Google Analytics User Deletion API Changelog

We periodically update the Google Analytics User Deletion API in order to deliver new features and to repair defects discovered in previous versions. In most cases, these changes will be transparent to API developers. However, occasionally we need to make changes that require developers to modify their existing applications.

This page documents any changes made to the Google Analytics User Deletion API that might affect your application. We recommend that API developers periodically check this list for any new announcements. You can also subscribe to changes via the feeds listed under the Subscribe section below.

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Includes all Collection, Configuration, and Reporting APIs.

This is the initial release of the User Deletion API:

  • The User Deletion API allows a Google Analytics customer to delete data for a given end user from a project or web property. User Deletion requests can be made using either Firebase projects or Google Analytics properties. Visit the User Deletion API Overview for more details.