Bid Menurut Cuaca

Ikon bidding

Permintaan untuk produk dan layanan tertentu sangat bervariasi bergantung pada cuaca. Misalnya, pengguna jauh lebih cenderung menelusuri informasi tentang taman hiburan pada hari yang panas dan cerah daripada saat dingin dan hujan. Perusahaan taman hiburan mungkin ingin meningkatkan bid mereka saat cuaca bagus, tetapi melakukannya setiap hari akan membutuhkan banyak pekerjaan manual. Namun, dengan skrip Google Ads, Anda dapat mengambil informasi cuaca secara terprogram dan menyesuaikan bid dalam hitungan menit.

Skrip ini menggunakan Google Spreadsheet untuk menyimpan daftar kampanye dan lokasi yang terkait. Panggilan ke OpenWeatherMap API dibuat untuk setiap lokasi dan kondisi cuaca dihitung menggunakan beberapa aturan dasar. Jika aturan bernilai true (benar), pengganda bid lokasi yang sesuai akan diterapkan ke penargetan lokasi untuk kampanye.

Cara kerjanya

Skrip bekerja dengan membaca data dari {i>spreadsheet<i}. {i>Spreadsheet <i}terdiri dari tiga {i>sheet<i} individu:

1. Data kampanye

Serangkaian aturan menentukan pengubah bid yang akan diterapkan pada kampanye saat kondisi cuaca terpenuhi. Berikut adalah kolom yang wajib diisi:

  • Nama Kampanye: Nama kampanye yang akan diubah.
  • Lokasi Cuaca: Lokasi yang kondisi cuacanya akan diperiksa.
  • Kondisi Cuaca: Kondisi cuaca tempat aturan ini akan diterapkan.
  • Pengubah Bid: Pengubah bid lokasi yang akan diterapkan jika kondisi cuaca terpenuhi.
  • Terapkan Pengubah Ke: Apakah pengubah bid hanya diterapkan ke target geografis kampanye yang cocok dengan Lokasi Cuaca atau ke semua target geografis kampanye.
  • Enabled: Tentukan Yes untuk mengaktifkan aturan dan No untuk menonaktifkannya.


Contoh berikut memiliki tiga kampanye.

Screenshot spreadsheet, sheet satu

Kampanye Pengujian 1 menggambarkan skenario penggunaan umum. Kampanye tersebut menargetkan Boston, MA dan memiliki dua aturan:

  1. Terapkan pengubah bid 1.3 jika cuaca di Jakarta, MA adalah Sunny.
  2. Terapkan pengubah bid 0.8 jika cuaca di Jakarta, MA adalah Rainy.

Kampanye Pengujian 2 memiliki aturan bidding yang sama dengan Kampanye Pengujian 1, tetapi menargetkan Connecticut.

Kampanye Pengujian 3 juga menggunakan aturan bidding yang sama, tetapi menargetkan Florida. Karena aturan cuaca untuk Florida dipetakan ke seluruh negara bagian, yang bukan lokasi yang ditargetkan secara eksplisit oleh kampanye, 'Apply Modifier To' ditetapkan ke All Geo Targets sehingga kota yang menjadi target kampanye terpengaruh.

2. Data cuaca

Sheet ini menunjukkan kondisi cuaca yang digunakan dalam sheet data Kampanye. Kolom berikut wajib ada:

  • Nama Kondisi: Nama kondisi cuaca (misalnya, Sunny).
  • Suhu: Suhu dalam Fahrenheit.
  • Presipitasi: Hujan, dalam milimeter, selama 3 jam terakhir.
  • Angin: Kecepatan angin, dalam mil per jam.

Screenshot spreadsheet, sheet dua

Sheet yang ditampilkan di atas mendefinisikan dua kondisi cuaca:

  1. Sunny: Suhu antara 65 dan 80 derajat Fahrenheit, curah hujan di bawah 1 mm hujan dalam tiga jam terakhir, dan kecepatan angin kurang dari 5 mpj.
  2. Rainy: Presipitasi di atas 0 mm hujan dalam tiga jam terakhir dan kecepatan angin kurang dari 10 km/jam.

