
Counts isn't used or referenced directly. Instead, it's only used as an extension base for the following entities:

Counts lets you filter vote counts by device characteristics, or by the type of ballot or write-in. It also lets you link the counts to a defined GpUnit entity, such as for a country.


The following table describes the elements for Counts:

Element Multiplicity Type Description
GpUnitId 0 or 1 IDREF Unique identifier for a GpUnit element. Used to associate counts with a geopolitical unit, such as a precinct, county, or township.
IsSuppressedForPrivacy 0 or 1 boolean Indicates whether votes are suppressed for voter privacy. If this isn't present, the default value is false.
Type 0 or 1 CountItemType

The type of count being used as a filter on the vote counts, such as election day or early voting.

If the type for a Count item isn't listed in the CountItemType enumeration, set Type to other and include the custom type in OtherType.

OtherType 0 or 1 string Used when Type is other to specify what's being counted.


Use SummaryCounts to represent contest-wide or geopolitical unit-wide summary counts.

SummaryCounts includes Counts as an extension base and therefore inherits the elements from Counts. However, SummaryCounts isn't a type of Counts, but is instead included directly for Contest and GpUnit.

SummaryCounts can be used to provide a geographical scope-wide summary of miscellaneous counts associated with a Contest, such as the total number of ballots cast, total number of overvotes, undervotes, and write-ins. SummaryCounts can optionally reference GpUnit elements defined for lower-level reporting units. This lets you associate summary counts with other lower-level reporting units within the scope of the contest.

SummaryCounts can also be used to provide summary counts specific to a GpUnit. For example, a GpUnit defined for a country can include SummaryCounts to provide a summary count. SummaryCounts, in this case, doesn't include the GpUnitId element in Counts.

In Counts, if the type of count item isn't listed in the enumeration CountItemType, use other and include the custom type in OtherType.


The following table describes the elements for SummaryCounts:

Element Multiplicity Type Description
BallotsCast 0 or 1 integer Number of ballots cast.
BallotsOutstanding 0 or 1 integer Number of ballots not yet counted.
BallotsRejected 0 or 1 integer Number of ballots rejected.
Overvotes 0 or 1 integer Number of overvotes.
Undervotes 0 or 1 integer Number of undervotes.
WriteIns 0 or 1 integer Number of write-ins.





    "SummaryCounts": [
        "BallotsCast": "2089540",
        "WriteIns": "2087"


Use VoteCounts to describe the vote counts for BallotSelection in a Contest.


The following table describes the elements for VoteCounts:

Element Multiplicity Type Description
Count 0 or 1 float

The count of contest votes cast, as a number between 0 and 100. In special cases, the count can include a fractional component. For example, report 14.2% as 14.2 and not 0.142.

For a list of supported types of vote counts, see Result tabulation types.





    "VoteCounts": [
        "GpUnitId": "ru_001",
        "Type": "total",
        "Count": "6173433"
        "GpUnitId": "ru_001",
        "Type": "other",
        "OtherType": "projected-vote-percent",
        "Count": "22.3"