

Panduan ini menjelaskan berbagai cara menggunakan perkiraan di Google Ad Manager API.

Perkiraan Traffic

Perkiraan traffic memungkinkan Anda membaca traffic historis bersama dengan peluang tayangan di masa mendatang guna menemukan cara yang lebih baik untuk mengelompokkan dan mengemas inventaris.


// Create the date range. Include the previous and next 7 days.
Interval interval =
    new Interval(,;
DateRange dateRange = new DateRange();

// Request the traffic data.
TrafficDataRequest trafficDataRequest = new TrafficDataRequest();
TrafficDataResponse trafficData = forecastService.getTrafficData(trafficDataRequest);


# Create a start date that's 7 days in the past and an end date that's 7 days
# in the future.
today =
start_date = today - datetime.timedelta(days=7)
end_date = today + datetime.timedelta(days=7)

# Create targeting.
targeting = {
    'inventoryTargeting': {
        'targetedAdUnits': [
                'includeDescendants': True,
                'adUnitId': root_ad_unit_id,

# Request the traffic forecast data.
traffic_data = forecast_service.getTrafficData({
    'targeting': targeting,
    'requestedDateRange': {
        'startDate': start_date,
        'endDate': end_date


// Create the date range. Include the previous and next 7 days.
$startDate = AdManagerDateTimes::fromDateTime(new DateTime('-7 day'))
$endDate = AdManagerDateTimes::fromDateTime(new DateTime('+7 day'))
$dateRange = new DateRange();

// Request the traffic forecast data.
$trafficDataRequest = new TrafficDataRequest();
$trafficData = $forecastService->getTrafficData($trafficDataRequest);


TrafficDataRequest trafficDataRequest = new TrafficDataRequest() {
    requestedDateRange = new DateRange() {
        startDate =
            DateTimeUtilities.FromDateTime(startDate, "America/New_York").date,
        endDate = DateTimeUtilities.FromDateTime(endDate, "America/New_York").date
    targeting = new Targeting() {
        inventoryTargeting = new InventoryTargeting()
            targetedAdUnits = new AdUnitTargeting[] {
                new AdUnitTargeting() {
                 adUnitId = rootAdUnitId,
                 includeDescendants = true
TrafficDataResponse trafficData =


# Create a start date that's 7 days in the past and an end date that's 7 days
# in the future.
today =
start_date = today - 7
end_date = today + 7

# Create targeting.
targeting = {
  :inventory_targeting => {
    :targeted_ad_units => [
        :include_descendants => true,
        :ad_unit_id => root_ad_unit_id

# Request the traffic forecast data.
traffic_data = forecast_service.get_traffic_data({
  :targeting => targeting,
  :requested_date_range => {
    :start_date => start_date.to_h, :end_date => end_date.to_h

Perkiraan ketersediaan

AvailabilityForecast melaporkan jumlah maksimum unit yang tersedia yang dapat digunakan untuk memesan item baris. Perkiraan ini sejalan dengan fitur periksa inventaris di UI.

Perkiraan mencakup unit yang tersedia, cocok, kemungkinan, terkirim, dan dipesan. Baris ini juga dapat menyertakan semua item baris bersaing dan unit yang tersedia untuk setiap pengelompokan penargetan, bergantung pada opsi yang ditetapkan di AvailabilityForecastOptions. Secara default, keduanya tidak disertakan dalam perkiraan.

Pengelompokan penargetan mencakup unit yang cocok dan tersedia untuk setiap kriteria penargetan. Entri pengelompokan ini otomatis dibuat sesuai dengan penargetan item baris. Misalnya, item baris yang ditargetkan ke ID unit iklan 123456 akan menyertakan perincian yang serupa dengan berikut ini:

  <targetingCriteriaName>My Ad Unit Name</targetingCriteriaName>

Anda dapat menjalankan perkiraan ketersediaan pada item baris yang sudah ada atau calon item baris.

Item Baris yang Ada

Anda dapat menjalankan perkiraan ketersediaan untuk item baris yang sudah ada menggunakan ID-nya.


