
A Volume collection is used to perform a search or listing the contents of a bookshelf. This collection is a read-only collection.


The following methods apply to the public data about volumes and do not require authentication.

The following method applies to the private, "My Library" view of volumes and requires authentication.

Retrieves a Volume resource based on ID.
Performs a book search.

Resource Representations

A Volume represents information that Google Books hosts about a book or a magazine. It contains metadata, such as title and author, as well as personalized data, such as whether or not it has been purchased. (Volume fields that are available in LITE projection are noted below).

  "kind": "books#volume",
  "id": string,
  "etag": string,
  "selfLink": string,
  "volumeInfo": {
    "title": string,
    "subtitle": string,
    "authors": [
    "publisher": string,
    "publishedDate": string,
    "description": string,
    "industryIdentifiers": [
        "type": string,
        "identifier": string
    "pageCount": integer,
    "dimensions": {
      "height": string,
      "width": string,
      "thickness": string
    "printType": string,
    "mainCategory": string,
    "categories": [
    "averageRating": double,
    "ratingsCount": integer,
    "contentVersion": string,
    "imageLinks": {
      "smallThumbnail": string,
      "thumbnail": string,
      "small": string,
      "medium": string,
      "large": string,
      "extraLarge": string
    "language": string,
    "previewLink": string,
    "infoLink": string,
    "canonicalVolumeLink": string
  "userInfo": {
    "review": mylibrary.reviews Resource,
    "readingPosition": mylibrary.readingpositions Resource,
    "isPurchased": boolean,
    "isPreordered": boolean,
    "updated": datetime
  "saleInfo": {
    "country": string,
    "saleability": string,
    "onSaleDate": datetime,
    "isEbook": boolean,
    "listPrice": {
      "amount": double,
      "currencyCode": string
    "retailPrice": {
      "amount": double,
      "currencyCode": string
    "buyLink": string
  "accessInfo": {
    "country": string,
    "viewability": string,
    "embeddable": boolean,
    "publicDomain": boolean,
    "textToSpeechPermission": string,
    "epub": {
      "isAvailable": boolean,
      "downloadLink": string,
      "acsTokenLink": string
    "pdf": {
      "isAvailable": boolean,
      "downloadLink": string,
      "acsTokenLink": string
    "webReaderLink": string,
    "accessViewStatus": string,
    "downloadAccess": {
      "kind": "books#downloadAccessRestriction",
      "volumeId": string,
      "restricted": boolean,
      "deviceAllowed": boolean,
      "justAcquired": boolean,
      "maxDownloadDevices": integer,
      "downloadsAcquired": integer,
      "nonce": string,
      "source": string,
      "reasonCode": string,
      "message": string,
      "signature": string
  "searchInfo": {
    "textSnippet": string
Property Name Value Description Notes
kind string Resource type for a volume. (In LITE projection.)
id string Unique identifier for a volume. (In LITE projection.)
etag string Opaque identifier for a specific version of a volume resource. (In LITE projection)
volumeInfo object General volume information.
volumeInfo.title string Volume title. (In LITE projection.)
volumeInfo.subtitle string Volume subtitle. (In LITE projection.)
volumeInfo.authors[] list The names of the authors and/or editors for this volume. (In LITE projection)
volumeInfo.publisher string Publisher of this volume. (In LITE projection.)
volumeInfo.publishedDate string Date of publication. (In LITE projection.)
volumeInfo.description string A synopsis of the volume. The text of the description is formatted in HTML and includes simple formatting elements, such as b, i, and br tags. (in LITE projection)
volumeInfo.industryIdentifiers[] list Industry standard identifiers for this volume.
volumeInfo.industryIdentifiers[].type string Identifier type. Possible values are ISBN_10, ISBN_13, ISSN and OTHER.
volumeInfo.industryIdentifiers[].identifier string Industry specific volume identifier.
volumeInfo.pageCount integer Total number of pages.
volumeInfo.dimensions object Physical dimensions of this volume.
volumeInfo.dimensions.height string Height or length of this volume (in cm).
volumeInfo.dimensions.width string Width of this volume (in cm).
volumeInfo.dimensions.thickness string Thickness of this volume (in cm).
volumeInfo.printType string Type of publication of this volume. Possible values are BOOK or MAGAZINE.
volumeInfo.categories[] list A list of subject categories, such as "Fiction", "Suspense", etc.
volumeInfo.averageRating double The mean review rating for this volume. (min = 1.0, max = 5.0)
volumeInfo.ratingsCount integer The number of review ratings for this volume.
volumeInfo.contentVersion string An identifier for the version of the volume content (text & images). (In LITE projection)
volumeInfo.imageLinks.thumbnail string Image link for thumbnail size (width of ~128 pixels). (in LITE projection)
volumeInfo.imageLinks.small string Image link for small size (width of ~300 pixels). (in LITE projection)
volumeInfo.imageLinks.medium string Image link for medium size (width of ~575 pixels). (in LITE projection)
volumeInfo.imageLinks.large string Image link for large size (width of ~800 pixels). (in LITE projection)
volumeInfo.imageLinks.smallThumbnail string Image link for small thumbnail size (width of ~80 pixels). (in LITE projection)
volumeInfo.imageLinks.extraLarge string Image link for extra large size (width of ~1280 pixels). (in LITE projection)
volumeInfo.language string Best language for this volume (based on content). It is the two-letter ISO 639-1 code such as 'fr', 'en', etc.
