
BandwidthInfo.Quality Bandwidth quality. 
ConnectionType The connection type which Nearby Connection used to establish a connection. 
Payload.Type The type of this payload. 
PayloadTransferUpdate.Status The status of the payload transfer at the time of this update. 


Connections This interface is deprecated. Use ConnectionsClient.  
Connections.ConnectionResponseCallback This interface is deprecated. Use ConnectionLifecycleCallback instead.  
Connections.MessageListener This interface is deprecated. Use PayloadCallback instead.  
Connections.StartAdvertisingResult Result delivered when a local endpoint starts being advertised. 
ConnectionsClient Entry point for advertising and discovering nearby apps and services, and communicating with them over established connections. 


AdvertisingOptions Options for a call to ConnectionsClient.startAdvertising(String, String, ConnectionLifecycleCallback, AdvertisingOptions)
AdvertisingOptions.Builder Builder class for AdvertisingOptions. 
AppIdentifier This class is deprecated. This class is no longer used.

An identifier for an application; the value of the identifier should be the package name for an Android application to be installed or launched to discover and communicate with the advertised service (e.g. com.example.myapp). Google applications may use this data to prompt the user to install the application.  

AppMetadata This class is deprecated. This class is no longer used.

Metadata about an application. Contains one or more AppIdentifier objects indicating identifiers that can be used to install or launch application(s) that can discover and communicate with the advertised service. Google applications may use this data to prompt the user to install the application.  

BandwidthInfo Information about a connection's bandwidth. 
ConnectionInfo Information about a connection that is being initiated. 
ConnectionLifecycleCallback Listener for lifecycle events associated with a connection to a remote endpoint. 
ConnectionOptions Options for a call to ConnectionsClient.requestConnection(byte[], String, ConnectionLifecycleCallback)
ConnectionOptions.Builder Builder class for ConnectionOptions. 
ConnectionResolution The result after ConnectionLifecycleCallback.onConnectionInitiated(String, ConnectionInfo)
Connections.ConnectionRequestListener This class is deprecated. Use ConnectionLifecycleCallback instead.  
Connections.EndpointDiscoveryListener This class is deprecated. Use EndpointDiscoveryCallback instead.  
ConnectionsOptions Configuration parameters for the Connections API. 
ConnectionsOptions.Builder Builder for ConnectionsOptions
ConnectionsStatusCodes Status codes for nearby connections results. 
DiscoveredEndpointInfo Information about an endpoint when it's discovered. 
DiscoveryOptions Options for a call to ConnectionsClient.startDiscovery(String, EndpointDiscoveryCallback, DiscoveryOptions)
DiscoveryOptions.Builder Builder class for DiscoveryOptions. 
EndpointDiscoveryCallback Listener invoked during endpoint discovery. 
Payload A Payload sent between devices. 
Payload.File Represents a file in local storage on the device. 
Payload.Stream Represents a stream of data. 
PayloadCallback Listener for incoming/outgoing Payloads between connected endpoints. 
PayloadTransferUpdate Describes the status for an active Payload transfer, either incoming or outgoing. 
PayloadTransferUpdate.Builder Builder class for PayloadTransferUpdate. 
Strategy The Strategy to be used when discovering or advertising to Nearby devices. 


AuthenticationException AuthenticationException for DeviceProvider connection.