Remarketing Audiences: list

Требуется авторизация

Перечисляет аудитории ремаркетинга, к которым у пользователя есть доступ. См. пример .





Имя параметра Ценить Описание
Параметры пути
accountId string Идентификатор аккаунта аудиторий ремаркетинга, которые необходимо получить.
webPropertyId string Идентификатор веб-ресурса аудиторий ремаркетинга, которые необходимо получить.
Необязательные параметры запроса
max-results integer Максимальное количество аудиторий ремаркетинга, которое можно включить в этот ответ.
start-index integer Индекс первого извлекаемого объекта. Используйте этот параметр в качестве механизма нумерации страниц вместе с параметром max-results.
type string


Для этого запроса требуется авторизация хотя бы с одной из следующих областей ( подробнее об аутентификации и авторизации читайте здесь ).


Тело запроса

Не предоставляйте тело запроса с помощью этого метода.


В случае успеха этот метод возвращает тело ответа следующей структуры:

  "kind": "analytics#remarketingAudiences",
  "username": string,
  "totalResults": integer,
  "startIndex": integer,
  "itemsPerPage": integer,
  "previousLink": string,
  "nextLink": string,
  "items": [
    management.remarketingAudience Resource
Имя свойства Ценить Описание Примечания
kind string Тип коллекции.
username string Идентификатор электронной почты аутентифицированного пользователя
totalResults integer Общее количество результатов по запросу независимо от количества результатов в ответе.
startIndex integer Начальный индекс ресурсов, который по умолчанию равен 1 или иным образом указан параметром запроса start-index.
itemsPerPage integer Максимальное количество ресурсов, которое может содержать ответ, независимо от фактического количества возвращаемых ресурсов. Его значение находится в диапазоне от 1 до 1000 со значением 1000 по умолчанию или иным образом, указанным в параметре запроса max-results.
items[] list Список аудиторий ремаркетинга.


Примечание. Примеры кода, доступные для этого метода, не представляют все поддерживаемые языки программирования (список поддерживаемых языков см. на странице клиентских библиотек ).


Использует клиентскую библиотеку Java .

 * Note: This code assumes you have an authorized Analytics service object.
 * See the Remarketing Audiences Developer Guide for details.

 * This request lists existing Remarketing Audience instances.
try {
  RemarketingAudiences audiences =, propertyId).execute();

   * The results of the list method are stored in the audiences object.
   * The following code shows how to iterate through them.
  for (RemarketingAudience audience : audiences.getItems()) {
    System.out.println("Audience Id: " + audience.getId());
    System.out.println("Audience Name: " + audience.getName());

    // Get the linked accounts.
    for (LinkedForeignAccount link : audience.getLinkedAdAccounts()) {
      System.out.println("Linked Account ID: " + link.getLinkedAccountId());
      System.out.println("Linked Account Type: " + link.getType());

    //  Get the audience type.
    for (String linkedView : audience.getLinkedViews()) {
      System.out.println("Linked View ID: " + linkedView);

    // Get audience type.
    String audienceType = audience.getAudienceType();
    System.out.println("Audience Type: " + audienceType);
    // Get the audience definition.
    if (audienceType.equals("SIMPLE")) {
      AudienceDefinition audienceDefinition = audience.getAudienceDefinition();

      // Get the inclusion conditions.
      IncludeConditions conditions = audienceDefinition.getIncludeConditions();
      System.out.println("Condition daysToLookBack: " + conditions.getDaysToLookBack());
          "Condition membershipDurationDays: " + conditions.getMembershipDurationDays());
      System.out.println("Condition Segment: " + conditions.getSegment());
    } else if (audienceType.equals("STATE_BASED")) {
      StateBasedAudienceDefinition stateBasedAudienceDefinition =

