Class | Description |
BooleanOperatorOptions |
Used to provide a search operator for boolean properties.
BooleanPropertyOptions |
Options for boolean properties.
CheckAccessResponse |
Model definition for CheckAccessResponse.
CompositeFilter |
Model definition for CompositeFilter.
CustomerIndexStats |
Aggregation of items by status code as of the specified date.
CustomerQueryStats |
Model definition for CustomerQueryStats.
CustomerSessionStats |
Model definition for CustomerSessionStats.
CustomerUserStats |
Model definition for CustomerUserStats.
DataSource |
Datasource is a logical namespace for items to be indexed.
DataSourceIndexStats |
Aggregation of items by status code as of the specified date.
DataSourceRestriction |
Restriction on Datasource.
Date |
Represents a whole calendar date, for example a date of birth.
DateOperatorOptions |
DatePropertyOptions |
Options for date properties.
DateValues |
List of date values.
DebugOptions |
Shared request debug options for all cloudsearch RPC methods.
DeleteQueueItemsRequest |
Model definition for DeleteQueueItemsRequest.
DisplayedProperty |
A reference to a top-level property within the object that should be displayed in search results.
DoubleOperatorOptions |
Used to provide a search operator for double properties.
DoublePropertyOptions |
Options for double properties.
DoubleValues |
List of double values.
DriveFollowUpRestrict |
Drive follow-up search restricts (e.g.
DriveLocationRestrict |
Drive location search restricts (e.g.
DriveMimeTypeRestrict |
Drive mime-type search restricts (e.g.
DriveTimeSpanRestrict |
The time span search restrict (e.g.
EmailAddress |
A person's email address.
EnumOperatorOptions |
Used to provide a search operator for enum properties.
EnumPropertyOptions |
Options for enum properties, which allow you to define a restricted set of strings to match user
queries, set rankings for those string values, and define an operator name to be paired with
those strings so that users can narrow results to only items with a specific value.
EnumValuePair |
The enumeration value pair defines two things: a required string value and an optional integer
EnumValues |
List of enum values.
ErrorInfo |
Error information about the response.
ErrorMessage |
Error message per source response.
FacetBucket |
A bucket in a facet is the basic unit of operation.
FacetOptions |
Specifies operators to return facet results for.
FacetResult |
Source specific facet response
FieldViolation |
Model definition for FieldViolation.
Filter |
A generic way of expressing filters in a query, which supports two approaches: **1.
FilterOptions |
Filter options to be applied on query.
FreshnessOptions |
Indicates which freshness property to use when adjusting search ranking for an item.
GetCustomerIndexStatsResponse |
Model definition for GetCustomerIndexStatsResponse.
GetCustomerQueryStatsResponse |
Model definition for GetCustomerQueryStatsResponse.
GetCustomerSessionStatsResponse |
Model definition for GetCustomerSessionStatsResponse.
GetCustomerUserStatsResponse |
Model definition for GetCustomerUserStatsResponse.
GetDataSourceIndexStatsResponse |
Model definition for GetDataSourceIndexStatsResponse.
GetSearchApplicationQueryStatsResponse |
Model definition for GetSearchApplicationQueryStatsResponse.
GetSearchApplicationSessionStatsResponse |
Model definition for GetSearchApplicationSessionStatsResponse.
GetSearchApplicationUserStatsResponse |
Model definition for GetSearchApplicationUserStatsResponse.
GSuitePrincipal |
Model definition for GSuitePrincipal.
HtmlOperatorOptions |
Used to provide a search operator for html properties.
HtmlPropertyOptions |
Options for html properties.
HtmlValues |
List of html values.
IndexItemOptions |
Model definition for IndexItemOptions.
IndexItemRequest |
Model definition for IndexItemRequest.
IntegerOperatorOptions |
Used to provide a search operator for integer properties.
IntegerPropertyOptions |
Options for integer properties.
IntegerValues |
List of integer values.
Interaction |
Represents an interaction between a user and an item.
Item |
Represents a single object that is an item in the search index, such as a file, folder, or a
database record.
ItemAcl |
Access control list information for the item.
ItemContent |
Content of an item to be indexed and surfaced by Cloud Search.
ItemCountByStatus |
Model definition for ItemCountByStatus.
ItemMetadata |
Available metadata fields for the item.
ItemStatus |
This contains item's status and any errors.
ItemStructuredData |
Available structured data fields for the item.
ListDataSourceResponse |
Model definition for ListDataSourceResponse.
ListItemNamesForUnmappedIdentityResponse |
Model definition for ListItemNamesForUnmappedIdentityResponse.
ListItemsResponse |
Model definition for ListItemsResponse.
ListQuerySourcesResponse |
List sources response.
ListSearchApplicationsResponse |
Model definition for ListSearchApplicationsResponse.
