API Reference

This API reference is organized by resource type. Each resource type has one or more data representations and one or more methods.

Resource types

  1. Timeline
  2. Timeline.attachments
  3. Subscriptions
  4. Locations
  5. Contacts
  6. Accounts
  7. Settings


For Timeline Resource details, see the resource representation page.

Method HTTP request Description
URIs relative to https://www.googleapis.com/mirror/v1, unless otherwise noted
delete DELETE  /timeline/id Deletes a timeline item.
get GET  /timeline/id Gets a single timeline item by ID.
insert POST

POST  /timeline
Inserts a new item into the timeline.
list GET  /timeline Retrieves a list of timeline items for the authenticated user.
patch PATCH  /timeline/id Updates a timeline item in place. This method supports patch semantics.
update PUT

PUT  /timeline/id
Updates a timeline item in place.


For Timeline.attachments Resource details, see the resource representation page.

Method HTTP request Description
URIs relative to https://www.googleapis.com/mirror/v1, unless otherwise noted
delete DELETE  /timeline/itemId/attachments/attachmentId Deletes an attachment from a timeline item.
get GET  /timeline/itemId/attachments/attachmentId Retrieves an attachment on a timeline item by item ID and attachment ID.
insert POST
Adds a new attachment to a timeline item.
list GET  /timeline/itemId/attachments Returns a list of attachments for a timeline item.


For Subscriptions Resource details, see the resource representation page.

Method HTTP request Description
URIs relative to https://www.googleapis.com/mirror/v1, unless otherwise noted
delete DELETE  /subscriptions/id Deletes a subscription.
insert POST  /subscriptions Creates a new subscription.
list GET  /subscriptions Retrieves a list of subscriptions for the authenticated user and service.
update PUT  /subscriptions/id Updates an existing subscription in place.


For Locations Resource details, see the resource representation page.

Method HTTP request Description
URIs relative to https://www.googleapis.com/mirror/v1, unless otherwise noted
get GET  /locations/id Gets a single location by ID.
list GET  /locations Retrieves a list of locations for the user.


For Contacts Resource details, see the resource representation page.

Method HTTP request Description
URIs relative to https://www.googleapis.com/mirror/v1, unless otherwise noted
delete DELETE  /contacts/id Deletes a contact.
get GET  /contacts/id Gets a single contact by ID.
insert POST  /contacts Inserts a new contact.
list GET  /contacts Retrieves a list of contacts for the authenticated user.
patch PATCH  /contacts/id Updates a contact in place. This method supports patch semantics.
update PUT  /contacts/id Updates a contact in place.


For Accounts Resource details, see the resource representation page.

Method HTTP request Description
URIs relative to https://www.googleapis.com/mirror/v1, unless otherwise noted
insert POST  /accounts/userToken/accountType/accountName Inserts a new account for a user


For Settings Resource details, see the resource representation page.

Method HTTP request Description
URIs relative to https://www.googleapis.com/mirror/v1, unless otherwise noted
get GET  /settings/id Gets a single setting by ID.