      // Get the inclusion conditions.
      IncludeConditions includeConditions = stateBasedAudienceDefinition.getIncludeConditions();
          "Inclusion conditions daysToLookBack: " + includeConditions.getDaysToLookBack());
          "Inclusion conditions membershipDurationDays: "
              + includeConditions.getMembershipDurationDays());
      System.out.println("Inclusion conditions segment: " + includeConditions.getSegment());

      // Get the exclusion conditions.
      ExcludeConditions excludeConditions = stateBasedAudienceDefinition.getExcludeConditions();
          "Exclusion conditions exclusionDuration: "
              + excludeConditions.getExclusionDuration());
      System.out.println("Exclusion conditions segment: " + excludeConditions.getSegment());
} catch (GoogleJsonResponseException e) {
      "There was a service error: "
          + e.getDetails().getCode()
          + " : "
          + e.getDetails().getMessage());


Использует клиентскую библиотеку PHP .

 * Note: This code assumes you have an authorized Analytics service object.
 * See the Remarketing Audiences Developer Guide for details.

 * This request lists existing Remarketing Audience instances.
try {
  $audiences = $analytics->management_remarketingAudience->listManagementRemarketingAudience($accountId, $propertyId);

   * The results of the list method are stored in the audiences object.
   * The following code shows how to iterate through them.
  foreach ($audiences->getItems() as $audience) {
  $html = <<<HTML
Audience Id: = {$audience->getId()}
Audience Name: = {$audience->getName()}

    // Get the linked accounts.
    foreach ($audience->getLinkedAdAccounts() as $link) {
      $html .=<<<HTML
Linked Account ID: = {$link->getLinkedAccountId()}
Linked Account Type: = {$link->getType()}

    //  Get the linked views.
    foreach ($audience->getLinkedViews() as $linkedView) {
      $html .=<<<HTML
Linked View ID: = {$linkedView}

    // Get audience type.
    $audienceType = $audience->getAudienceType();

    $html .==<<<HTML
Audience Type: = {$audienceType}

    // Get the audience definition.
    if ($audienceType == "SIMPLE") {
      Google_Service_Analytics_RemarketingAudienceAudienceDefinition $audienceDefinition = $audience->getAudienceDefinition();

      // Get the inclusion conditions.
      IncludeConditions conditions = $audienceDefinition->getIncludeConditions();
      $html .=<<<HTML
Condition daysToLookBack: = {conditions->getDaysToLookBack()}
Condition membershipDurationDays: = {conditions}getMembershipDurationDays());
Condition Segment: = {conditions->getSegment()}
    } else if ($audienceType == "STATE_BASED") {
      StateBasedAudienceDefinition $stateBasedAudienceDefinition =

      // Get the inclusion conditions.
      Google_Service_Analytics_IncludeConditions $includeConditions = $stateBasedAudienceDefinition->getIncludeConditions();

      $html .=<<<HTML
Inclusion conditions daysToLookBack: = {$includeConditions->getDaysToLookBack()}
Inclusion conditions membershipDurationDays: = {$includeConditions->getMembershipDurationDays()}
Inclusion conditions segment: = {$includeConditions->getSegment()}

      // Get the exclusion conditions.
      Google_Service_Analytics_RemarketingAudienceStateBasedAudienceDefinitionExcludeConditions $excludeConditions = $stateBasedAudienceDefinition->getExcludeConditions();

      $html .=<<<HTML
Exclusion conditions exclusionDuration: {$excludeConditions->getExclusionDuration()}
Exclusion conditions segment: = {$excludeConditions->getSegment()}

    $html .= '</pre>';
    print $html;
} catch (apiServiceException $e) {
  print 'There was an Analytics API service error '
      . $e->getCode() . ':' . $e->getMessage();

} catch (apiException $e) {
  print 'There was a general API error '
      . $e->getCode() . ':' . $e->getMessage();


Использует клиентскую библиотеку Python .

# Note: This code assumes you have an authorized Analytics service object.
# See the Remarketing Audiences Developer Guide for details.

