Invalid timestamp


An invalid timestamp issue occurs when a review or merchant contains a create_timestamp or last_update_timestamp that is invalid or when create_timestamp is after last_update_timestamp.

How to fix

Deliver the review or merchant ensuring that create_timestamp and last_update_timestamp are valid.


On March 1st, you upload the feed file "2017_03_01.xml" to your endpoint. The file contains the following contents:

<merchant id="2739">
  <name>Google Store</name>

The above file contains a merchant entry whose create_timestamp is after last_update_timestamp. After processing your feed, the support team notifies you that a data issue, invalid timestamp, has occurred.

A few days later, after reviewing the documentation, you upload the file "2017_03_04-fix.xml" to your endpoint to resolve the invalid rating issue:

<merchant id="2739">
  <name>Google Store</name>