GCKUIPlayPauseToggleController Class

GCKUIPlayPauseToggleController Class Reference


A class that can be used to implement a custom play/pause toggle UI, in situations where a GCKUIButton will not suffice.

The application may either subclass this class and override the GCKUIPlayPauseToggleController::playPauseState and GCKUIPlayPauseToggleController::inputEnabled setters, or use KVO to listen for changes to these properties, and update its play/pause UI control(s) accordingly.


Inherits NSObject.

Instance Method Summary

(instancetype) - init
 Designated initializer. More...

Property Summary

GCKUIPlayPauseState playPauseState
 The current play/pause state of the GCKRemoteMediaClient. More...
BOOL inputEnabled
 The GCKUIMediaController writes this property to enable or disable the UI control(s) managed by this controller. More...

Method Detail

- (instancetype) init

Designated initializer.

Property Detail

- (GCKUIPlayPauseState) playPauseState

The current play/pause state of the GCKRemoteMediaClient.

The GCKUIMediaController writes this property whenever the receiver's play/pause state changes. It observes the property (unless it is in the process of writing it) and if it changes, it issues the appropriate media command with the GCKRemoteMediaClient to change the receiver's player state accordingly.

- (BOOL) inputEnabled

The GCKUIMediaController writes this property to enable or disable the UI control(s) managed by this controller.

Media-related UI controls are temporarily disabled while a media command is in-flight.