Japanese address format specification

The following is the address format summary for Japan:

Generic field name Japan-specific name Requirements Notes
Address lines (住所) Address lines (住所) First line is required. Additional lines are optional. Up to five address lines can be provided. This field needs to contain all address info besides administrative area and postal code.
Sub-locality (地域の下位区分) N/A Not used
Locality (地域区分) City (市区町村) Not used Prior to March 2018, this field was required. Any locality information now goes in address lines.
Administrative area (行政区域) Prefecture (都道府県) Required
Postal code (郵便番号) Postal code (郵便番号) Required

A language is associated with each address. For example, "ja" is used when the address is written with Kanji/Kana, or either "ja-Latn" or "en" when the address is written with Latin script.

Examples of how to include locality

Any data that was listed in the locality (地域区分) field before March 2018 has automatically been added to the address lines.

Examples in Kanji/Kana

The following examples show how the March 2018 change affects addresses written in Kanji/Kana.

The following address can be structured in multiple ways:

〒106-0032 東京都港区六本木6丁目10−1

The pre-March 2018 address format required the locality field and used the following format:

Address line 1: 六本木6丁目10−1
Locality: 港区
Administrative area: 東京都
Postal code: 106-0032
Language: ja

Now that the locality field isn't used, the address can be provided in one of the following formats:

Example 1

Address line 1: 港区六本木6丁目10−1
Administrative area: 東京都
Postal code: 106-0032
Language: ja

Example 2

Address line 1: 港区
Address line 2: 六本木6丁目10−1
Administrative area: 東京都
Postal code: 106-0032
Language: ja

When reading back addresses in Japan that were previously entered with the pre-March 2018 format in "ja" language, Business Profile returns the format used in Example 2. Example 2 shows how all address lines are shifted down by one line and the locality is introduced as a new first line.

Examples in Latin script

The following examples show how the March 2018 change affects addresses written in Latin script.

The following address can be structured in multiple ways:

6 Chome-10-1 Roppongi, Minato, Tokyo 106-0032

The pre-March 2018 address format required the locality field and used the following format:

Address line 1: 6 Chome-10-1 Roppongi
Locality: Minato
Administrative area: Tokyo
Postal code: 106-0032
Language: en

Now that the locality field isn't used, the address could be provided in one of the following formats:

Example 3

Address line 1: 6 Chome-10-1 Roppongi, Minato
Administrative area: Tokyo
Postal code: 106-0032
Language: en

Example 4

Address line 1: 6 Chome-10-1 Roppongi
Address line 2: Minato
Administrative area: Tokyo
Postal code: 106-0032
Language: en

When reading back addresses in Japan that were previously entered with the pre-March 2018 format in "en" language, Business Profile returns the format used in Example 4.