Kondisi cuaca

Saat menentukan kondisi cuaca, tetapkan nilai sebagai berikut:

  • below x: Nilai yang ditentukan adalah below x (misalnya below 10)
  • above x: Nilai yang ditentukan adalah above x (misalnya above 70)
  • x to y: Nilai yang ditentukan adalah antara x dan y, inklusif (misalnya, 65 to 80)

Jika Anda membiarkan sel kosong, parameter tersebut tidak akan dipertimbangkan dalam penghitungan. Jadi dalam contoh kita, karena kondisi cuaca Rainy memiliki kolom suhu yang kosong, suhu tidak akan dipertimbangkan saat menghitung kondisi cuaca ini.

Kondisi cuaca digabungkan dengan fungsi AND saat menghitung kondisi cuaca. Untuk contoh ini, kondisi cuaca Sunny dievaluasi sebagai berikut:

const isSunny = (temperature >= 65 && temperature <= 80) && (precipitation < 1) && (wind < 5);

3. Data lokasi cuaca

Sheet ini menentukan lokasi cuaca yang digunakan dalam sheet data Kampanye, dan terdiri dari dua kolom:

  • Lokasi Cuaca: Ini adalah nama lokasi cuaca, seperti yang dipahami oleh OpenWeatherMap API.
  • Kode Target Geografis: Ini adalah kode target geografis, sebagaimana dipahami oleh Google Ads.

Skrip ini memungkinkan Anda menentukan beberapa kode target geografis untuk satu lokasi cuaca karena lokasi cuaca tidak selalu sedetail opsi penargetan yang tersedia di Google Ads. Pemetaan satu lokasi cuaca ke beberapa lokasi geografis dapat dilakukan dengan membuat beberapa baris dengan lokasi cuaca yang sama, tetapi dengan kode geografis berbeda untuk setiap baris.

Screenshot spreadsheet, sheet tiga

Untuk contoh ini, ada tiga lokasi cuaca yang ditentukan:

  1. Boston, MA: Kode geografis 10108127
  2. Connecticut: Kode geografis 1014778, 1014743, dan 1014843, yang sesuai dengan tiga kota di Connecticut
  3. Florida: Kode geografis 21142

Penargetan Kedekatan

Aturan kampanye yang menggunakan Matching Geo Targets dapat diterapkan ke lokasi yang ditargetkan, kedekatan yang ditargetkan, atau keduanya menggunakan flag TARGETING.

Penargetan lokasi cocok dengan kode geografis dengan ID lokasi.

Penargetan kedekatan memverifikasi bahwa koordinat lintang dan bujur yang ditentukan berada dalam radius proximity menggunakan formula Haversine.

Logika skrip

Skrip dimulai dengan membaca aturan dari ketiga lembar. Kemudian, sistem akan mencoba menjalankan setiap aturan dari sheet Kampanye secara berurutan.

Untuk setiap aturan yang dijalankan, skrip akan memeriksa apakah kampanye menargetkan lokasi yang ditentukan. Jika ya, skrip akan mengambil pengubah bid saat ini.

Selanjutnya, kondisi cuaca untuk lokasi tersebut diambil dengan melakukan panggilan ke OpenWeatherMap API. Aturan kondisi cuaca kemudian dievaluasi untuk melihat apakah kondisi cuaca untuk lokasi tersebut cocok dengan yang ditentukan dalam aturan. Jika ya, dan pengubah bid baru berbeda dari pengubah bid saat ini, skrip akan mengubah pengubah bid untuk lokasi tersebut.

Tidak ada perubahan yang dilakukan jika kondisi cuaca tidak cocok, jika nilai pengubah bid sama, atau jika Apply Modifier To dari aturan adalah Matching Geo Targets, tetapi kampanye tidak menargetkan lokasi yang dipetakan ke aturan.


  • Daftar untuk mendapatkan kunci API di
  • Buat salinan spreadsheet template lalu edit aturan kampanye dan cuaca Anda.
  • Buat skrip baru dengan kode sumber di bawah.
  • Update variabel OPEN_WEATHER_MAP_API_KEY, SPREADSHEET_URL, dan TARGETING dalam skrip.
  • Jadwalkan untuk dijalankan sesuai kebutuhan.

