Custom Data Sources

The customDataSources collection is a set of customDataSource resources, each of which describes a custom data source available to an authenticated user.

For a list of methods for this resource, see the end of this page.

Resource representations

JSON template for an Analytics custom data source.

  "id": string,
  "kind": "analytics#customDataSource",
  "selfLink": string,
  "accountId": string,
  "webPropertyId": string,
  "name": string,
  "description": string,
  "type": string,
  "uploadType": "analytics#uploads",
  "importBehavior": "OVERWRITE",
  "importBehavior": "SUMMATION",
  "uploadType": "analytics#dailyUploads",
  "profilesLinked": [
  "created": datetime,
  "updated": datetime,
  "parentLink": {
    "type": "analytics#webproperty",
    "href": string
  "childLink": {
    "type": "analytics#dailyUploads",
    "href": string
  "childLink": {
    "type": "analytics#uploads",
    "href": string
Property name Value Description Notes
accountId string Account ID to which this custom data source belongs.
childLink.href string Link to the list of uploads for this custom data source.
childLink.type string Value is "analytics#uploads".
created datetime Time this custom data source was created.
description string Description of custom data source.
id string Custom data source ID.
importBehavior string How cost data metrics are treated when there are duplicate keys. If this property is set to "SUMMATION" the values are added; if this property is set to "OVERWRITE" the most recent value overwrites the existing value.
kind string Resource type for Analytics custom data source.
name string Name of this custom data source.
parentLink.href string Link to the web property to which this custom data source belongs.
parentLink.type string Value is "analytics#webproperty".
profilesLinked[] list IDs of views (profiles) linked to the custom data source.
schema[] list Collection of schema headers of the custom data source.
type string Type of the custom data source.
updated datetime Time this custom data source was last modified.
uploadType string The resource type with which the custom data source can be used to upload data; it can have the values "analytics#uploads" or "analytics#dailyUploads". Custom data sources with this property set to "analytics#dailyUploads" are deprecated and should be migrated using the uploads resource.
webPropertyId string Web property ID of the form UA-XXXXX-YY to which this custom data source belongs.


List custom data sources to which the user has access.