<GCKGenericChannelDelegate> Protocol

<GCKGenericChannelDelegate> Protocol Reference


The GCKGenericChannel delegate protocol.

Inherits <GCKCastChannelNSObject>.

Instance Method Summary

(void) - castChannel:didReceiveTextMessage:withNamespace:
 Called when a text message has been received on the channel. More...
(void) - castChannelDidConnect:
 Called when the channel has been connected, indicating that messages can now be exchanged with the Cast device over the channel. More...
(void) - castChannelDidDisconnect:
 Called when the channel has been disconnected, indicating that messages can no longer be exchanged with the Cast device over the channel. More...

Method Detail

- (void) castChannel: (GCKGenericChannel *)  channel
didReceiveTextMessage: (NSString *)  message
withNamespace: (NSString *)  protocolNamespace 

Called when a text message has been received on the channel.

- (void) castChannelDidConnect: (GCKGenericChannel *)  channel

Called when the channel has been connected, indicating that messages can now be exchanged with the Cast device over the channel.

- (void) castChannelDidDisconnect: (GCKGenericChannel *)  channel

Called when the channel has been disconnected, indicating that messages can no longer be exchanged with the Cast device over the channel.