User properties

User properties describe segments of your user base, such as language preference or geographic location. Analytics automatically logs some user properties. If you want to collect additional properties, you can set up to 25 additional user properties per project. See Custom user properties to learn how to set and register user properties.

User properties enhance user segmentation, but user property data is often only available server-side. The measurement protocol lets you augment client-side measurements with server-side data, which is typically infeasible using only client-side solutions.

Reserved names

Some user property names are reserved and cannot be used in measurements:

  • first_open_time
  • first_visit_time
  • last_deep_link_referrer
  • user_id
  • first_open_after_install

Additionally, user property names cannot begin with:

  • google_
  • ga_
  • firebase_

Example usage

In the following example, your CRM has a user property (customer_tier) you would like to add to your measurements. customer_tier can be set to one of premium or standard. To get this user property in your reports, you would do the following:

First, have the client send an add_payment_info event along with a call to a server API that has access to your CRM system:

client code

gtag('event', 'add_payment_info');
gtag('get', 'G-XXXXXXXXX', 'client_id', (clientId) => {
  ServerAPI.addCustomerTier(clientId, [{name: "add_payment_info"}]);

Your server then augments the measurement with the customer_tier user property using the measurement protocol:

server code

const measurementId = 'G-XXXXXXXXX';
const apiSecret = '<secret_value>';

function addCustomerTier(clientId, events) {

  // Request the customer tier from the CRM.
  const customerTier = getCustomerTier(appInstanceId);

  const queryParams = `?measurement_id=${measurementId}&api_secret=${apiSecret}`;
  fetch(`${queryParams}`, {
    method: "POST",
    body: JSON.stringify({
      "client_id": clientId,
      "user_properties": {
        "customer_tier": {
          "value": customerTier
      "events": JSON.parse(events)

This user property reports the two segments premium and standard.

See Sending events for full details on how to send events using the Measurement Protocol.