Example policies: fully managed device

This page contains example policy settings for a fully managed device. Typically, fully managed devices are company-owned and used exclusively for work purposes. If a device is set up as fully managed, Android Device Policy automatically applies policy settings to the entire device. This makes it possible to apply the same policy to fully managed devices and devices with work profiles.

"passwordRequirements": {
  "passwordMinimumLength": 6,
  "passwordQuality": "ALPHABETIC"
"applications": [{
    "defaultPermissionPolicy": "GRANT",
    "installType": "FORCE_INSTALLED", // Auto-installs app in the work profile
    "packageName": "com.google.android.gm"
    "installType": "AVAILABLE", // Adds app to the work profile's managed Play Store
    "packageName": "com.google.android.apps.docs"