Game Engine Integration

This guide shows you how to integrate the Resonance Audio plugin for FMOD into Unity or Unreal projects.

If you are new to the Resonance Audio plugin for FMOD, see Get Started with the Resonance Audio Plugin for FMOD.

Unity integration

You can use the Resonance Audio plugin as part of any FMOD Unity project.

Add the Resonance Audio plugin into your FMOD Unity project

  1. Download and import the FMOD Studio Unity Integration package into your Unity project. This package contains scripts needed for accessing the Resonance Audio plugins.
  2. Open Unity and navigate to FMOD > Edit Settings.
  3. Select your FMOD Studio project and click Add Plugin.
  4. Type resonanceaudio in the text field.

Room effects in Unity FMOD projects

Resonance Audio provides room effects in Unity that let you:

  • Control how sounds react to the size and surface properties of the rooms you create.

  • React to the movements of the listener and the sound sources within your scene.

If you are using Resonance Audio room effects, first remove the FMOD Reverb return effect from the master:

  1. In FMOD Studio, navigate to the Mixer window using Ctrl + 2 (Windows) or Cmd + 2 (MacOS).
  2. Select the reverb return from the Routing menu on the far left.
  3. Right-click on the return and select Delete to remove it.

Add room effects

Once you have sound sources using Resonance Audio spatialization within your project, you can add room effects to your scenes.

The following C# scripts let you control room effects in your Unity project.

  • FmodResonanceAudio.cs
  • FmodResonanceAudioRoom.cs
  • FmodResonanceAudioRoomEditor.cs

To add room effects to a scene:

  1. Add the ResonanceAudio folder to the ($UnityProject)/Assets/ folder.
  2. Attach the FmodResonanceAudioRoom component to a GameObject in your scene.
  3. Adjust the room properties as needed. Make sure that the Resonance Audio Listener and your Resonance Audio Sources are inside the selected room boundaries for the corresponding room effects to be applied.

    A Unity Gizmo appears in the Scene view to show the spatial boundaries of your ResonanceAudioRoom.

You can add any number of Resonance Audio Rooms to a scene. As the game object with the FMOD listener script attached moves around the scene, room effects react smoothly in real time. The room effects update according to the room, listener, and any Resonance Audio Sources that are currently within the room.

Deploying the plugins on iOS using Unity

To deploy on iOS:

  1. After completing the previous steps, modify ($UnityProject)/Assets/Plugins/FMOD/fmodplugins.cpp to uncomment the following declaration at the top of the file:

    FMOD_DSP_DESCRIPTION* FMOD_ResonanceAudioListener_GetDSPDescription();
    FMOD_DSP_DESCRIPTION* FMOD_ResonanceAudioSoundfield_GetDSPDescription();
    FMOD_DSP_DESCRIPTION* FMOD_ResonanceAudioSource_GetDSPDescription();
  2. In the same file, uncomment the following code provided in the FmodUnityNativePluginInit() method:

    uint32_t result = 0;
    result = FMOD5_System_RegisterDSP(system, FMOD_ResonanceAudioListener_GetDSPDescription(), nullptr);
    if (result != 0)
      return result;
    result = FMOD5_System_RegisterDSP(system, FMOD_ResonanceAudioSoundfield_GetDSPDescription(), nullptr);
    if (result != 0)
      return result;
    result = FMOD5_System_RegisterDSP(system, FMOD_ResonanceAudioSource_GetDSPDescription(), nullptr);
    if (result != 0)
      return result;

Unreal Integration

To use the Resonance Audio FMOD plugins in Unreal Engine:

  1. Move the Resonance Audio binaries for the relevant platforms into one of the following directories:

    • Your Unreal project’s Plugins/FMODStudio/Binaries/<platform> directory.
    • MacOS: /Users/Shared/UnrealEngine/<version>/Engine/Plugins/FMODStudio/Binaries/<platform>

    • Windows: <UnrealEngineRootDir>/Engine/Plugins/FMODStudio/Binaries/<platform>
  2. Within your FMOD Studio project, make sure that you are building your banks into your Unreal Engine project’s Content/FMOD directory.

  3. Under Edit > Project Settings > Packaging, confirm that FMOD was added to Additional Non-Asset Directories to Package.

  4. Within UE4 go to Edit > Project Settings…. Scroll to the FMOD Studio settings at the lower left and select “FMOD Studio”.

  5. Go to the Advanced tab and add a plugin file named resonanceaudio.

  6. You should now be able to load and play FMOD events utilizing the Resonance Audio plugins.

  7. Create a file named plugins.txt within your game folder under Plugins/FMODStudio/Binaries/<platform> for each platform to which you are deploying. Each file should contain the name of the plugins you are using. To use the Resonance Audio plugins the file should include only the word resonanceaudio.

Deploying the plugins on Android using Unreal

To deploy on Android:

  1. After completing the previous steps, add a file named resonanceaudio_APL.xml to Plugins/FMODStudios/Binaries/Android/.

  2. Add the following content to the file:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <!--Plugin additions-->
    <root xmlns:android="">
      <!-- init section is always evaluated once per architecture -->
        <log text="resonanceaudio APL init"/> </init>
    <!-- optional files or directories to copy to Intermediate/Android/APK -->
      <log text="resonanceaudio APL copying files for $S(Architecture)/"/>
      <copyFile src="$S(PluginDir)/$S(Architecture)/"
                dst="$S(BuildDir)/libs/$S(Architecture)/" />
    <!-- optional libraries to load in before -->
      <log text="resonanceaudio APL adding loadLibrary references"/>
      <loadLibrary name="resonanceaudio" failmsg="resonanceaudio not loaded and required!" />
    </soLoadLibrary> </root>

Room effects for the FMOD plugin in Unreal Engine or native code

To control Resonance Audio room effects directly from your C++ source code, pass the plugin a RoomProperties struct containing your room parameters.

To do this, place a call to the FMOD::DSP::setParameterData method in your project’s native code.

Pass in the data as a void pointer:

FMOD_RESULT DSP::setParameterData(
  int index,
  void *data,
  unsigned int length

To set the RoomProperties struct to control room effects, pass a value of 1 to the first index parameter. For example:

setParameterData( 1 /* Room properties index */, room_properties_ptr, length_bytes);

The RoomProperties struct header is available on github.