  // Get the ForecastService.
  ForecastServiceInterface forecastService =
      adManagerServices.get(session, ForecastServiceInterface.class);

  // Get forecast for line item.
  AvailabilityForecastOptions options = new AvailabilityForecastOptions();
  AvailabilityForecast forecast =
      forecastService.getAvailabilityForecastById(lineItemId, options);

  long matched = forecast.getMatchedUnits();
  double availablePercent = (forecast.getAvailableUnits() / (matched * 1.0)) * 100;
  String unitType = forecast.getUnitType().toString().toLowerCase();

  System.out.printf("%d %s matched.%n", matched, unitType);
  System.out.printf("%.2f%% %s available.%n", availablePercent, unitType);

  if (forecast.getPossibleUnits() != null) {
    double possiblePercent = (forecast.getPossibleUnits() / (matched * 1.0)) * 100;
    System.out.printf("%.2f%% %s possible.%n", possiblePercent, unitType);

      "%d contending line items.%n",
      forecast.getContendingLineItems() == null ? 0 : forecast.getContendingLineItems().length);


  # Initialize appropriate service.
  forecast_service = client.GetService('ForecastService', version='v202402')

  # Set forecasting options.
  forecast_options = {
      'includeContendingLineItems': True,
      'includeTargetingCriteriaBreakdown': True,

  # Get forecast for line item.
  forecast = forecast_service.getAvailabilityForecastById(
      line_item_id, forecast_options)
  matched = int(forecast['matchedUnits'])
  available_units = int(forecast['availableUnits'])

  if matched > 0:
    available_percent = (float(available_units) / matched) * 100.
    available_percent = 0

  contending_line_items = getattr(forecast, 'contentingLineItems', [])

  # Display results.
  print('%s %s matched.' % (matched, forecast['unitType'].lower()))
  print('%s%% %s available.' % (
      available_percent, forecast['unitType'].lower()))
  print('%d contending line items.' % len(contending_line_items))

  if 'possibleUnits' in forecast and matched:
    possible_percent = (int(forecast['possibleUnits'])/float(matched)) * 100.
    print('%s%% %s possible' % (possible_percent, forecast['unitType'].lower()))


      $forecastService = $serviceFactory->createForecastService($session);

      // Get forecast for line item.
      $options = new AvailabilityForecastOptions();
      $forecast = $forecastService->getAvailabilityForecastById(

      // Print out forecast results.
      $matchedUnits = $forecast->getMatchedUnits();
      $unitType = strtolower($forecast->getUnitType());
      printf("%d %s matched.%s", $matchedUnits, $unitType, PHP_EOL);

      if ($matchedUnits > 0) {
          $availableUnits = $forecast->getAvailableUnits();
          $percentAvailableUnits = $availableUnits / $matchedUnits * 100;
          $possibleUnits = $forecast->getPossibleUnits();
          $percentPossibleUnits = $possibleUnits / $matchedUnits * 100;
              "%.2d%% %s available.%s",
              "%.2d%% %s possible.%s",

          "%d contending line items.%s",


using (ForecastService forecastService = user.GetService<ForecastService>())
// Get forecast for line item.
AvailabilityForecastOptions options = new AvailabilityForecastOptions();
options.includeContendingLineItems = true;
options.includeTargetingCriteriaBreakdown = true;
AvailabilityForecast forecast =
    forecastService.getAvailabilityForecastById(lineItemId, options);

// Display results.
long matched = forecast.matchedUnits;
double availablePercent =
    (double) (forecast.availableUnits / (matched * 1.0)) * 100;
String unitType = forecast.unitType.ToString().ToLower();

Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} matched.\n{2} % {3} available.", matched, unitType,
    availablePercent, unitType);
if (forecast.possibleUnitsSpecified)
    double possiblePercent =
        (double) (forecast.possibleUnits / (matched * 1.0)) * 100;
    Console.WriteLine(possiblePercent + "% " + unitType + " possible.\n");

Console.WriteLine("{0} contending line items.",
    (forecast.contendingLineItems != null)
        ? forecast.contendingLineItems.Length
        : 0);


  # Get the ForecastService.
  forecast_service = ad_manager.service(:ForecastService, API_VERSION)
  # Set forecasting options.
  forecast_options = {
    :include_contending_line_items => True,
    :include_targeting_criteria_breakdown => True,

  # Get forecast for the line item.
  forecast = forecast_service.get_availability_forecast_by_id(
      line_item_id, forecast_options

  unless forecast.nil?
    # Display results.
    matched = forecast[:matched_units]
    available_percent = forecast[:available_units] * 100.0 / matched
    unit_type = forecast[:unit_type].to_s.downcase
    puts '%.2f %s matched.' % [matched, unit_type]
    puts '%.2f%% of %s available.' % [available_percent, unit_type]
    puts '%d contending line items.' % forecast[:contending_line_items].size
    unless forecast[:possible_units].nil?
      possible_percent = forecast[:possible_units] * 100.0 / matched
      puts '%.2f%% of %s possible.' % [possible_percent, unit_type]

Contoh ini akan memiliki output yang mirip dengan berikut ini:

100 clicks matched.
2 contending line items.

