Contains data classes for leaderboards.


LeaderboardVariant.Collection A leaderboard collection. 
LeaderboardVariant.TimeSpan A leaderboard time span. 


Leaderboard Data interface for leaderboard metadata. 
LeaderboardScore Data interface representing a single score on a leaderboard. 
LeaderboardVariant Data interface for a specific variant of a leaderboard; a variant is defined by the combination of the leaderboard's collection (public or friends) and time span (daily, weekly, or all-time). 


LeaderboardBuffer AbstractDataBuffer implementation containing Leaderboard data. 
LeaderboardScoreBuffer AbstractDataBuffer containing LeaderboardScore data. 
ScoreSubmissionData Data object representing the result of submitting a score to a leaderboard. 
ScoreSubmissionData.Result Simple data class containing the result data for a particular time span.