Kode sumber

// Copyright 2015, Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

 * @name Bid By Weather
 * @overview The Bid By Weather script adjusts campaign bids by weather
 *     conditions of their associated locations. See
 *     for more details.
 * @author Google Ads Scripts Team []
 * @version 2.0
 * @changelog
 * - version 2.0
 *   - Updated to use new Google Ads Scripts features.
 * - version 1.2.2
 *   - Add support for video and shopping campaigns.
 * - version 1.2.1
 *   - Added validation for external spreadsheet setup.
 * - version 1.2
 *   - Added proximity based targeting.  Targeting flag allows location
 *     targeting, proximity targeting or both.
 * - version 1.1
 *   - Added flag allowing bid adjustments on all locations targeted by
 *     a campaign rather than only those that match the campaign rule
 * - version 1.0
 *   - Released initial version.

// Register for an API key at
// and enter the key below.

// Create a copy of and enter the URL below.

// A cache to store the weather for locations already lookedup earlier.

// Flag to pick which kind of targeting "LOCATION", "PROXIMITY", or "ALL".
const TARGETING = 'ALL';

 * According to the list of campaigns and their associated locations, the script
 * makes a call to the OpenWeatherMap API for each location.
 * Based on the weather conditions, the bids are adjusted.
function main() {
  // Load data from spreadsheet.
  const spreadsheet = validateAndGetSpreadsheet(SPREADSHEET_URL);
  const campaignRuleData = getSheetData(spreadsheet, 1);
  const weatherConditionData = getSheetData(spreadsheet, 2);
  const geoMappingData = getSheetData(spreadsheet, 3);

  // Convert the data into dictionaries for convenient usage.
  const campaignMapping = buildCampaignRulesMapping(campaignRuleData);
  const weatherConditionMapping =
  const locationMapping = buildLocationMapping(geoMappingData);

  // Apply the rules.
  for (const campaignName in campaignMapping) {
    applyRulesForCampaign(campaignName, campaignMapping[campaignName],
        locationMapping, weatherConditionMapping);

 * Retrieves the data for a worksheet.
 * @param {Object} spreadsheet The spreadsheet.
 * @param {number} sheetIndex The sheet index.
 * @return {Array} The data as a two dimensional array.
function getSheetData(spreadsheet, sheetIndex) {
  const sheet = spreadsheet.getSheets()[sheetIndex];
  const range =
      sheet.getRange(2, 1, sheet.getLastRow() - 1, sheet.getLastColumn());
  return range.getValues();

 * Builds a mapping between the list of campaigns and the rules
 * being applied to them.
 * @param {Array} campaignRulesData The campaign rules data, from the
 *     spreadsheet.
 * @return {!Object.<string, Array.<Object>> } A map, with key as campaign name,
 *     and value as an array of rules that apply to this campaign.
function buildCampaignRulesMapping(campaignRulesData) {
  const campaignMapping = {};
  for (const rules of campaignRulesData) {
    // Skip rule if not enabled.

    if (rules[5].toLowerCase() == 'yes') {
      const campaignName = rules[0];
      const campaignRules = campaignMapping[campaignName] || [];
          'name': campaignName,

          // location for which this rule applies.
          'location': rules[1],

          // the weather condition (e.g. Sunny).
          'condition': rules[2],

          // bid modifier to be applied.
          'bidModifier': rules[3],

          // whether bid adjustments should by applied only to geo codes
          // matching the location of the rule or to all geo codes that
          // the campaign targets.
          'targetedOnly': rules[4].toLowerCase() ==
                          'matching geo targets'
      campaignMapping[campaignName] = campaignRules;
  Logger.log('Campaign Mapping: %s', campaignMapping);
  return campaignMapping;

 * Builds a mapping between a weather condition name (e.g. Sunny) and the rules
 * that correspond to that weather condition.
 * @param {Array} weatherConditionData The weather condition data from the
 *      spreadsheet.
 * @return {!Object.<string, Array.<Object>>} A map, with key as a weather
 *     condition name, and value as the set of rules corresponding to that
 *     weather condition.
function buildWeatherConditionMapping(weatherConditionData) {
  const weatherConditionMapping = {};
  for (const weatherCondition of weatherConditionData) {
    const weatherConditionName = weatherCondition[0];
    weatherConditionMapping[weatherConditionName] = {
      // Condition name (e.g. Sunny)
      'condition': weatherConditionName,

