
Types of recommendations.

UNSPECIFIED Not specified.
UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version.
CAMPAIGN_BUDGET Budget recommendation for campaigns that are currently budget-constrained (as opposed to the FORECASTING_CAMPAIGN_BUDGET recommendation, which applies to campaigns that are expected to become budget-constrained in the future).
KEYWORD Keyword recommendation.
TEXT_AD Recommendation to add a new text ad.
TARGET_CPA_OPT_IN Recommendation to update a campaign to use a Target CPA bidding strategy.
MAXIMIZE_CONVERSIONS_OPT_IN Recommendation to update a campaign to use the Maximize Conversions bidding strategy.
ENHANCED_CPC_OPT_IN Recommendation to enable Enhanced Cost Per Click for a campaign.
SEARCH_PARTNERS_OPT_IN Recommendation to start showing your campaign's ads on Google Search Partners Websites.
MAXIMIZE_CLICKS_OPT_IN Recommendation to update a campaign to use a Maximize Clicks bidding strategy.
OPTIMIZE_AD_ROTATION Recommendation to start using the "Optimize" ad rotation setting for the given ad group.
KEYWORD_MATCH_TYPE Recommendation to change an existing keyword from one match type to a broader match type.
MOVE_UNUSED_BUDGET Recommendation to move unused budget from one budget to a constrained budget.
FORECASTING_CAMPAIGN_BUDGET Budget recommendation for campaigns that are expected to become budget-constrained in the future (as opposed to the CAMPAIGN_BUDGET recommendation, which applies to campaigns that are currently budget-constrained).
TARGET_ROAS_OPT_IN Recommendation to update a campaign to use a Target ROAS bidding strategy.
RESPONSIVE_SEARCH_AD Recommendation to add a new responsive search ad.
MARGINAL_ROI_CAMPAIGN_BUDGET Budget recommendation for campaigns whose ROI is predicted to increase with a budget adjustment.
USE_BROAD_MATCH_KEYWORD Recommendation to add broad match versions of keywords for fully automated conversion-based bidding campaigns.
RESPONSIVE_SEARCH_AD_ASSET Recommendation to add new responsive search ad assets.
UPGRADE_SMART_SHOPPING_CAMPAIGN_TO_PERFORMANCE_MAX Recommendation to upgrade a Smart Shopping campaign to a Performance Max campaign.
RESPONSIVE_SEARCH_AD_IMPROVE_AD_STRENGTH Recommendation to improve strength of responsive search ad.
DISPLAY_EXPANSION_OPT_IN Recommendation to update a campaign to use Display Expansion.
UPGRADE_LOCAL_CAMPAIGN_TO_PERFORMANCE_MAX Recommendation to upgrade a Local campaign to a Performance Max campaign.
RAISE_TARGET_CPA_BID_TOO_LOW Recommendation to raise target CPA when it is too low and there are very few or no conversions. It is applied asynchronously and can take minutes depending on the number of ad groups there are in the related campaign.
FORECASTING_SET_TARGET_ROAS Recommendation to raise the budget in advance of a seasonal event that is forecasted to increase traffic, and change bidding strategy from maximize conversion value to target ROAS.
CALLOUT_ASSET Recommendation to add callout assets to campaign or customer level.
CALL_ASSET Recommendation to add call assets to campaign or customer level.
SHOPPING_ADD_AGE_GROUP Recommendation to add the age group attribute to offers that are demoted because of a missing age group.
SHOPPING_ADD_COLOR Recommendation to add a color to offers that are demoted because of a missing color.
SHOPPING_ADD_GENDER Recommendation to add a gender to offers that are demoted because of a missing gender.
SHOPPING_ADD_GTIN Recommendation to add a GTIN (Global Trade Item Number) to offers that are demoted because of a missing GTIN.
SHOPPING_ADD_MORE_IDENTIFIERS Recommendation to add more identifiers to offers that are demoted because of missing identifiers.
SHOPPING_ADD_SIZE Recommendation to add the size to offers that are demoted because of a missing size.
SHOPPING_ADD_PRODUCTS_TO_CAMPAIGN Recommendation informing a customer about a campaign that cannot serve because no products are being targeted.
SHOPPING_FIX_DISAPPROVED_PRODUCTS The shopping recommendation informing a customer about campaign with a high percentage of disapproved products.
SHOPPING_TARGET_ALL_OFFERS Recommendation to create a catch-all campaign that targets all offers.
SHOPPING_FIX_SUSPENDED_MERCHANT_CENTER_ACCOUNT Recommendation to fix Merchant Center account suspension issues.
SHOPPING_FIX_MERCHANT_CENTER_ACCOUNT_SUSPENSION_WARNING Recommendation to fix Merchant Center account suspension warning issues.
SHOPPING_MIGRATE_REGULAR_SHOPPING_CAMPAIGN_OFFERS_TO_PERFORMANCE_MAX Recommendation to migrate offers targeted by Regular Shopping Campaigns to existing Performance Max campaigns.
DYNAMIC_IMAGE_EXTENSION_OPT_IN Recommendation to enable dynamic image extensions on the account, allowing Google to find the best images from ad landing pages and complement text ads.
RAISE_TARGET_CPA Recommendation to raise Target CPA based on Google predictions modeled from past conversions. It is applied asynchronously and can take minutes depending on the number of ad groups there are in the related campaign.
LOWER_TARGET_ROAS Recommendation to lower Target ROAS.
PERFORMANCE_MAX_OPT_IN Recommendation to opt into Performance Max campaigns.
IMPROVE_PERFORMANCE_MAX_AD_STRENGTH Recommendation to improve the asset group strength of a Performance Max campaign to an "Excellent" rating.
MIGRATE_DYNAMIC_SEARCH_ADS_CAMPAIGN_TO_PERFORMANCE_MAX Recommendation to migrate Dynamic Search Ads to Performance Max campaigns.
FORECASTING_SET_TARGET_CPA Recommendation to set a target CPA for campaigns that do not have one specified, in advance of a seasonal event that is forecasted to increase traffic.
SET_TARGET_CPA Recommendation to set a target CPA for campaigns that do not have one specified.
SET_TARGET_ROAS Recommendation to set a target ROAS for campaigns that do not have one specified.
MAXIMIZE_CONVERSION_VALUE_OPT_IN Recommendation to update a campaign to use the Maximize Conversion Value bidding strategy.
IMPROVE_GOOGLE_TAG_COVERAGE Recommendation to deploy Google Tag on more pages.
PERFORMANCE_MAX_FINAL_URL_OPT_IN Recommendation to turn on Final URL expansion for your Performance Max campaigns.
REFRESH_CUSTOMER_MATCH_LIST Recommendation to update a customer list that hasn't been updated in the last 90 days.
CUSTOM_AUDIENCE_OPT_IN Recommendation to create a custom audience.
LEAD_FORM_ASSET Recommendation to add lead form assets to campaign or customer level.
IMPROVE_DEMAND_GEN_AD_STRENGTH Recommendation to improve the strength of ads in Demand Gen campaigns.