Item Baris Prospek

Atau, Anda dapat membuat instance calon item baris dan perkiraan tanpa mempertahankannya. Untuk melakukannya, buat instance objek item baris lokal dan tetapkan di ProspectiveLineItem. Jika Anda menetapkan ID pengiklan, perkiraan juga mempertimbangkan aturan pemblokiran terpadu.


  // Get forecast for prospective line item.
  ProspectiveLineItem prospectiveLineItem = new ProspectiveLineItem();
  AvailabilityForecastOptions options = new AvailabilityForecastOptions();

  AvailabilityForecast forecast =
      forecastService.getAvailabilityForecast(prospectiveLineItem, options);


  prospective_line_item = {
      'lineItem': line_item,
      'advertiserId': advertiser_id

  # Set forecasting options.
  forecast_options = {
      'includeContendingLineItems': True,
      # The field includeTargetingCriteriaBreakdown can only be set if
      # breakdowns are not manually specified.
      # 'includeTargetingCriteriaBreakdown': True,
      'breakdown': {
          'timeWindows': [
              now_datetime + datetime.timedelta(days=1),
              now_datetime + datetime.timedelta(days=2),
              now_datetime + datetime.timedelta(days=3),
              now_datetime + datetime.timedelta(days=4),
          'targets': [
                  # Optional, the name field is only used to identify this
                  # breakdown in the response.
                  'name': 'United States',
                  'targeting': {
                      'inventoryTargeting': {
                          'targetedAdUnits': [
                                  'includeDescendants': True,
                                  'adUnitId': root_ad_unit_id,
                      'geoTargeting': {
                          'targetedLocations': [
                                  'id': '2840',
                                  'displayName': 'US'
                  # Optional, the name field is only used to identify this
                  # breakdown in the response.
                  'name': 'Geneva',
                  'targeting': {
                      'inventoryTargeting': {
                          'targetedAdUnits': [
                                  'includeDescendants': True,
                                  'adUnitId': root_ad_unit_id,
                      'geoTargeting': {
                          'targetedLocations': [
                                  'id': '20133',
                                  'displayName': 'Geneva'

  # Get forecast.
  forecast = forecast_service.getAvailabilityForecast(
      prospective_line_item, forecast_options)


      // Get forecast for prospective line item.
      $prospectiveLineItem = new ProspectiveLineItem();
      $options = new AvailabilityForecastOptions();

      $forecast = $forecastService->getAvailabilityForecast(


// Get availability forecast.
AvailabilityForecastOptions options = new AvailabilityForecastOptions()
    includeContendingLineItems = true,
    // Targeting criteria breakdown can only be included if breakdowns
    // are not speficied.
    includeTargetingCriteriaBreakdown = false,
    breakdown = new ForecastBreakdownOptions
        timeWindows = new DateTime[] {
        targets = new ForecastBreakdownTarget[] {
            new ForecastBreakdownTarget()
                // Optional name field to identify this breakdown
                // in the response.
                name = "United States",
                targeting = new Targeting()
                    inventoryTargeting = new InventoryTargeting()
                        targetedAdUnits = new AdUnitTargeting[] {
                            new AdUnitTargeting()
                                adUnitId = rootAdUnitId,
                                includeDescendants = true
                    geoTargeting = new GeoTargeting()
                        targetedLocations = new Location[] {
                            new Location() { id = 2840L }
            }, new ForecastBreakdownTarget()
                // Optional name field to identify this breakdown
                // in the response.
                name = "Geneva",
                targeting = new Targeting()
                    inventoryTargeting = new InventoryTargeting()
                        targetedAdUnits = new AdUnitTargeting[] {
                            new AdUnitTargeting()
                                adUnitId = rootAdUnitId,
                                includeDescendants = true
                    geoTargeting = new GeoTargeting()
                        targetedLocations = new Location[] {
                            new Location () { id = 20133L }
ProspectiveLineItem prospectiveLineItem = new ProspectiveLineItem()
    advertiserId = advertiserId,
    lineItem = lineItem
AvailabilityForecast forecast =
  forecastService.getAvailabilityForecast(prospectiveLineItem, options);


  prospective_line_item = {
    :advertiser_id => advertiser_id,
    :line_item => line_item

