Deploy a Community Connector

Deployments allow you to make your Community Connector available to use and test. The Head Deployment is created by default in Apps Script and will always contain the current working version of the code. However, you can have additional deployments based on separate versions of your Community Connector. For example, in addition to the Head deployment, you should have a Test deployment and a Production deployment. This helps to ensure a stable and tested version of your connector is released to users.

Maintain different versions of your code

As you develop your Community Connector in Apps Script, you should maintain separate versions of your connector code for production and development. You should also become familiar with how to deploy different versions.

To maintain different versions of the Apps Script project, please see the Versions documentation for Apps Script.

Create separate deployments

For instructions to create deployments, see Create a versioned deployment.

Steps to creating a new deployment

Add updates to an existing deployment

If you are publishing or sharing your connector with other users, you might want to provide patches or updates in the future. To do so, Edit the existing deployment in the deployments list and choose the version you want to deploy. This way, the users do not have to do anything additional and will receive the update automatically.

For instructions to edit deployments, see Edit a versioned deployment.

Steps to creating an existing deployment

Best practice: keep separate HEAD, Test and Production deployments

The Latest Version (HEAD) deployment will always contain the latest version of the code. This deployment should be used for development purposes only. In addition to the HEAD deployment, you should have a Test deployment and a Production deployment. As you develop your connector, maintain incremental versions of your code and then assign appropriate versions to the Test and Production deployments.