Validating Hits - Measurement Protocol

This document describes how to validate Google Analytics Measurement Protocol hits.


The Google Analytics Measurement Protocol does not return HTTP error codes, even if a Measurement Protocol hit is malformed or missing required parameters. To ensure that your hits are correctly formatted and contain all required parameters, you can test them against the validation server before deploying them to production.

This guide describes the process for sending hits to the Measurement Protocol Validation Server and explains how to interpret the response.

Sending hits for validation

Hits can be sent to the Measurement Protocol Validation Server via any method currently supported by the Measurement Protocol. The only difference is the URL. To send hits to the Measurement Protocol Validation Server use the endpoint /debug/collect instead of /collect. The follow example shows an invalid hit sent to the Measurement Protocol Validation Server:

For more details on how to construct a Measurement Protocol hit, see the protocol reference.

Interpreting the Response

Responses from the Measurement Protocol Validation Server will be in JSON format. The following example shows the response for the hit shown above:

  "hitParsingResult": [
      "valid": false,
      "hit": "GET /debug/collect?tid=fake\u0026v=1 HTTP/1.1",
      "parserMessage": [
          "messageType": "ERROR",
          "description": "The value provided for parameter 'tid' is invalid. Please see for details.",
          "parameter": "tid"
          "messageType": "ERROR",
          "description": "Tracking Id is a required field for this hit. Please see for details.",
          "parameter": "tid"

The response root, hitParsingResult, is an array whose length will correspond to the number of hits sent in the original request. Each object in the array will contain the keys valid, hit, and parserMessage. If a hit is invalid, parserMessage will contain an array of objects describing the validation issues. If a hit is valid, parserMessage will be an empty array.

The following table describes the properties of each item in the hitParsingResult array:

Key Type Description
valid Boolean true for valid hits, false for invalid hits.
hit string A string containing the path of the request as well as its method and protocol.
parserMessage Array A list of parser messages. If the hit is valid, this array will be empty.
parserMessage.messageType string Possible values are "INFO", "WARN", and "ERROR".
parserMessage.description string Additional details or steps to fix the validation issue.
parserMessage.parameter string|undefined The parameter (if applicable) causing the validation issue.