  # Set forecasting options.
  forecast_options = {
    :include_contending_line_items => true,
    # The field includeTargetingCriteriaBreakdown can only be set if breakdowns
    # are not mannually specified.
    # :include_targeting_criteria_breakdown => true,
    :breakdown => {
      # Break down forecast by day from start_time to end_time
      :time_windows => time_windows,
      # Break down forecast by any targeting configuration
      :targets => [
          # Optional, the name field is only used to identify this breakdown in
          # the response.
          :name => 'United States',
          :targeting => {
            :inventory_targeting => targeting[:inventory_targeting],
            :geo_targeting => {
              :targeted_locations => [
                  :id => '2840',
                  :display_name => 'US'
          # Optional, the name field is only used to identify this breakdown in
          # the response.
          :name => 'Geneva',
          :targeting => {
            :inventory_targeting => targeting[:inventory_targeting],
            :geo_targeting => {
              :targeted_locations => [
                  :id => '20133',
                  :display_name => 'Geneva'

  # Get forecast for the line item.
  forecast = forecast_service.get_availability_forecast(
      prospective_line_item, forecast_options)

Perkiraan penayangan

Jika ingin menyimulasikan penayangan beberapa item baris yang bersaing, Anda dapat melakukannya dengan DeliveryForecast.

LineItems yang Ada

Anda dapat menjalankan perkiraan penayangan untuk item baris yang ada menggunakan ID item baris tersebut.


  // Get the ForecastService.
  ForecastServiceInterface forecastService =
      adManagerServices.get(session, ForecastServiceInterface.class);

  DeliveryForecastOptions options = new DeliveryForecastOptions();

  DeliveryForecast forecast =
      forecastService.getDeliveryForecastByIds(Longs.toArray(lineItemIds), options);

  for (LineItemDeliveryForecast lineItemForecast : forecast.getLineItemDeliveryForecasts()) {
    String unitType = lineItemForecast.getUnitType().toString().toLowerCase();
    System.out.printf("Forecast for line item %d:%n", lineItemForecast.getLineItemId());
    System.out.printf("\t%d %s matched%n", lineItemForecast.getMatchedUnits(), unitType);
    System.out.printf("\t%d %s delivered%n", lineItemForecast.getDeliveredUnits(), unitType);
        "\t%d %s predicted%n", lineItemForecast.getPredictedDeliveryUnits(), unitType);


  # Initialize appropriate service.
  forecast_service = client.GetService('ForecastService', version='v202402')

  # Get forecast for line item.
  forecast = forecast_service.getDeliveryForecastByIds(
      [line_item_id1, line_item_id2], {'ignoredLineItemIds': []})

  for single_forecast in forecast['lineItemDeliveryForecasts']:
    unit_type = single_forecast['unitType']
    print('Forecast for line item %d:\n\t%d %s matched\n\t%d %s delivered\n\t'
          '%d %s predicted\n' % (
              single_forecast['lineItemId'], single_forecast['matchedUnits'],
              unit_type, single_forecast['deliveredUnits'], unit_type,
              single_forecast['predictedDeliveryUnits'], unit_type))

if __name__ == '__main__':
  # Initialize client object.
  ad_manager_client = ad_manager.AdManagerClient.LoadFromStorage()
  main(ad_manager_client, LINE_ITEM_ID_1, LINE_ITEM_ID_2)



      $forecastService = $serviceFactory->createForecastService($session);

      // Get forecast for the line items with no options set.
      $forecast = $forecastService->getDeliveryForecastByIds(
          [$lineItemId1, $lineItemId2],
          new DeliveryForecastOptions()