volumeInfo.mainCategory string The main category to which this volume belongs. It will be the category from the categories list returned below that has the highest weight.
userInfo object User specific information related to this volume. (e.g. page this user last read or whether they purchased this book)
userInfo.review nested object This user's review of this volume, if one exists.
userInfo.readingPosition readingPosition Resource The user's current reading position in the volume, if one is available. (In LITE projection.)
userInfo.isPurchased boolean Whether or not this volume was purchased by the authenticated user making the request. (In LITE projection.)
saleInfo object Any information about a volume related to the eBookstore and/or purchaseability. This information can depend on the country where the request originates from (i.e. books may not be for sale in certain countries).
saleInfo.country string The two-letter ISO_3166-1 country code for which this sale information is valid. (In LITE projection.)
saleInfo.saleability string Whether or not this book is available for sale or offered for free in the Google eBookstore for the country listed above. Possible values are FOR_SALE, FREE, NOT_FOR_SALE, or FOR_PREORDER.
saleInfo.isEbook boolean Whether or not this volume is an eBook (can be added to the My eBooks shelf).
saleInfo.listPrice object Suggested retail price. (in LITE projection)
saleInfo.listPrice.amount double Amount in the currency listed below. (In LITE projection.)
saleInfo.listPrice.currencyCode string An ISO 4217, three-letter currency code. (In LITE projection.)
saleInfo.retailPrice object The actual selling price of the book. This is the same as the suggested retail or list price unless there are offers or discounts on this volume. (in LITE projection)
saleInfo.retailPrice.amount double Amount in the currency listed below. (In LITE projection.)
saleInfo.retailPrice.currencyCode string An ISO 4217, three-letter currency code. (In LITE projection.)
accessInfo object Any information about a volume related to reading or obtaining that volume text. This information can depend on country (books may be public domain in one country but not in another, e.g.).
accessInfo.country string The two-letter ISO_3166-1 country code for which this access information is valid. (In LITE projection.)
accessInfo.viewability string The read access of a volume. Possible values are PARTIAL, ALL_PAGES, NO_PAGES or UNKNOWN. This value depends on the country listed above. A value of PARTIAL means that the publisher has allowed some portion of the volume to be viewed publicly, without purchase. This can apply to eBooks as well as non-eBooks. Public domain books will always have a value of ALL_PAGES.
accessInfo.epub object Information about epub content. (in LITE projection)
accessInfo.pdf object Information about pdf content. (in LITE projection)
accessInfo.accessViewStatus string Combines the access and viewability of this volume into a single status field for this user. Values can be FULL_PURCHASED, FULL_PUBLIC_DOMAIN, SAMPLE or NONE. (In LITE projection.)
accessInfo.embeddable boolean Whether this volume can be embedded in a viewport using the Embedded Viewer API.
accessInfo.publicDomain boolean Whether or not this book is public domain in the country listed above.
userInfo.updated datetime Timestamp when this volume was last modified by a user action, such as a reading position update, volume purchase or writing a review. (RFC 3339 UTC date-time format).
userInfo.isPreordered boolean Whether or not this volume was pre-ordered by the authenticated user making the request. (In LITE projection.)
saleInfo.onSaleDate datetime The date on which this book is available for sale.
accessInfo.textToSpeechPermission string Whether text-to-speech is permitted for this volume. Values can be ALLOWED, ALLOWED_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY, or NOT_ALLOWED.
accessInfo.epub.isAvailable boolean Is a flowing text epub available either as public domain or for purchase. (In LITE projection.)
accessInfo.pdf.isAvailable boolean Is a scanned image pdf available either as public domain or for purchase. (In LITE projection.)
accessInfo.downloadAccess nested object Information about a volume's download license access restrictions.
accessInfo.downloadAccess.kind string Resource type.
accessInfo.downloadAccess.volumeId string Identifies the volume for which this entry applies.
accessInfo.downloadAccess.restricted boolean Whether this volume has any download access restrictions.
accessInfo.downloadAccess.deviceAllowed boolean If restricted, whether access is granted for this (user, device, volume).
accessInfo.downloadAccess.justAcquired boolean If deviceAllowed, whether access was just acquired with this request.
accessInfo.downloadAccess.maxDownloadDevices integer If restricted, the maximum number of content download licenses for this volume.
accessInfo.downloadAccess.downloadsAcquired integer If restricted, the number of content download licenses already acquired (including the requesting client, if licensed).
accessInfo.downloadAccess.nonce string Client nonce for verification. Download access and client-validation only.
accessInfo.downloadAccess.source string Client app identifier for verification. Download access and client-validation only.
accessInfo.downloadAccess.reasonCode string Error/warning reason code. Additional codes may be added in the future. 0 OK 100 ACCESS_DENIED_PUBLISHER_LIMIT 101 ACCESS_DENIED_LIMIT 200 WARNING_USED_LAST_ACCESS
accessInfo.downloadAccess.message string Error/warning message.
accessInfo.downloadAccess.signature string Response signature.
searchInfo object Search result information related to this volume.
searchInfo.textSnippet string A text snippet containing the search query.