Purchase Flow

Reserve Capture Flow


The reserve capture flow is used to handle payments using dual message communication. The funds are first reserved through a call to the Payment Integrator hosted reserveFunds method. If this method synchronously returns SUCCESS it means that the funds are reserved and can be captured or released. This step is commonly known as an performing an Auth or Authorization.

Capture funds reservation

The funds can be captured by a call to captureFundsReservation. This will start the process of moving the funds into Google's account.

Auth Capture Flow

Cancel funds reservation

Alternatively, the reservation of funds can be canceled with a call to cancelFundsReservation. This frees the hold on the funds. If a reservation is canceled there is no money movement. Reservations that have not been captured are automatically canceled after a fixed period of time, typically seven days.

Auth Cancel Flow

Subsequent operations

If the funds are captured, the payment may be refunded by Google through the refund flow.