefix.
notUpload The request failed because it is not an upload request, and only upload requests can be sent to /upload/* URIs. Try resending the request to the same path, but without the /upload prefix.
parseError The API server cannot parse the request body.
required The API request is missing required information. The required information could be a parameter or resource property.
tooManyParts The multipart request failed because it contains too many parts
unknownApi The API that the request is calling is not recognized.
unsupportedMediaProtocol The client is using an unsupported media protocol.
unsupportedOutputFormat The alt parameter value specifies an output format that is not supported for this service. Check the value of the alt request parameter.
wrongUrlForUpload The request is an upload request, but it failed because it was not sent to the proper URI. Upload requests must be sent to URIs that contain the /upload/* prefix. Try resending the request to the same path, but with the /upload prefix.


Error code Description
unauthorized The user is not authorized to make the request.
authError The authorization credentials provided for the request are invalid. Check the value of the Authorization HTTP request header.
expired Session Expired. Check the value of the Authorization HTTP request header.
lockedDomainExpired The request failed because a previously valid locked domain has expired.
required The user must be logged in to make this API request. Check the value of the Authorization HTTP request header.


Error code Description
dailyLimitExceeded402 A daily budget limit set by the developer has been reached.
quotaExceeded402 The requested operation requires more resources than the quota allows. Payment is required to complete the operation.
user402 The requested operation requires some kind of payment from the authenticated user.


Error code Description
forbidden The requested operation is forbidden and cannot be completed.
accessNotConfigured Your project is not configured to access this API. Please use the Google Developers Console to activate the API for your project.
accessNotConfigured The project has been blocked due to abuse. See
accessNotConfigured The project has been marked for deletion.
accountDeleted The user account associated with the request's authorization credentials has been deleted. Check the value of the Authorization HTTP request header.
accountDisabled The user account associated with the request's authorization credentials has been disabled. Check the value of the Authorization HTTP request header.
accountUnverified The email address for the user making the request has not been verified. Check the value of the Authorization HTTP request header.
concurrentLimitExceeded The request failed because a concurrent usage limit has been reached.
dailyLimitExceeded A daily quota limit for the API has been reached.
dailyLimitExceeded The daily quota limit has been reached, and the project has been blocked due to abuse. See the Google APIs compliance support form to help resolve the issue.
dailyLimitExceededUnreg The request failed because a daily limit for unauthenticated API use has been hit. Continued use of the API requires signup through the Google Developers Console.
downloadServiceForbidden The API does not support a download service.
insufficientAudience The request cannot be completed for this audience.
insufficientAuthorizedParty The request cannot be completed for this application.
insufficientPermissions The authenticated user does not have sufficient permissions to execute this request.
limitExceeded The request cannot be completed due to access or rate limitations.
lockedDomainForbidden This API does not support locked domains.
quotaExceeded The requested operation requires more resources than the quota allows.
rateLimitExceeded Too many requests have been sent within a given time span.
rateLimitExceededUnreg A rate limit has been exceeded and you must register your application to be able to continue calling the API. Please sign up using the Google Developers Console.
responseTooLarge The requested resource is too large to return.
servingLimitExceeded The overall rate limit specified for the API has already been reached.
sslRequired SSL is required to perform this operation.
unknownAuth The API server does not recognize the authorization scheme used for the request. Check the value of the Authorization HTTP request header.
userRateLimitExceeded The request failed because a per-user rate limit has been reached.
userRateLimitExceededUnreg The request failed because a per-user rate limit has been reached, and the client developer was not identified in the request. Please use the Google Developer Console ( to create a project for your application.
variableTermExpiredDailyExceeded The request failed because a variable term quota expired and a daily limit was reached.
variableTermLimitExceeded The request failed because a variable term quota limit was reached.


Error code Description
notFound The requested operation failed because a resource associated with the request could not be found.
notFound A resource associated with the request could not be found. If you have not used this API in the last two weeks, please re-deploy the App Engine app and try calling it again.
unsupportedProtocol The protocol used in the request is not supported.


Error code Description
httpMethodNotAllowed The HTTP method associated with the request is not supported.


Error code Description
conflict The API request cannot be completed because the requested operation would conflict with an existing item. For example, a request that tries to create a duplicate item would create a conflict, though duplicate items are typically identified with more specific errors.
duplicate The requested operation failed because it tried to create a resource that already exists.

GONE (410)

Error code Description
deleted The request failed because the resource associated with the request has been deleted


Error code Description
conditionNotMet The condition set in the request's If-Match or If-None-Match HTTP request header was not met. See the ETag section of the HTTP specification for details. Check the value of the If-Match HTTP request header.


Error code Description
backendRequestTooLarge The request is too large.
batchSizeTooLarge The batch request contains too many elements.
uploadTooLarge The request failed because the data sent in the request is too large.


Error code Description
requestedRangeNotSatisfiable The request specified a range that cannot be satisfied.


Error code Description
expectationFailed A client expectation cannot be met by the server.


Error code Description
preconditionRequired The request requires a precondition that is not provided. For this request to succeed, you need to provide either an If-Match or If-None-Match header with the request.


Error code Description
rateLimitExceeded Too many requests have been sent within a given time span.


Error code Description
internalError The request failed due to an internal error.


Error code Description
notImplemented The requested operation has not been implemented.
unsupportedMethod The request failed because it is trying to execute an unknown method or operation.


Error code Description
backendError A backend error occurred.
backendNotConnected The request failed due to a connection error.
notReady The API server is not ready to accept requests.