      // Temperature (e.g. 50 to 70)
      'temperature': weatherCondition[1],

      // Precipitation (e.g. below 70)
      'precipitation': weatherCondition[2],

      // Wind speed (e.g. above 5)
      'wind': weatherCondition[3]
  Logger.log('Weather condition mapping: %s', weatherConditionMapping);
  return weatherConditionMapping;

 * Builds a mapping between a location name (as understood by OpenWeatherMap
 * API) and a list of geo codes as identified by Google Ads scripts.
 * @param {Array} geoTargetData The geo target data from the spreadsheet.
 * @return {!Object.<string, Array.<Object>>} A map, with key as a locaton name,
 *     and value as an array of geo codes that correspond to that location
 *     name.
function buildLocationMapping(geoTargetData) {
  const locationMapping = {};
  for (const geoTarget of geoTargetData) {
    const locationName = geoTarget[0];
    const locationDetails = locationMapping[locationName] || {
      'geoCodes': []      // List of geo codes understood by Google Ads scripts.
    locationMapping[locationName] = locationDetails;
  Logger.log('Location Mapping: %s', locationMapping);
  return locationMapping;

 * Applies rules to a campaign.
 * @param {string} campaignName The name of the campaign.
 * @param {Object} campaignRules The details of the campaign. See
 *     buildCampaignMapping for details.
 * @param {Object} locationMapping Mapping between a location name (as
 *     understood by OpenWeatherMap API) and a list of geo codes as
 *     identified by Google Ads scripts. See buildLocationMapping for details.
 * @param {Object} weatherConditionMapping Mapping between a weather condition
 *     name (e.g. Sunny) and the rules that correspond to that weather
 *     condition. See buildWeatherConditionMapping for details.
function applyRulesForCampaign(campaignName, campaignRules, locationMapping,
                               weatherConditionMapping) {
  for (const rules of campaignRules) {
    let bidModifier = 1;
    const campaignRule = rules;

    // Get the weather for the required location.
    const locationDetails = locationMapping[campaignRule.location];
    const weather = getWeather(campaignRule.location);
    Logger.log('Weather for %s: %s', locationDetails, weather);

    // Get the weather rules to be checked.
    const weatherConditionName = campaignRule.condition;
    const weatherConditionRules = weatherConditionMapping[weatherConditionName];

    // Evaluate the weather rules.
    if (evaluateWeatherRules(weatherConditionRules, weather)) {
      Logger.log('Matching Rule found: Campaign Name = %s, location = %s, ' +
          'weatherName = %s,weatherRules = %s, noticed weather = %s.',
, campaignRule.location,
          weatherConditionName, weatherConditionRules, weather);
      bidModifier = campaignRule.bidModifier;

      if (TARGETING == 'LOCATION' || TARGETING == 'ALL') {
        // Get the geo codes that should have their bids adjusted.
        const geoCodes = campaignRule.targetedOnly ?
          locationDetails.geoCodes : null;
        adjustBids(campaignName, geoCodes, bidModifier);

        const location = campaignRule.targetedOnly ? campaignRule.location : null;
        adjustProximityBids(campaignName, location, bidModifier);

 * Converts a temperature value from kelvin to fahrenheit.
 * @param {number} kelvin The temperature in Kelvin scale.
 * @return {number} The temperature in Fahrenheit scale.
function toFahrenheit(kelvin) {
  return (kelvin - 273.15) * 1.8 + 32;

 * Evaluates the weather rules.
 * @param {Object} weatherRules The weather rules to be evaluated.
 * @param {Object.<string, string>} weather The actual weather.
 * @return {boolean} True if the rule matches current weather conditions,
 *     False otherwise.
function evaluateWeatherRules(weatherRules, weather) {
  // See
  // for values returned by OpenWeatherMap API.
  let precipitation = 0;
  if (weather.rain && weather.rain['3h']) {
    precipitation = weather.rain['3h'];
  const temperature = toFahrenheit(weather.main.temp);
  const windspeed = weather.wind.speed;

  return evaluateMatchRules(weatherRules.temperature, temperature) &&
      evaluateMatchRules(weatherRules.precipitation, precipitation) &&
      evaluateMatchRules(weatherRules.wind, windspeed);

