identitytoolkit  v3
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Google.Apis.IdentityToolkit.v3.Data.IdentitytoolkitRelyingpartySignupNewUserRequest Class Reference

Request to signup new user, create anonymous user or anonymous user reauth. More...

Inheritance diagram for Google.Apis.IdentityToolkit.v3.Data.IdentitytoolkitRelyingpartySignupNewUserRequest:


virtual string CaptchaChallenge [get, set]
 The captcha challenge. More...
virtual string CaptchaResponse [get, set]
 Response to the captcha. More...
virtual System.Nullable< bool > Disabled [get, set]
 Whether to disable the user. Only can be used by service account. More...
virtual string DisplayName [get, set]
 The name of the user. More...
virtual string Email [get, set]
 The email of the user. More...
virtual System.Nullable< bool > EmailVerified [get, set]
 Mark the email as verified or not. Only can be used by service account. More...
virtual string IdToken [get, set]
 The GITKit token of the authenticated user. More...
virtual string InstanceId [get, set]
 Instance id token of the app. More...
virtual string LocalId [get, set]
 Privileged caller can create user with specified user id. More...
virtual string Password [get, set]
 The new password of the user. More...
virtual string PhoneNumber [get, set]
 Privileged caller can create user with specified phone number. More...
virtual string PhotoUrl [get, set]
 The photo url of the user. More...
virtual string TenantId [get, set]
 For multi-tenant use cases, in order to construct sign-in URL with the correct IDP parameters, Firebear needs to know which Tenant to retrieve IDP configs from. More...
virtual System.Nullable< ulong > TenantProjectNumber [get, set]
 Tenant project number to be used for idp discovery. More...
virtual string ETag [get, set]
 The ETag of the item. More...
- Properties inherited from Google::Apis::Requests::IDirectResponseSchema
string ETag

Detailed Description

Request to signup new user, create anonymous user or anonymous user reauth.

Property Documentation

◆ CaptchaChallenge

virtual string Google.Apis.IdentityToolkit.v3.Data.IdentitytoolkitRelyingpartySignupNewUserRequest.CaptchaChallenge

The captcha challenge.

◆ CaptchaResponse

virtual string Google.Apis.IdentityToolkit.v3.Data.IdentitytoolkitRelyingpartySignupNewUserRequest.CaptchaResponse

Response to the captcha.

◆ Disabled

virtual System.Nullable<bool> Google.Apis.IdentityToolkit.v3.Data.IdentitytoolkitRelyingpartySignupNewUserRequest.Disabled

Whether to disable the user. Only can be used by service account.

◆ DisplayName

virtual string Google.Apis.IdentityToolkit.v3.Data.IdentitytoolkitRelyingpartySignupNewUserRequest.DisplayName

The name of the user.

◆ Email

virtual string Google.Apis.IdentityToolkit.v3.Data.IdentitytoolkitRelyingpartySignupNewUserRequest.Email

The email of the user.

◆ EmailVerified

virtual System.Nullable<bool> Google.Apis.IdentityToolkit.v3.Data.IdentitytoolkitRelyingpartySignupNewUserRequest.EmailVerified

Mark the email as verified or not. Only can be used by service account.

◆ ETag

virtual string Google.Apis.IdentityToolkit.v3.Data.IdentitytoolkitRelyingpartySignupNewUserRequest.ETag

The ETag of the item.

◆ IdToken

virtual string Google.Apis.IdentityToolkit.v3.Data.IdentitytoolkitRelyingpartySignupNewUserRequest.IdToken

The GITKit token of the authenticated user.

◆ InstanceId

virtual string Google.Apis.IdentityToolkit.v3.Data.IdentitytoolkitRelyingpartySignupNewUserRequest.InstanceId

Instance id token of the app.

◆ LocalId

virtual string Google.Apis.IdentityToolkit.v3.Data.IdentitytoolkitRelyingpartySignupNewUserRequest.LocalId

Privileged caller can create user with specified user id.

◆ Password

virtual string Google.Apis.IdentityToolkit.v3.Data.IdentitytoolkitRelyingpartySignupNewUserRequest.Password

The new password of the user.

◆ PhoneNumber

virtual string Google.Apis.IdentityToolkit.v3.Data.IdentitytoolkitRelyingpartySignupNewUserRequest.PhoneNumber

Privileged caller can create user with specified phone number.

◆ PhotoUrl

virtual string Google.Apis.IdentityToolkit.v3.Data.IdentitytoolkitRelyingpartySignupNewUserRequest.PhotoUrl

The photo url of the user.

◆ TenantId

virtual string Google.Apis.IdentityToolkit.v3.Data.IdentitytoolkitRelyingpartySignupNewUserRequest.TenantId

For multi-tenant use cases, in order to construct sign-in URL with the correct IDP parameters, Firebear needs to know which Tenant to retrieve IDP configs from.

◆ TenantProjectNumber

virtual System.Nullable<ulong> Google.Apis.IdentityToolkit.v3.Data.IdentitytoolkitRelyingpartySignupNewUserRequest.TenantProjectNumber

Tenant project number to be used for idp discovery.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: