GvrEditorEmulator prefab

Provides in-editor emulation of head movement and controller input. Consider using Instant Preview, which is included in the SDK, instead.

When enabled in your scene in play mode in the editor, allows you to control head movement by moving the mouse while holding the ALT or CTRL keys, and emuator controller movement using the Controller Emulator companion app. This prefab does nothing when running on-device.

Prefab Hierarchy

Game object name Description

Contains GvrEditorEmulator script component that is responsible for emulating head and controller movement in the editor. Consider using Instant Preview, which is included in the SDK, instead.

GvrEditorEmulator game object

Contains GvrEditorEmulator script component that is responsible for emulating head and controller movement in the editor. Consider using Instant Preview, which is included in the SDK, instead.

Components: GvrEditorEmulator, UnityEngine.Transform