 * Evaluates a condition for a value against a set of known evaluation rules.
 * @param {string} condition The condition to be checked.
 * @param {Object} value The value to be checked.
 * @return {boolean} True if an evaluation rule matches, false otherwise.
function evaluateMatchRules(condition, value) {
  // No condition to evaluate, rule passes.
  if (condition == '') {
    return true;
  const rules = [matchesBelow, matchesAbove, matchesRange];

  for (const rule of rules) {
    if (rule(condition, value)) {
      return true;
  return false;

 * Evaluates whether a value is below a threshold value.
 * @param {string} condition The condition to be checked. (e.g. below 50).
 * @param {number} value The value to be checked.
 * @return {boolean} True if the value is less than what is specified in
 * condition, false otherwise.
function matchesBelow(condition, value) {
  conditionParts = condition.split(' ');

  if (conditionParts.length != 2) {
    return false;

  if (conditionParts[0] != 'below') {
    return false;

  if (value < conditionParts[1]) {
    return true;
  return false;

 * Evaluates whether a value is above a threshold value.
 * @param {string} condition The condition to be checked. (e.g. above 50).
 * @param {number} value The value to be checked.
 * @return {boolean} True if the value is greater than what is specified in
 *     condition, false otherwise.
function matchesAbove(condition, value) {
  conditionParts = condition.split(' ');

  if (conditionParts.length != 2) {
    return false;

  if (conditionParts[0] != 'above') {
    return false;

  if (value > conditionParts[1]) {
    return true;
  return false;

 * Evaluates whether a value is within a range of values.
 * @param {string} condition The condition to be checked (e.g. 5 to 18).
 * @param {number} value The value to be checked.
 * @return {boolean} True if the value is in the desired range, false otherwise.
function matchesRange(condition, value) {
  conditionParts = condition.replace('w+', ' ').split(' ');

  if (conditionParts.length != 3) {
    return false;

  if (conditionParts[1] != 'to') {
    return false;

  if (conditionParts[0] <= value && value <= conditionParts[2]) {
    return true;
  return false;

 * Retrieves the weather for a given location, using the OpenWeatherMap API.
 * @param {string} location The location to get the weather for.
 * @return {Object.<string, string>} The weather attributes and values, as
 *     defined in the API.
function getWeather(location) {
  if (location in WEATHER_LOOKUP_CACHE) {
    Logger.log('Cache hit...');
    return WEATHER_LOOKUP_CACHE[location];
  const url=`${OPEN_WEATHER_MAP_API_KEY}&q=${location}`;
  const response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url);
  if (response.getResponseCode() != 200) {
    throw Utilities.formatString(
        'Error returned by API: %s, Location searched: %s.',
        response.getContentText(), location);
  const result = JSON.parse(response.getContentText());

  // OpenWeatherMap's way of returning errors.
  if (result.cod != 200) {
    throw Utilities.formatString(
        'Error returned by API: %s,  Location searched: %s.',
        response.getContentText(), location);
  WEATHER_LOOKUP_CACHE[location] = result;
  return result;

 * Adjusts the bidModifier for a list of geo codes for a campaign.
 * @param {string} campaignName The name of the campaign.
 * @param {Array} geoCodes The list of geo codes for which bids should be
 *     adjusted.  If null, all geo codes on the campaign are adjusted.
 * @param {number} bidModifier The bid modifier to use.
function adjustBids(campaignName, geoCodes, bidModifier) {
  // Get the campaign.
  const campaign = getCampaign(campaignName);
  if (!campaign) return null;

  // Get the targeted locations.
  const locations = campaign.targeting().targetedLocations().get();
  for (const location of locations) {
    const currentBidModifier = location.getBidModifier().toFixed(2);

    // Apply the bid modifier only if the campaign has a custom targeting
    // for this geo location or if all locations are to be modified.
    if (!geoCodes || (geoCodes.indexOf(location.getId()) != -1 &&
      currentBidModifier != bidModifier)) {
        Logger.log('Setting bidModifier = %s for campaign name = %s, ' +
            'geoCode = %s. Old bid modifier is %s.', bidModifier,
            campaignName, location.getId(), currentBidModifier);

 * Adjusts the bidModifier for campaigns targeting by proximity location
 * for a given weather location.
 * @param {string} campaignName The name of the campaign.
 * @param {string} weatherLocation The weather location for which bids should be
 *     adjusted.  If null, all proximity locations on the campaign are adjusted.
 * @param {number} bidModifier The bid modifier to use.
function adjustProximityBids(campaignName, weatherLocation, bidModifier) {
  // Get the campaign.
  const campaign = getCampaign(campaignName);
  if(campaign === null) return;

  // Get the proximity locations.
  const proximities = campaign.targeting().targetedProximities().get();
  for (const proximity of proximities) {
    const currentBidModifier = proximity.getBidModifier().toFixed(2);

    // Apply the bid modifier only if the campaign has a custom targeting
    // for this geo location or if all locations are to be modified.
    if (!weatherLocation ||
        (weatherNearProximity(proximity, weatherLocation) &&
           currentBidModifier != bidModifier)) {
        Logger.log('Setting bidModifier = %s for campaign name = %s, with ' +
            'weatherLocation = %s in proximity area. Old bid modifier is %s.',
            bidModifier, campaignName, weatherLocation, currentBidModifier);

 * Checks if weather location is within the radius of the proximity location.
 * @param {Object} proximity The targeted proximity of campaign.
 * @param {string} weatherLocation Name of weather location to check within
 * radius.
 * @return {boolean} Returns true if weather location is within radius.
function weatherNearProximity(proximity, weatherLocation) {
  // See for details on how
  // to compute spherical distance.
  const earthRadiusInMiles = 3960.0;
  const degreesToRadians = Math.PI / 180.0;
  const radiansToDegrees = 180.0 / Math.PI;
  const kmToMiles = 0.621371;

  const radiusInMiles = proximity.getRadiusUnits() == 'MILES' ?
    proximity.getRadius() : proximity.getRadius() * kmToMiles;

  // Compute the change in latitude degrees for the radius.
  const deltaLat = (radiusInMiles / earthRadiusInMiles) * radiansToDegrees;
  // Find the radius of a circle around the earth at given latitude.
  const r = earthRadiusInMiles * Math.cos(proximity.getLatitude() *
  // Compute the change in longitude degrees for the radius.
  const deltaLon = (radiusInMiles / r) * radiansToDegrees;

  // Retrieve weather location for lat/lon coordinates.
  const weather = getWeather(weatherLocation);
  // Check if weather condition is within the proximity boundaries.
  return ( >= proximity.getLatitude() - deltaLat &&
 <= proximity.getLatitude() + deltaLat &&
          weather.coord.lon >= proximity.getLongitude() - deltaLon &&
          weather.coord.lon <= proximity.getLongitude() + deltaLon);

 * Finds a campaign by name, whether it is a regular, video, or shopping
 * campaign, by trying all in sequence until it finds one.
 * @param {string} campaignName The campaign name to find.
 * @return {Object} The campaign found, or null if none was found.
function getCampaign(campaignName) {
  const selectors = [AdsApp.campaigns(), AdsApp.videoCampaigns(),
  for (const selector of selectors) {
    const campaignIter = selector.
        withCondition(`CampaignName = "${campaignName}"`).
    if (campaignIter.hasNext()) {
  return null;

 * Please modify your spreadsheet URL and API key at the top of the file only.

 * Validates the provided spreadsheet URL to make sure that it's set up
 * properly. Throws a descriptive error message if validation fails.
 * @param {string} spreadsheeturl The URL of the spreadsheet to open.
 * @return {Spreadsheet} The spreadsheet object itself, fetched from the URL.
 * @throws {Error} If the spreadsheet URL hasn't been set
function validateAndGetSpreadsheet(spreadsheeturl) {
  if (spreadsheeturl == 'INSERT_SPREADSHEET_URL_HERE') {
    throw new Error('Please specify a valid Spreadsheet URL. You can find' +
        ' a link to a template in the associated guide for this script.');
  const spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(spreadsheeturl);
  return spreadsheet;

 * Validates the provided API key to make sure that it's not the default. Throws
 * a descriptive error message if validation fails.
 * @throws {Error} If the configured API key hasn't been set.
function validateApiKey() {
    throw new Error('Please specify a valid API key for OpenWeatherMap. You ' +
        'can acquire one here:');