
Use ContactInformation to define contact information about objects such as persons, boards of authorities, and organizations.

This entity is primarily used to provide annotated URIs that are related to the following elements: Election, ElectionAdministration, Person, GpUnit, and Office.


The following table shows the attributes for ContactInformation:

Attribute Required? Type Description
label Optional string An optional attribute for contact information that can refer back to the original label for the information. For example, if the contact information came from a CSV, label might refer to a row ID.
language Optional language Identifies the language used to provide the contact information.


The following table shows the elements for ContactInformation:

Element Multiplicity Type Description
AddressLine 0 or more string

Associates an address with the contact. AddressLine needs to contain the lines that someone would enter into a web mapping service like Google Maps to find the address on a map. That is, the value of the field needs to geocode the contact location.

To include an address for the contact, use multiple occurrences of AddressLine. We expect the first use of AddressLine to be the name or organization. We expect the subsequent uses to be the street address, city, postal code, city, state (or state equivalent, optional) in the specific order and format for the country.

Directions 0 or 1 InternationalizedText Provides directional information in addition to address information. Directions can be used to supply any additional address-related information that might appear in multiple languages.
Email 0 or more AnnotatedString Associates an email address with the contact. If more than one Email field is present, include annotations to let users know the purposes of each one.
Fax 0 or more AnnotatedString Associates a fax number with the contact. If more than one Fax field is present, include annotations to let users know the purposes of each one.
LatLng 0 or 1 LatLng Associates optional latitude and longitude information with a contact address.
Name 0 or 1 string Associates a name with the contact. Use this field for non-address information that can help a user contact that person or organization. For instance, "Secretary of State Office, Election Department."
Phone 0 or more AnnotatedString Associates a phone number with the contact. If more than one Phone field is present, include annotations to let users know the purposes of each one.
Uri 0 or more AnnotatedUri Associates a URI with the contact.



      <Uri Annotation="personal-facebook"></Uri>
      <Uri Annotation="personal-twitter"></Uri>
      <Uri Annotation="personal-website"></Uri>
      <Uri Annotation="wikipedia"></Uri>
<ContactInformation label="ci60001" language=”es”>
      <AddressLine>Viad. Tlalpan 100</AddressLine>
      <AddressLine>Arenal Tepepan</AddressLine>
      <AddressLine>14610 Ciudad de México, CDMX</AddressLine>
      <Name>Instituto Nacional Electoral</Name>
      <Phone annotation="domestic">01 800 433 2000</Phone>
      <Phone annotation="usa">1 (866) 986 8306</Phone>
      <Phone annotation="collect">+52 (55) 5481 9897</Phone>
      <Uri Annotation="official-website"></Uri>
      <Uri Annotation="official-twitter"></Uri>
      <Uri Annotation="official-facebook"></Uri>
<ContactInformation label="ci10861a" language=”en”>
      <AddressLine>1600 Pennsylvania Ave</AddressLine>
      <AddressLine>Washington, DC 20006</AddressLine>
      <Phone annotation="TDD">202-456-6213</Phone>
      <Uri Annotation="official-website"></Uri>
      <Uri Annotation="official-facebook"></Uri>
      <Uri Annotation="official-twitter"></Uri>


    "ContactInformation": {
      "Uri": [
        "Annotation": "personal-facebook"
        "value": ""
      "Uri": [
        "Annotation": "personal-twitter"
        "value": ""
      "Uri": [
        "Annotation": "personal-website"
        "value": ""
      "Uri": [
        "Annotation": "wikipedia"
        "value": ""
    "ContactInformation": {
      "language": "es",
      "label": "ci60001",
      "AddressLine": [
        "Viad. Tlalpan 100",
        "Arenal Tepepan",
        "14610 Ciudad de México, CDMX",
      "Name": "Instituto Nacional Electoral",
      "Phone": [
          "annotation": "domestic",
          "value": "01 800 433 2000"
          "annotation": "usa",
          "value": "1 (866) 986 8306"
          "annotation": "collect",
          "value": "+52 (55) 5481 9897"
      "Uri": [
        "Annotation": "official-website"
        "value": ""
      "Uri": [
        "Annotation": "official-twitter"
        "value": ""
      "Uri": [
        "Annotation": "official-facebook"
        "value": ""
    "ContactInformation": {
      "label": "ci10861a",
      "language": "en",
      "AddressLine": [
        "1600 Pennsylvania Ave",
        "Washington, DC 20006"
      "Email": "",
      "Phone": [
          "value": "202-456-1111"
          "annotation": "TDD",
          "value": "202-456-6213"
      "Uri": [
        "Annotation": "official-website"
        "value": ""
      "Uri": [
        "Annotation": "official-facebook"
        "value": ""
      "Uri": [
        "Annotation": "official-twitter"
        "value": ""