calendar  v3
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234567]
 CScopeDataThe scope of the rule.
 CNotificationSettingsDataThe notifications that the authenticated user is receiving for this calendar.
 CCreatorDataThe creator of the event. Read-only.
 CExtendedPropertiesDataExtended properties of the event.
 CGadgetDataA gadget that extends this event.
 COrganizerDataThe organizer of the event. If the organizer is also an attendee, this is indicated with a separate entry in attendees with the organizer field set to True. To change the organizer, use the move operation. Read-only, except when importing an event.
 CRemindersDataInformation about the event's reminders for the authenticated user.
 CSourceDataSource from which the event was created. For example, a web page, an email message or any document identifiable by an URL with HTTP or HTTPS scheme. Can only be seen or modified by the creator of the event.
 CAclResourceThe "acl" collection of methods.
 CDeleteRequestDeletes an access control rule.
 CGetRequestReturns an access control rule.
 CInsertRequestCreates an access control rule.
 CListRequestReturns the rules in the access control list for the calendar.
 CPatchRequestUpdates an access control rule. This method supports patch semantics.
 CUpdateRequestUpdates an access control rule.
 CWatchRequestWatch for changes to ACL resources.
 CCalendarBaseServiceRequestA base abstract class for Calendar requests.
 CCalendarListResourceThe "calendarList" collection of methods.
 CDeleteRequestRemoves a calendar from the user's calendar list.
 CGetRequestReturns a calendar from the user's calendar list.
 CInsertRequestInserts an existing calendar into the user's calendar list.
 CListRequestReturns the calendars on the user's calendar list.
 CPatchRequestUpdates an existing calendar on the user's calendar list. This method supports patch semantics.
 CUpdateRequestUpdates an existing calendar on the user's calendar list.
 CWatchRequestWatch for changes to CalendarList resources.
 CCalendarServiceThe Calendar Service.
 CCalendarsResourceThe "calendars" collection of methods.
 CClearRequestClears a primary calendar. This operation deletes all events associated with the primary calendar of an account.
 CDeleteRequestDeletes a secondary calendar. Use calendars.clear for clearing all events on primary calendars.
 CGetRequestReturns metadata for a calendar.
 CInsertRequestCreates a secondary calendar.
 CPatchRequestUpdates metadata for a calendar. This method supports patch semantics.
 CUpdateRequestUpdates metadata for a calendar.
 CChannelsResourceThe "channels" collection of methods.
 CStopRequestStop watching resources through this channel
 CColorsResourceThe "colors" collection of methods.
 CGetRequestReturns the color definitions for calendars and events.
 CEventsResourceThe "events" collection of methods.
 CDeleteRequestDeletes an event.
 CGetRequestReturns an event.
 CImportRequestImports an event. This operation is used to add a private copy of an existing event to a calendar.
 CInsertRequestCreates an event.
 CInstancesRequestReturns instances of the specified recurring event.
 CListRequestReturns events on the specified calendar.
 CMoveRequestMoves an event to another calendar, i.e. changes an event's organizer.
 CPatchRequestUpdates an event. This method supports patch semantics.
 CQuickAddRequestCreates an event based on a simple text string.
 CUpdateRequestUpdates an event.
 CWatchRequestWatch for changes to Events resources.
 CFreebusyResourceThe "freebusy" collection of methods.
 CQueryRequestReturns free/busy information for a set of calendars.
 CSettingsResourceThe "settings" collection of methods.
 CGetRequestReturns a single user setting.
 CListRequestReturns all user settings for the authenticated user.
 CWatchRequestWatch for changes to Settings resources.