# This request lists existing Remarketing Audience.
  audiences =

except TypeError, error:
  # Handle errors in constructing a query.
  print 'There was an error in constructing your query : %s' % error

except HttpError, error:
  # Handle API errors.
  print ('There was an API error : %s : %s' %
         (error.resp.status, error.resp.reason))

# The results of the list method are stored in the audiences object.
# The following code shows how to iterate through them.
for audience in audiences.get('items', []):
  print 'Audience Id = %s' % audience.get('id')
  print 'Audience name = %s' % audience.get('name')
  for view in audience.get('linkedViews'):
    print 'linkedView = %s' % view

  # Get the linked accounts.
  for link in audience.get('linkedAdAccounts', []):
    print 'Link type = %s' % link.get('type')
    print 'Link linkedAccountId = %s' % link.get('linkedAccountId')

  # Get the audience type.
  audienceType = audience.get('type')
  print 'Audience type = %s' % audienceType

  # Get the audience definition.
  if audienceType == 'SIMPLE':
    definition = audience.get('audienceDefinition', {})
    # Get the include conditions.
    condition = definition.get('includeConditions', {})
    print 'Condition daysToLookBack = %s' % condition.get('daysToLookBack')
    print 'Condition membershipDurationDays = %s' % condition.get(
    print 'Condition segment = %s' % condition.get('segment')
  elif audienceType == 'STATE_BASED':
    definition = audience.get('stateBasedAudienceDefinition', {})
    # get the include conditions
    condition = definition.get('includeConditions', {})
    print 'Condition daysToLookBack = %s' % condition.get('daysToLookBack')
    print 'Condition membershipDurationDays = %s' % condition.get(
    print 'Condition segment = %s' % condition.get('segment')
    # get the exclude condition
    condition = definition.get('excludeConditions', {})
    print 'Condition exclusionDuration = %s' % condition.get(
    print 'Condition segment = %s' % condition.get('segment')


Использует клиентскую библиотеку JavaScript .

 * Note: This code assumes you have an authorized Analytics client object.
 * See the Unsampled Reports Developer Guide for details.

 * This request lists existing Remarketing Audiences.
function listRemarketingAudiences(accountId, propertyId) {
  let request =
      'accountId': accountId,
      'webPropertyId': propertyId,

 * The results of the list method are passed as the results object.
 * The following code shows how to iterate through them.
function printResults(results) {
  if (results && !results.error) {
    let audiences = results.items;
    for (let i = 0, audience; audience = audiences[i]; i++) {
      console.log('Audience Id ' +;
      console.log('Audience name ' +;
    for (let j = 0, view; audience.linkedViews[j]; j++) {
      console.log('linkedView ' + view);

    // Get the linked accounts.
    let linkedAccounts = audience.linkedAdAccounts;
    for (let j = 0, link; link = linkedAccounts[i]; i++) {
      console.log('Link type ' + link.type);
      console.log('Link linkedAccountId ' + link.linkedAccountId);

    // Get the audience type.
    let audienceType = audience.type;
    console.log('Audience type ' + audienceType);

    // Get the audience definition.
    if (audienceType == 'SIMPLE') {
      let definition = audience.audienceDefinition;

      // Get the include conditions.
      let condition = definition.includeConditions;
      console.log('Condition daysToLookBack ' + condition.daysToLookBack);
      console.log('Condition membershipDurationDays ' +
      console.log('Condition segment ' + condition.segment);
    } else if (audienceType == 'STATE_BASED') {
      let definition = audience.stateBasedAudienceDefinition;

      // Get the include conditions.
      let condition = definition.includeConditions;
      console.log('Condition daysToLookBack ' +
      console.log('Condition membershipDurationDays ' + condition.membershipDurationDays);
      console.log('Condition segment ' + condition.segment);

      // Get the exclude condition
      let excludeCondition = definition.excludeConditions;
      console.log('Condition exclusionDuration ' +
      console.log('Condition segment ' + excludeCondition.segment);