ListUnmappedIdentitiesResponse |
Model definition for ListUnmappedIdentitiesResponse.
MatchRange |
Matched range of a snippet [start, end).
Media |
Media resource.
Metadata |
Metadata of a matched search result.
Metaline |
A metaline is a list of properties that are displayed along with the search result to provide
Name |
A person's name.
NamedProperty |
A typed name-value pair for structured data.
ObjectDefinition |
The definition for an object within a data source.
ObjectDisplayOptions |
The display options for an object.
ObjectOptions |
The options for an object.
ObjectPropertyOptions |
Options for object properties.
ObjectValues |
List of object values.
Operation |
This resource represents a long-running operation that is the result of a network API call.
PeopleSuggestion |
This field contains information about the person being suggested.
Person |
Object to represent a person.
Photo |
A person's photo.
PollItemsRequest |
Model definition for PollItemsRequest.
PollItemsResponse |
Model definition for PollItemsResponse.
Principal |
Reference to a user, group, or domain.
ProcessingError |
Model definition for ProcessingError.
PropertyDefinition |
The definition of a property within an object.
PropertyDisplayOptions |
The display options for a property.
PushItem |
Represents an item to be pushed to the indexing queue.
PushItemRequest |
Model definition for PushItemRequest.
QueryCountByStatus |
Model definition for QueryCountByStatus.
QueryInterpretation |
Model definition for QueryInterpretation.
QueryInterpretationOptions |
Options to interpret user query.
QueryItem |
Information relevant only to a query entry.
QueryOperator |
The definition of a operator that can be used in a Search/Suggest request.
QuerySource |
List of sources that the user can search using the query API.
QuerySuggestion |
This field does not contain anything as of now and is just used as an indicator that the suggest
result was a phrase completion.
RepositoryError |
Errors when the connector is communicating to the source repository.
RequestOptions |
Shared request options for all RPC methods.
ResetSearchApplicationRequest |
Model definition for ResetSearchApplicationRequest.
ResponseDebugInfo |
Debugging information about the response.
RestrictItem |
Information relevant only to a restrict entry.
ResultCounts |
Result count information
ResultDebugInfo |
Debugging information about the result.
ResultDisplayField |
Display Fields for Search Results
ResultDisplayLine |
The collection of fields that make up a displayed line
ResultDisplayMetadata |
Model definition for ResultDisplayMetadata.
RetrievalImportance |
Model definition for RetrievalImportance.
Schema |
The schema definition for a data source.
ScoringConfig |
Scoring configurations for a source while processing a Search or Suggest request.
SearchApplication |
SearchApplicationQueryStats |
Model definition for SearchApplicationQueryStats.
SearchApplicationSessionStats |
Model definition for SearchApplicationSessionStats.
SearchApplicationUserStats |
Model definition for SearchApplicationUserStats.
SearchItemsByViewUrlRequest |
Model definition for SearchItemsByViewUrlRequest.
SearchItemsByViewUrlResponse |
Model definition for SearchItemsByViewUrlResponse.
SearchQualityMetadata |
Additional search quality metadata of the item.
SearchRequest |
The search API request.
SearchResponse |
The search API response.
SearchResult |
Results containing indexed information for a document.
Snippet |
Snippet of the search result, which summarizes the content of the resulting page.
SortOptions |
Model definition for SortOptions.
Source |
Defines sources for the suggest/search APIs.
SourceConfig |
Configurations for a source while processing a Search or Suggest request.
SourceCrowdingConfig |
Set search results crowding limits.
SourceResultCount |
Per source result count information.
SourceScoringConfig |
Set the scoring configuration.
SpellResult |
Model definition for SpellResult.
StartUploadItemRequest |
Start upload file request.
Status |
The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming
environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs.
StructuredDataObject |
A structured data object consisting of named properties.
StructuredResult |
Structured results that are returned as part of search request.
SuggestRequest |
Request of suggest API.
SuggestResponse |
Response of the suggest API.
SuggestResult |
One suggestion result.
TextOperatorOptions |
Used to provide a search operator for text properties.
TextPropertyOptions |
Options for text properties.
TextValues |
List of text values.
TimestampOperatorOptions |
Used to provide a search operator for timestamp properties.
TimestampPropertyOptions |
Options for timestamp properties.
TimestampValues |
List of timestamp values.
UnmappedIdentity |
Model definition for UnmappedIdentity.
UnreserveItemsRequest |
Model definition for UnreserveItemsRequest.
UpdateDataSourceRequest |
Model definition for UpdateDataSourceRequest.
UpdateSchemaRequest |
Model definition for UpdateSchemaRequest.
UploadItemRef |
Represents an upload session reference.
Value |
Definition of a single value with generic type.
ValueFilter |
Model definition for ValueFilter.