      // Print out forecast results.
      $lineItemDeliveryForecasts = $forecast->getLineItemDeliveryForecasts();
      foreach ($lineItemDeliveryForecasts as $lineItemForecast) {
          $unitType = strtolower($lineItemForecast->getUnitType());
              "Forecast for line item ID %d:%s",
              "    %d %s matched%s",
              "    %d %s delivered%s",
              "    %d %s predicted%s",


using (ForecastService forecastService = user.GetService<ForecastService>())
// Get a delivery forecast for the line items.
DeliveryForecastOptions options = new DeliveryForecastOptions();
options.ignoredLineItemIds = new long[]
DeliveryForecast forecast = forecastService.getDeliveryForecastByIds(new long[]
}, options);

// Display results.
foreach (LineItemDeliveryForecast lineItemForecast in forecast
    String unitType = lineItemForecast.unitType.GetType().Name.ToLower();
    Console.WriteLine("Forecast for line item {0}:",
    Console.WriteLine("\t{0} {1} matched", lineItemForecast.matchedUnits,
    Console.WriteLine("\t{0} {1} delivered", lineItemForecast.deliveredUnits,
    Console.WriteLine("\t{0} {1} predicted",
        lineItemForecast.predictedDeliveryUnits, unitType);



  # Get the ForecastService.
  forecast_service = ad_manager.service(:ForecastService, API_VERSION)
  # Get forecast for the line item.
  forecast = forecast_service.get_delivery_forecast_by_ids(
      [line_item_id1, line_item_id2], nil)

  unless forecast.nil? || forecast[:line_item_delivery_forecasts].nil?
    forecast[:line_item_delivery_forecasts].each do |single_forecast|
      # Display results.
      unit_type = single_forecast[:unit_type]
      puts ('Forecast for line item %d:\n\t%d %s matched\n\t%d %s ' +
          'delivered\n\t%d %s predicted\n') % [single_forecast[:line_item_id],
          single_forecast[:matched_units], unit_type,
          single_forecast[:delivered_units], unit_type,
          single_forecast[:predicted_delivery_units], unit_type]

Contoh ini akan memiliki output yang mirip dengan berikut ini:

Forecast for line item 14678:
    100 clicks matched
    0 clicks delivered
    98 clicks predicted

Jika ingin mengecualikan item baris dari simulasi penayangan, Anda dapat melakukannya dengan menyetel ID item baris di DeliveryForecastOptions.

Item Baris Prospek

Serupa dengan perkiraan ketersediaan, Anda dapat menjalankan perkiraan penayangan pada item baris yang tidak bertahan. Untuk melakukannya, gunakan objek ProspectiveLineItem dalam metode ForecastService.getDeliveryForecast.

Laporan persentase traffic terpesan mendatang

Laporan persentase traffic terpesan mendatang memprediksi ketersediaan tayangan untuk jaringan Google Ad Manager, sehingga Anda dapat memastikan bahwa Anda memaksimalkan pendapatan dan rasio persentase traffic terpesan. Laporan persentase traffic terpesan mendatang dapat dijalankan melalui ReportService.


Saya memiliki banyak item baris yang ingin saya perkirakan ketersediaannya. Dapatkah saya menjalankan beberapa perkiraan dalam satu permintaan?
Tidak. Anda harus membuat permintaan perkiraan ketersediaan yang terpisah untuk setiap item baris atau calon item baris.
Saya menjalankan sejumlah perkiraan dan sekarang mendapatkan error EXCEEDED_QUOTA. What gives?
Perkiraan biaya komputasi mahal, dan sistem kuota memastikan layanannya dapat diandalkan. Anda dapat menunggu dan mencoba lagi perkiraan apa pun yang menghasilkan error kuota dengan aman.
Apa yang menyebabkan error NO_FORECAST_YET atau NOT_ENOUGH_INVENTORY?
Perkiraan dijalankan berdasarkan histori traffic jaringan Anda. Terkadang, data historis tidak cukup untuk menjalankan perkiraan. Untuk mengetahui detail selengkapnya tentang error ini, lihat dokumentasi ForecastError.
Apa yang dimaksud dengan AlternativeUnitTypeForecast?
Terkadang berguna untuk mengetahui inventaris lain apa yang tersedia. Misalnya, saat memperkirakan untuk item baris CPC, perkiraan jenis unit alternatif akan menyertakan informasi tentang jumlah tayangan.
Saya memiliki pertanyaan lain tentang perkiraan Ad Manager secara umum.
Lihat apakah topik tersebut dibahas dalam FAQ produk, atau tanyakan di forum developer kami.