Third Party Vendor and Technology Definitions

Vendor definitions

Data Management Platform Any technology or service that enables advertisers to match, manage and upload cookie lists for the purposes of ad serving, targeting and analytics.
Demand-Side Platform ( DSP) A technology provider that allows marketers to buy inventory across multiple platforms or exchanges. DSPs often include custom optimization, audience targeting, real-time bidding and other services.
Ad Server for Advertisers / Agencies Technology for advertisers that delivers and tracks ads independently of the web site where the ad is being displayed.
Ad Server for Ad Networks / Ad Exchanges Ad serving technology of a marketplace connecting advertisers to ad networks and data aggregators, often facilitating multiple connections and bidding processes.
Rich Media Vendor Provider of technology to create and serve dynamic rich media ad formats
Rich Media Vendor / VAST In-Stream Ad Server Provider of technology to create and serve VAST format ads.
Research Vendor (Analytics) Compiles advertiser data and creates an attribution model. Does not buy or sell data. All data is advertiser's proprietary data (does not share data across clients). Only used for reporting purposes and/or retargeting and dynamically updating creatives. Cannot collect data upon ad impression for subsequent targeting purposes.
Research Vendor (Brand-Lift Study Exposure-Tracking Pixels) Collects data for market research purposes. No ads are served or targeted based on this data.
Verification Service Certifies or classifies web pages in an effort to prevent advertisers' campaigns from running on unsavory or blocked content, and/or protects advertisers from having other companies run their ads incorrectly.
In-Ads Advertising Option Icon Vendor Technology provider delivering information and transparency to consumers on how third-party companies gather and use their data.

Format definitions

Banner Static image banner.
Expandable Banner Creatives whose dimensions expand when a user interacts with them.
Standard Image Standard static image.
Instream Wrapper Allows buyers to insert an additional redirect to their own server within the video snippet, for reporting and other purposes.
VAST Instream VAST Instream: Format for serving in-stream video ads via the VAST specification.
HTML5 Learn about serving HTML5 in the Ad Exchange
Tracking Pixel and Impression/View-Through Tracking Format for tracking ad delivery and landing page. Learn about tracking pixels. See "Verification Service" above.
Tracking Pixel and Brand Lift Exposure Format for investigating advertiser markets. Learn about tracking pixels. See "Research Vendor (Brand-Lift Study Exposure-Tracking Pixels)" above.
Tracking Pixel and Verification Format for confirming delivery of ads. Learn about tracking pixels. See "Verification Service" above.
Brand Lift, In-unit Invitation Banner Banner format that invites users to participate in a survey. See "Research Vendor (Brand-Lift Study Exposure-Tracking Pixels)" above.
Brand Lift, In-unit Invitation Layer Special format that invites users to participate in a survey. See "Research Vendor (Brand-Lift Study Exposure-Tracking Pixels)" above.
Brand Lift, In-unit Survey Banner Banner format that prompts users to participate in a survey. See "Research Vendor (Brand-Lift Study Exposure-Tracking Pixels)" above.
Tracking Pixel and Audience Composition Format for researching advertiser audience. Learn about tracking pixels. See "Research Vendor (Analytics)" above.
Tracking Pixel and Reach Frequency Format for researching advertiser audience and reach. Learn about tracking pixels. See "Research Vendor (Analytics)" above.
Advertising option icon See "In-Ads Advertising Option Icon Vendor" above.
Interstitial Learn about Interstital ads
Mobile Video Learn about Mobile formats